Tim A. Cummins @ 8:50 pm
I got an email from my buddy, Ben Birdsong. I’ll be going to their church on January 8th to run a booth for Whirlwind Missions. Hopefully, K will be able to go with me.


Temperature dropped and wind picked up. Brrr.


Walked 1.02 miles while I was studying.

Cleaned my hat. Dried it.

Went by Westside BC to meet with Pastor John Weldon. Been a couple of years since I’ve seen him. I hope to go back to church there in the future. We’ll see.

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish and radio from Spain.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Went by the church to check the mail.


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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:47 pm

My name is on a USB drive on board this vessel!

My Mom had a fall a couple of weeks ago and hurt her head. We decided to postpone her Christmas trip until February. We worked on it last night and because it was Cyber Monday we ended up saving another $80. Amen!

I posted about Jessi’s condition on my Facebook page. We’ve had several people contact me about helping her. Amen. Certainly can’t hurt!


Español! I’ve started walking while I’m studying. Doing about a 1.2 miles.

I’m still involved with a law suit concerning a friend of mine in London who got hurt at the hotel where the conference I was speaking at.

Talked with my buddy Marcus this morning in England. He and his wife just had their baby boy! Great to see new families!

Went to Walmart to get a prescription filled for Jessi. It’ll be ready by Friday, they had to order it.

Deposited checks at the bank.

Listened to radio from Spain and Harry Potter in Spanish.

Did research about ending LTI, Jessi’s start up. Basically, they lawyers on line said if we don’t owe any money and didn’t make any money we can just walk away and that’s enough. No government entity is going to track down a little company that isn’t making any money.

I set up charging stations for the girl’s tablets. Glad to see they’re being used! Makes me very proud of them. Charging your tech is a great skill to learn!

Worked with the kids at the mission. Big group but they’re so camera shy.

This one is his version of planet Earth.

Working hard.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Raining when I got home.

Sewed the elbow area of one of my map jackets. I only realized recently that they looked pretty good when you sew them up.

Comments Off on Tickets! Fibromyalgia! Bank! 11.29.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:33 pm
I got a refund on some gloves. They were way too small.

Español! It’s weird how I’ve become the guy that I admired.


Blew the driveway and deck.

Had a good talk with my Mom. She had a bad fall recently. We decided it was better for her to heal up before making a trip. Love her!

Went to the Post Office. Their stamp printer was messed up. It printed out all the stamps as singles. They worked.

I went by to check out the early voting lines. They were very long . . . which is usually good for Democrats. I wrote a note to remind me to keep checking.

Got the mail at my office at FBCD. Dropped off the newsletter to be printed.

Processed the checks and deposited them at the bank.

I’m also going to help my Mom figure out her phone.

I gave Penelope her birthday card from Nana.

We went to Walmart to spend her $9. (I put the money back when I got home. She had so much fun with all those $1 bills!). She got a mold to make a unicorn. We had fun mixing it up.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Love the art. He said it was the Lion King. A giraffe is to the left of the lion.

Strong start this week. Did a lot of reading out loud. Great practice.

Listened to radio from Spain on the way home.

Beautiful Moon.

I got the letters in the mail before I went home.

Comments Off on Newsletters! Bank! Azalea! 11.28.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 7:49 pm
I liked these quotes.

Sewed up seams on my shirt.



Walked about 25 minutes while I was studying Spanish.

Gorgeous weather.

Fun to talk with Anthony.

Wrote my newsletter: talk to text.
Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Value of Loss.”
Went to the German bakery for lunch.

Made an appointment to go to the bank tomorrow to try and get this auto bi-weekly payment thing going.

Produced my newsletter and printed labels.

Downloaded the new episode onto my Mac.

Beautiful clouds.

Went to the Post Office but the machine wasn’t working correctly to get stamps.

Picked up the groceries. Put them up. Also got some small envelopes while I was there at Walmart.
Put the labels on the envelopes except for about thirty stamps that I’ll get tomorrow.
Lovely moon.

Comments Off on Anthony! Podcast! Groceries! Newsletter! 11.27.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:24 pm
Kathy got her second shot for Shingles today. She said it was easy. Hope she doesn’t have a reaction like I did!

Always be studying. Español!

Beautiful day!


I misplaced my digital recorder. Kind of freaked me out.

I finally found it in my storage area. I must have had it by the handle of my left hand and dropped it when I dropped the girl’s clothes. Unbelievable! This is where it was.

