Tim A. Cummins @ 7:54 pm

Did great in the Duolingo Español Leagues last week!



Low cloud cover this morning.

Got my newsletter over to the FBCD to get it printed. I left a little gift for the church secretary when I picked them up.

Picked up the mail.

Went to the Buford Highway Farmers Market to eat lunch. Saw my old friends the Zamoras when I was there. Blast from the past. They’ve had lots of hard times. These last few years have really been hard on ministries.

Went by the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletters.

Ordered new labels for next month’s newsletter.

Labeled and stuffed the newsletters.

I listened to Spanish radio while I worked. I hear this word a lot. It has many meanings. Here are just some of them.

Got all the letters ready to mail and got them in the post.

We had a good group for the candy throw today. Fun.

Gassed up my car and checked the fluids.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called Wooden Spoon.” Excellent tool!

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:52 pm
We got great use out of our annual passes for Stone Mountain. The grandgirls and I had fun with them. We got to see the Christmas and Halloween spectacles. That was super! We probably went up the cable car and rode the train at least ten times.

The girls spent the night with us last night. After we got them to sleep, I went down to my bed, but left the lights on on the stairway and in my outer room so Everly could find me if she needed to. At around 2:00 AM, she came down to get me to give her some Tylenol. She wasn’t feeling well even when we went to the festival last night. We didn’t stay much more than an hour or so and came home. I stayed up with her till 3:30 AM then went back to sleep in my bed. I felt pretty tired all day long and kind of sad because it don’t like it when the girls are sick.

I’m always learning new words in different languages.

I worked really hard on Español this week. I got beat out for the #1 spot in the last fifteen minutes of the night. It’s fun to have close competitions like that. I don’t really get upset if I don’t come in first place all the time. Good for other people to win too!

Ashley and Miles came to pick up the girls around 11:00 AM. Everly wasn’t feeling well. Made me sad.

I did three poems for the JHA Halloween Special: Jabberwocky, Poison Tree and Antidotes for Fear of Death. They all had kind of a scary groove to them. I’ve been practicing them the last couple of days. If you’re going to perform them, you have to practice them out loud. Still kind of scary to do stuff in front of a group. No big deal to read stuff, or do it off the cuff, but memorized stuff is way more challenging. There was about fifty people that attended.

I wrote and produced my newsletter and printed the labels. I’ll drive into Chamblee tomorrow morning to get those printed. I’ll have everything done and in the mail by tomorrow afternoon if all goes well.

Had fun performing the poems. I did my best, which is pretty much awesome.

Anthony was a great host.

Very tight finale of this week’s competition. Fun!

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:15 pm
Sometimes I learn about English from studying Spanish! I’ve been doing this wrong my whole life.



Cool day.

Had a fun chat with Anthony.

K and I enjoyed Masala for lunch.

I thought this chunk of ice looked cool. It was left in a sippy cup on its side when it froze.

K and I took the girls to Stone Mountain for the Pumpkin Festival this evening. It was packed out.

Penelope and I liked our black light teeth!

I’ll be performing these three poems tomorrow night for a conference that my buddy Anthony is setting up.

Grandgirls sleeping over. Everly wasn’t feeling well. Father, help them sleep well and heal. Amen.
Final score for the evening. I don’t really mind coming in second. I just like to be in the top three. That’s what Duolingo actually counts. I study way harder when the competition is tight. That’s why I like doing the leagues. Keeps me motivated.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:48 pm
Comments Off on Español! Anthony! Marcus! Car! 10.28.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm


Ordered groceries.

Spent some time reinforcing these pieces of paper with tape. I use it to block the sun off my face when I’m recording in my car. It hangs out the driver’s side window.

Had a fun time talking with my buddy Anthony this morning. We’re going to do a program together for Halloween on Sunday night.

Gorgeous day.

Watered the ficus in my office.

Checked the mail, processed the checks and deposited them.

I really enjoy the kid’s art work.

Teaching my sixth graders algebra. It really is my favorite part of math.

Gorgeous new moon.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “The Need to be Needed.” Excellent. Downloaded it onto my Mac.

Looking forward to the weekend. I need some rest. I’ve been exposed to some bad virus, I need to get plenty of sleep. I’ve been waking up around 3:30 AM and not being able to go back to sleep till around 6 AM. That’s not zesty.
Kathy followed me over to T&G. Dropped my car off. Needed to get my AC serviced. Hopefully, it just needs freon. Please. Let that be all it needs.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm
This always sounds good.

Worked hard on Español.


I really believe in what the Democratic Party is doing to improve this country.

