Tim A. Cummins @ 7:12 pm
Needed to rest after all the yard work yesterday. The weed whacker is harder on my arms but easier on my back than mowing.
I’ve enjoyed listening to these podcasts. I listened to one today about the book “Out of Africa.”



Rainy. Cleared off and super windy.

Walked along my front porch for thirty minutes.

Released Verbal Surgery -1014- “Vision Collision.”

Downloaded the episode I recorded yesterday onto my Mac Air.

Produced and printed out my newsletter for this week and the labels. Also put the labels on the envelopes. I’ll drop my letter off to be printed tomorrow as well as pick up some stamps.

I really have enjoyed this show.

I assume I’ll come in #1 this week. We’ll see.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:34 pm
Made some reservations for my trip this fall to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Super cheap prices for what looks like an absolutely incredible place.

I’ll be staying here a few nights. Antigua is my coming and going location from Lake Atitlan to the capital, Guatemala City.

I’m using an Air BNB one night at Panajachel.

I’ll be staying here my last night in Guatemala. It’s about a mile from the airport.



Walked 1.73 miles.

I got my old lawnmower out. Gassed it up. Never could get it started. Put it back up.

Decided to try my weed eater instead. I’d say over all I did a B+ job. With practice I think I can do an ever better job. I was able to weed between the lirope plants. No way a mower could do that.

1.22 miles in all. Lot of work. But I don’t think it’s as hard a mowing.

Blew the driveway and the street in front of my house.

I scraped all the leaf matter off the road and into my yard to decompose.

Listened to the podcast. Sometimes, it doesn’t want to load.

Español! Barely edged back into #1. Funny.

Comments Off on Walk! Yard! 4.29.23
Tim A. Cummins @ 7:35 pm
I’m starting my research for my Guatemala trip in earnest. Downloaded three books onto my iPhone. Enjoying that. For my two weeks I’ll be focused on Antigua and the Lake Atitlan areas.

Part of the research is lodging. It can be the hardest. Lots of things to read about.

Sewed up a couple of spots on one of my map jackets. The material hides the sewn area perfectly.




Had a great chat with my buddy Anthony.

Walked 1.28 miles.

Then walked .63 miles at Stone Mountain after I recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Turn Lane.”

Spanish podcast.

Also finished writing the story for my article. I still use talk to text. Seems more natural. Then I email it to myself and paste it into the Pages app on my Mac Air.

There was a film crew in the area AND several Air Force helicopters were practicing landings at one of the parking lots near Stone Mountain. Supposed to be for medical rescues.

Stay close. Last week she did next to nothing on Sat/Sun. They tend to repeat patterns.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:50 pm
End of an era. I’ve probably seen it at least five times. They’d change it a little bit from year to year.

My washing machine smells bad. This product is supposed to help.


Rained on our way to Roswell.


Took Jessi to get blood drawn. She needs that for her HRT treatment and for allergy tests.

Picked up K and then went to Roswell for J’s hearing aid appointment. She gets to try a device for three weeks. The implanted device, if we can get it, will be even better quality.

Then to Azalea to see the girls and Ashley!

Keep going.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:54 pm



Since it was sprinkling, I just walked up and down the steepest part of my street. Walked .83 miles.

This was the bike that Penelope crashed on. The back wheel rim is bent. To the dump it goes.

Gassed up my car. Added oil. I need to get it changed.

Took the grandgirls to Plaza Fiesta. It’s a good place to be inside in.


We enjoyed sugar pecans.

We love this mural.

She posed like she was running. Hilarious child.

Podcast. It’s about sports and is streaming live. Not my favorite, but most of the other podcasts take a while to download.

Watered and sprayed off my ficus.

Processed and deposited checks.

Split my head open by bending down and colliding with an open file cabinet drawer. Fortunately, there was a towel covering the edge. It could’ve been a lot more severe.

Just do my best.

Comments Off on Grandgirls! Plaza Fiesta! Bank! 4.26.23
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:10 pm
It’s Kathy’s birthday today! She brought home Always Fresh for lunch. We went to Provinos for dinner. Both places were free for her on her birthday. Score!
Interesting update about Guatemala.

Beautiful day.



Walked 1.75 miles.

Spanish podcast.

Got a treat in the mail for my Mom.

Went to an antique store in Chamblee today. There are still a few good ones in town. They are one of my favorite places to shoot.

Picked up the girls from the bus and we went on Safari to Perimeter Mall. We ate at the food court then went to Goodwill.

