Whirlwind Missions

Monday, October 17, 2022

Español! Azalea! Car! 10.17.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm  

Came in second place in the Diamond league of Duolingo last week. It’s a competition with the best students.

Good start for the week.

Worked on a letter to my credit card company about a fraudulent charge from the reservation desk of the hotel where we stayed in Tennessee. Not sure whether I’ll ever get my money back.

Still sore from my long ride on Sunday.


I’ve found this funny.

Gassed up my car. Checked the levels. When I got home I added some more windshield wiper fluid.

Talked to the manager at Azalea Place about some tagging that’s been going on around the complex.

Beautiful weather.

It was super windy today. Usually whenever it’s like that we can expect major changes in weather. Cold front is pushing in.

Had a good talk with my Mom. We chatted about orchids. I let her know the kind of fertilizer I’m using on them and on the African violets.

Missed seeing the grandgirls! Glad to be back with them.

Everly and I enjoyed looking through a family photo album that Ashley had put together.

Helped the kids with their homework.

The kids brought some big rocks over to our table where we work. Everly and I put them back in the drainage area.

Fifth graders are studying different kinds of cells.

Penelope did some art (color by numbers) on her tablet. I thought it was lovely.

Cold weather blowing in.

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish on my way home.

Put all my cold weather clothes for the girls back in my car. I’ll let them look through them tomorrow.

Put a new battery in my outdoor clock. It hasn’t been running well. As you can probably tell, it’s been dropped and the glass broke. I have no idea why it wasn’t made out of plastic.

I ordered groceries. Although I usually pick them up after 7 PM, I made it for earlier. I’ve been having to wait around thirty minutes the last couple of times. Decided to give them more time before I get there.