This is where it should have been.

K and I went for Indian food today. I’m getting a bit tired of it. Maybe I’ll be ready by next Saturday!
Dominating the league this week. I think this will be the first time I’ve won the total tournament in the hardest or Diamond league. I don’t see anyone catching me at this point.

I’ve enjoyed playing Battlefront II and watching the Book of Boba Fett. It’s cool because the same locations in the show are the same ones in the game.
Ashley’s already working on Christmas presents!

Comments Off on Español! India! 11.26.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 6:07 pm


Fun chat with my buddy, Anthony.

Kathy and I went over to Jason’s Deli to meet up with her brother David and his son Dave, Bill with Debora, and her sister Ruth and husband David. We had a fun time chatting together.

Went by my sister’s house to help her with charging cables for her phone. Pretty much everything she had didn’t work.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Fix It.”
So good.

Deposited checks at the bank. Amen.

Took back some gloves to UPS to be sent to Amazon.

Gassed up my car and checked the levels.

Comments Off on Doverspike Siblings! Bank! 11.25.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 6:50 pm
So much of doing well in the Duolingo leagues is about strategy. What lessons to complete and when to gain the maximum advantage of your work.

It’s been really fun to play Battlefront again. I’m playing the updated version: BFII.


I love Penelope’s art.

We had fun at the Kendall’s house. Ashley went out of her way to make me vegetarian options and so did K.

Such a beautiful family!

Good times.
Even on a holiday, my brain doesn’t take a rest.

Comments Off on Thanksgiving! Kendalls! 11.24.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 5:06 pm
After being with us yesterday, the girls slept over last night. They did great!
Español version of BBC news.



Perfect weather!

K stayed home today. Great to have her with us! We took a repeat visit to Evergreen.

My favorite escalator.

We had a fun time in the indoor pool. We actually went outside and got into the outdoor pool too. Brisk!
Went to Snellville to eat at Hot and Cold buffet.

Nana sent some LOL dolls for Penelope’s birthday.

Comments Off on Grandgirls! K! Evergreen! 11.23.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm
I got a notification on Duolingo that today was my three year streak day! Wow.

Everly wore a shirt Penelope had worn when she was little.

She’s working hard on her reading with Duolingo! What a great app and marvelous child.

Always getting some kind of cable. These are for Penelope’s tablet a Fire 7.

Went to my office to check the mail and water my ficus.

Took the girls to Metro Diner for breakfast.

We went to Evergreen for a swim in their indoor pool. We had the place to ourselves for almost the whole hour.

We picked up the Honey Baked ham for the Thanksgiving lunch with the Kendalls. Sure am glad we preordered it! There were seventeen people in line to order!

Aftermath of swimming. Drying and napping.

Then to the Doggie Park for more exercise/fun.

Then to the library. We have such good ones in our county. They’re loaded with computers (MACs!) as well.

Super high tech check out.

This is shot through an acrylic sphere. Can you see Everly’s eye through it? It’s in the yellow loop.


Picked and put up the groceries.
Listened to Spanish radio while I was out.

K fed the girls, then I gave them baths and got clothes on them. Unbelievably, I had my summer clothes bag which had pretty much everything they needed. Sometimes my forethought and planning amazes even me.
Comments Off on 3 Years! Grandgirls! Evergreen! Parks! 11.22.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm
I really liked this article by Eric Barker.

My buddy Anthony and I were talking about how good these two actors are in Andor.

I’m tracking the Orion Spacecraft with my name on board.

I did well last week. I saw that Duolingo corrected my total of Top 3 wins. It’s 35 total. My guess is I’ll have a lot more in the future. I usually follow the best players every week. This is the finals of Duolingo’s hardest league.


Cold morning. Up before dawn to go be with the grandgirls!

I liked Everly’s balloons.

Penelope was hard to get out of bed. She got a lot better after she was dressed and we had breakfast.


I took the girls to Fernbank Museum to see the new Astronaut exhibit.

Fun and interesting.

We had fun at the other exhibits too. Especially the shells and the children’s center.

Everly got a Dino egg at the museum gift shop. The plaster disintegrates and then you scratch it off to reveal a dinosaur.

If I have some competition, I generally work harder. I doubt she’ll last. My goal is about 1,000 points a day. That’s about an hour and a half a day of rigorous concentration. And just as fast as I can do the questions.

Beautiful sunsets.

Comments Off on Grandgirls! Fernbank! Astronauts! 11.21.22