Beautiful day.

Went to the German Bakery for lunch. Saw a picture of Clint Eastwood there.

The grandgirls were sick today. Everly felt a bit better but was still running a fever. Ashley will take them to the doctor tomorrow.
Helped the kids with their homework. Three of them had big projects due tomorrow. Drives me crazy when they refuse to plan ahead. I didn’t leave the mission till after 8:00 PM.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Highlights.” Excellent.

Pushed my way up to the second place right now. There is some serious competition this week.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:55 pm

Listened to radio from Spain.


I get a tremendous amount of email about donating to Democrats. I’ve given money a couple of times, especially when it’s double what I’m donating. I’ll probably give one more time with the triple match.

Went to bank to deposit checks after processing them.

Beautiful day.

Beautiful clouds.

Had a good talk with my friend Barbara Hays. She lost her husband last week. Sad.

Went to Walmart to pick up candy for Halloween on Monday.

Sent a text to the manager of Azalea about having a party on Monday for the kids.

Dollar Tree for poster board for the kids. They’ve been needing it a lot lately for projects at school. I got more markers and construction paper too.

Everly came home sick. She had a temperature of 102.5. That’s not good. I immediately gave her some Tylenol. That seemed to help some. She also took a nap. Little sweetheart.

Penelope got her halloween costume in the mail. She’s a four-armed alien. Super cute.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework.

I thought Maico did a good job on his project for Social Studies.

I scratched my sunglasses recently. Drives me crazy. Fortunately, Shady Rays has a lifetime replacement policy on the pair that I got. I have to pay about $10 for them to ship me a new pair. They are really good ones and it’s great to get new ones if I lose them or they get messed up.

Strong competition this week. I’m in the running. I’m hoping my best category comes up soon. That’s where I make the most points the fastest. Duolingo keeps changing the rules on us. Constantly figuring things out.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:57 pm
I did well in the leagues last week. Substantially more competition this week!


Stiff competition this week. Hard core scholars.

Beautiful day!


I like my new voting sticker. I put them on my coffee cup.

Swept the house.

Went to the Dollar Tree to pick up supplies for the mission and started collecting candy for next Monday.

I thought this article on the top ten languages in the world was surprising and interesting.

Called my mechanics to ask them about my AC which isn’t working well right now. I’ll probably go take it in on Friday.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Talked with my Mom.

I let a family borrow my tables and chairs. Put them back up. I have five tables and twelve chairs. Many of the kids sit on the wall when we run out of chair space.

I was talking to the grandgirls about the angels that protect them. Downloaded some pictures of Gabriel who is my favorite.

Everly was complaining of a headache. I went to Walgreens with her to get some kid’s Tylenol.

Helped the kids at the mission.

I liked Genesis’ pictures.

The grandgirls are going to spend the night with us on Saturday. We’re going to take them to the Pumpkin Festival at Stone Mountain. Our Annual pass lasts until 11/1. It was Supa coo last year.

I love this time of year. The sunsets are fantastic from Azalea.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Puzzle Pieces.” So good

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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:25 pm
I thought these questions were interesting!

I was glad that Ashley and Everly came over to visit Jessi!



Refilled my water bottles and watered my plants.

Sewed a dress for Kathy after we went out to eat at MJ’s.
Deposited checks at the bank. Processed them and added them to our spreadsheet.


Gassed up my car and checked the fluids. My AC doesn’t seem to be working. That’s never good, even in the winter.

Beautiful day.

I saw this picture on Facebook. It’s in Nairobi. Still not finished.

Miles got his Astronaut costume in.

I installed my new phone holder. The other one wore out.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Wet Concrete.” It’s excellent.

Looks like they finished shooting the Black Carnival scene at Stone Mountain.

Got home and blew the roof and gutters.

Got off the roof and blew the deck and driveway.

I always enjoy seeing this.

Downloaded the new episode of Verbal Surgery onto my Mac.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:20 pm
Kathy and I have been enjoying celebrating Jessi’s birthday coming up on the 24th. Today, we took her to eat Indian food. We got there about twenty minutes early. They went for a walk while I explored Indian culture. I got on a live video with my buddy Anthony who also loves that culture. I took him through several stores.

The food was delicious!


Cool day.


Pumped up my bike and went for a 19.31 mile ride. I wore my map jacket plus my light blue hoodie and was just about the perfect temperature. Yesterday, without the extra hoodie, I got pretty cold.

I’ll come in #1 this week. I doubt anyone can beat me. When I get so far ahead it’s hard for me to continue to push myself.

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