Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm
I’ve really enjoyed studying Español. Equates to me absolutely clobbering the competition.


Definitely Fall weather. Narrow miss with the hurricane.

Cleaned the glass door. Stays cleaner WAY longer since I don’t have little fingers around anymore. Glad I get to see them at Azalea!

Blew the driveway and deck. Lots of leaf litter and twigs from the strong wind. No rain to speak of.

Watered the plants on the deck.

Swept the kitchen and some leaves from the living room.

Listened to radio from Madrid. Did some research about other all talk radio in Spanish. I have several new sources now including from Argentina, Colombia and Mexico.

I’ve seen this car several times before. I think it’s hilarious.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps. I always do the self-serve since the pandemic.

I wrote the newsletter and took it to my office to get printed off on Monday. The secretary dropped by unexpectedly today, so I was able to bring the copies home this evening.

I’ve done some research on tree roots. I always thought they went quite deep. Apparently, they actually grow quite shallowly and cover a lot of ground. This crack in the pavement proves that idea.

Miles was at a golf tournament with his tree company today, so I met the girls at the bus. Penelope is doing great! Doesn’t get any better than all As!

They’ve both been sick. Penelope stayed home from school three days this week. Everly isn’t well now. I took them out for ice cream then over to my office. The fellowship hall downstairs is a good place for them to skate.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:37 pm
I also learn new words in English!

I’m afraid these massive hurricanes are going to be the new normal. Enjoyed checking out CNN in Español!



This is my new favorite exercise. I add new words to my vocabulary while I’m doing lessons then practice the words with this.

Cool day with lots of wind. Probably hurricane related.

Went to Stone Mountain to record. While I was there, I saw a tree I didn’t recognize.

I had a fun chat with my buddy Rob Chapman in England. He’s thinking about going to school to study Theology. I thought I’d give him some input.

Had a delicious lunch at the German Bakery.

Listened to radio from Spain.

Went to my office to check the mail.

Met the girls at the school bus. Penelope went to school but still isn’t feeling well. She has a booboo on her lip, probably a fever blister from being sick. Everly is coughing a lot but seems to feel ok.

Lot of kids to help with homework. I’m getting better at teaching how to do percentage word problems. I just basically have to figure it all out on my own. They don’t have textbooks!
They were very worried about the hurricane. I tried to tell them it was going to miss us.

Recorded “Bleach Stains” and downloaded it onto my Mac Air.

Miles has a golf tournament he’s playing in with the folks from the tree company. I may have to go back to Chamblee to take care of the grandgirls. Long week since I had to work last Sunday at Peachtree Corners. I really need the days off.
Comments Off on Spanish! Podcast! Rob! Azalea! 9.29.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 7:59 pm
I like the sound of this.


“What percentage is 6 of 8?” was a question I remembered last night from the material I was trying to teach the kids how to do. Turns out I did it right (75%). She told me when she re-entered the answer it said it was right. Made me feel better.


I shared this app with Miles. I thought he might find it helpful in his tree company.

Had a good talk with my buddy, Anthony.

Gassed up my car and checked the fluids. I realized today I need to get my oil changed. I’ll do that asap.

Listened to radio from Spain. These are the Canary Islands which are a part of that country.

Got some good news from one of our supporting churches.

Checked the mail at my office. Processed the checks and deposited them.

The construction of the new condos across the street continues. The clouds are from Hurricane Ian.

Cleaned my shoes.

Met Everly at the bus.

Milo is playing in a golf tournament on Friday. I explained how golf works to Everly.

The girls planted some flowers.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “What Else Is On?” Excellent.

Comments Off on Spanish! Bank! Grandgirls! Azalea! Podcast! 9.28.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:35 pm
I thought this was interesting.

Studying subjunctive tense in past imperfect.



I liked these quotes by Karl Jung.

Never seen an oak like this.

I pumped up a couple of the boy’s soccer balls.

Beautiful weather.

Had a short chat with my buddy, Anthony.

Got some puzzles for Miles for his birthday.

Rode my bike 13.01 miles. I forgot to start tracking my mileage until I got to my two mile marker.

Blew the driveway when I got home.

Cleaned my outdoor carpet and the St. Francis shrine.

I helped the kids with their homework till about 7:30 PM. It was really hard. I’m not really up on percentage word problems. Most of the time I can figure them out, but others not so much. For example: What percentage of 8 is 6?
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:27 pm
Español! I had a great race at the end of the evening last night. I think my competitor deserved the number one place. He ended up making more than 6,000 points in one day in order to topple me. I really only care about being in the top three which is what Duolingo records.

Just keep going . . .

This matching pairs lesson is the one I’m the best at.

Gorgeous weather today!


Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders. I think the male has already left to back south.

Rode my bike 12.41 miles after pumping the tires up. Perfect weather for a bike ride!

