Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm
I work with a lot of Muslim friends at the mission in Azalea.

Ordered groceries.



The garage clock stopped working properly. I put a new battery in it and taped it back together.

Seems to be working now.

Blew the garage and driveway.

Walked and studied for 1.41 miles.

Got really warm today. Short pants weather for sure.

Seven years ago I was invited to speak at this convention. I was super excited to do it and I think I did a great job there. I don’t like the format where there are five other speakers talking at the same time. Shrinks the crowd at presentations.

My earbuds haven’t been working properly lately. Left ear would have trouble staying powered up and the right ear last night wouldn’t pair with my iPhone. Ordered a pair of Tribits. They’re supposed to be really good, especially for sports use. I’m looking forward to wearing these while I’m biking. My other ones would want to fall out all the time.

Good some new expo markers. These were the best deal. They’re ultra fine which is kind of weird feeling but work just fine. Get it?

Worked on a shirt for K. It was a long sleeve shirt, which I cut the sleeves off of. Now I sewed up the arm hole some. It was kind of revealing. K tried it on and thinks I need to sew it up even more. Makes sense.

Went to the Buford Highway Farmers Market for lunch. Always something interesting to see there. I wondered if these were boxes of bras.

Don’t see me using these.

Been listening to this podcast. It’s from the station from Madrid I listen to all the time: Cadena Ser.

Today I went to Walmart and bought a pink magnolia tree to plant in the backyard of the mission. They are my favorite tree and I’m super excited about the spot I’m going to plant her in. LOTS of sun which I’m sure she’ll love. My three PMs at my house have been so beautiful and they hardly get a couple of hours of full sun a day. This one should really thrive.

The girls know how much I love plants. They were very excited about this tree!

Everly enjoyed reading a book about cats to me.

My Mom is coming to visit soon. Finally! We had some illnesses that have kept us from getting together. The grandgirls will be off for Spring Break so that will be double fun.

I find this interesting. I’ve watched it decompose over the last month or so. I actually watched it die.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Checked the mail at my office.


Picked up the groceries.

Just keep going!