Penelope was sick today. Ashley stayed home to take care of her. Everly stayed home as well because she was afraid to get on the bus to home by herself. Ashley takes them to school in the mornings on her way to work.
Everly went over to Taco Veloz for Huevos Rancheros, beans and rice with me before I worked with the kids.

Listened to radio from Spain. Studied some new words including for hummingbird!

I do my part to make Duolingo better.

HUGE group of kids needing help. I’ve had to set up a second table most days. Most are camera shy.
Comments Off on Bike! Azalea! Everly’s Birthday! 9.26.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 4:53 pm
I’m having great success with a particular exercise in Duolingo which is basically flash cards.

I don’t always understand why the verbal conjugations are used. This morning I figured out I was using a simple preterite in the subjunctive tense which as far as I know was never explained. I just finally figured out that was what was happening and I looked it up on my verb app and I was right.

Happy, Rosh Hashana!

Listened to radio from Spain.


Went to Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Strategic Synergy.”
Started to drizzle while I was recording. I was planning on riding my bike today. I didn’t go because the roads were slick.

Watered my plants.

Downloaded the podcast file onto my Mac Air.

Comments Off on Spanish! Podcast! Orchids! 9.25.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:58 pm
My iPhone from time to time will dim itself, like it’s in a dark room where the screen shouldn’t be so bright. Did research on it. Could be a feature when the iPhone thinks it’s not actually being used and goes into a power conservation mode. Still not sure if I’ve fixed it.

Last night, our power went out for over two hours. I called Walton Power to report it. Some transformer was switched off probably by some animal getting electrocuted.

It was REALLY dark.



Ordered groceries.

Listened to Spanish radio.

Everly had a super, fun party.

I got us an Oreo ice cream cake from DQ!

Lots of presents!

I bought a bunch of stuff from the Dollar tree so the other kids could have some presents too.

Warm day!

I rested and then went for a bike ride.

Studied Spanish after I got showered from my ride.

Picked up groceries and put them up.

Blew the driveway.
Comments Off on Everly’s Party! Bike! Groceries! 9.24.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 2:38 pm
I enjoyed looking at Anthony’s AI art creations with my new TV. Fantastic!

I’m still on the wait list to get the program.

Doing well in the Spanish leagues. I’m bouncing from first and second.



Took Jessi to the CT scan place to see how bad the deviated septum she has is.

K,J and I went to LT.
Went to the Dollar Tree to get little gifts for the rest of the party participants. Also got balloons and decorations.

Cool morning. Warmed up.

I’m collecting empty water jugs for my neighbor who is building an igloo with the kids in her class.

Repotted three African violets. I have two more, but ran out of potting soil for them. I may mix some regular soil and some perlite instead.

I got a lot of presents from the Dollar Tree. I wrapped the three big presents for Everly’s party tomorrow. I decided to just put the presents on the table and let them pick what they want.

Comments Off on J! Plants! Presents! Prep! 9.23.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:12 pm
After repotting my orchids, I’d read that I need to start fertilizing them regularly. Sounds like a plan.

This doesn’t sound like it’ll make Putin very popular.

I hear this a lot in conjunction with the former president.

She will nail him.


Another warm day.


My favorite exercise.

Great talk with my buddy Anthony.

It was fun seeing his online art show.

Getting everything ready for repotting my African violets.

I saw a squirrel at my feeders. I immediately brought the food inside. I’ve learned that if I don’t always keep them full, the squirrels stop coming. It takes them a lot more work to get to the feeders than it does for the birds.

BIG crowd to help with homework. It’s all pretty hard. I don’t think there are many volunteers that could do it.

Comments Off on Anthony! Plant Prep! Azalea! 9.22.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm


Listened to radio from Spain.

My fifth time to go to PNC bank to get this mortgage payment figured out. I think we have it done now. I will have to go back to give a full month’s payment the middle of next month and a full payment at the end of next month. After that it’ll be a bi-weekly auto debit. I hope.

I sewed up a dress of Penelope’s.

I moved all my orchids to one table of my garden. That’ll help with the watering. I have to water them more often because of the change of medium that they’re now in, that’s to say wood bark rather than sphagnum moss.

Yard looks way better when I look out the windows now. Amen.

Went to my office to check the mail and put up the supplies I used this Sunday at Peachtree Corners BC.

Felt hot today.

The men were working on the road in front of Azalea today. It was completely blocked. I called Huntley Hills Elementary to give the bus driver a heads up.

Processed and deposited checks.

Everly made a new friend! Her name is Perla. I went to her house to help Everly meet the family and introduce ourselves to the parents.

Helped the kids with their homework. They like to ride down the hill on one of the parent’s truck.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “You Turn 2.”
Get your life on the right path!

Comments Off on Bank! Plants! Grandgirls! Azalea! Podcast! 9.21.22