Also looked for cologne. I think I’m going with Versace Eros. I’m going to have to go back to the mall to make sure I get the right name. There are three separate sub-sets of each fragrance.

Sunglass models.

Signed up for Spot the Station again.

As I predicted, she went from #4 to #1 today. I was #1 most of the day.

Comments Off on Birthday! Antiques! Grandgirls! Mall! 4.25.23
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm
As expected, I came in third. As I’ve mentioned before, Duolingo only counts how many times you’ve been in the top three. There’s not much motivation to push myself that hard.

This is one of my goals for my Guatemala trip. Climbing this will be quite an adventure. If the weather isn’t good, I doubt I’ll even try.
I bought my tickets today! Woot. September 29 – October 12. About five months to prepare. It will be very physical. Backpack trip.



This is weird to me.

Walked 1.44 miles.

A little chilly this morning.

Does this hold any sway any more?

Good chat with my Mom. Always a blessing.

Checked the mail at my office.

Had a fun lunch with my buddy Rob Martin. We’ve worked together for years.

Deposited checks. Amen. One of the checks had a problem, the ATM couldn’t read her handwriting. I tried the other ATM. It gave me the option to put the amount of the check and then it was fine.

I have a bag of clothes in my car. I call it the Summer Store. I went through everything with the girls to make sure it’d still fit. Hot weather’s a coming.

Penelope was hungry for Vietnamese food.

As I was driving with Rob after lunch, I spotted this gigantic gorilla in the back yard of a shop. I was stunned. The owner told me it’d been there over three years. He rents props for movies.

Mr. Biggar let us take a quick look through his place.

I recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery yesterday called, “Pocket Change.” So good. I downloaded it onto my Mac this evening.

Stay close. It’s actually the lady in 4th place that will probably win. She’s the high scorer from last week. We usually make about the same amount of points every week. Rarely way more.

Comments Off on Rob! Grandgirls! 4.24.23
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:43 pm
I did a podcast about change this morning and read up on change in our bodies.

Spanish podcast.


Beautiful day.

I had a good chat with my buddy Anthony. He’s always good for a laugh.


I walked 2.02 miles around the Stone Mountain Inn area.

You can sure tell the new sprigs!


I washed off all the siding in the garage and front porch. Lots of pollen on it.

And the pavement.

Rinsed off K’s car.

I blew the pavement as well.

That was a big project.

Vacuumed the house thoroughly. I repaired the power cable going into my vacuum cleaner. Covered the split with electrical tape.

A much harder job was cleaning the carpet. There were a lot of stains. We are clumsy oafs.

The hardest part is the deep scrub. I mix up Oxyclean and hot water, pour it onto the carpet and then scrub it in with my stiff broom.

I listened to some podcasts while I was working on the carpet. I didn’t like this very much.

Takes less than 2 hours to do the actual carpet machine.

It’s hard for me to believe just how much dirt comes out of that carpet. It’s like pure mud.

After I finished the job, I clean all the pieces carefully.

Drying out the carpet.

I ordered a new sheet for my bed. I need to clean the comforter.

To my shock I noticed a crack in my glass protector for my iPhone 11 Pro Max. Replaced it this evening.

I did a great job putting on the new one.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm


Walked 1.60 miles.

Gorgeous weather.

Spanish podcast.

Very windy today. There’s a burn advisory. While on my bike ride I had to tell a man to put out his fire.

Biked 5.96 miles.

Picked up my groceries.

There are probably 200 bags here. Took them to recycling, but people (stupid!) had thrown trash in there. My guess is everything is just dumped.

Released Verbal Surgery -1013- “That Much Work.” Excellent.

Started roughing out the details of my trip to Guatemala in October. A lot of people depend on me. Not sure how smoothly this is going to go. I think that Ashley, our neighbor at Azalea would be able to watch the girls.

Recorded “Vision Collision” this afternoon.

I figured I’d come in #3. I don’t expect anyone to beat me out of that spot.

Comments Off on Walk! Bike! Trip Planning! 4.22.23
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:13 pm
Kathy loves this show.

Sorry to hear about this.

One of my favorites to listen to in Spanish. Always looking up words.

Went to the UPS store to take back an air pump.



Walked 1.29 miles.

Took the rest of the plants outside. Put on the nozzle for the hose. Watered them all.

I listen to several podcasts.

Recorded a new podcast called, “That Much Work.”

Cleaned out an organized my trunk. Took out all the winter clothes. Put in the summer gear and pool stuff.

Cleaned my bike with a rag with WD40 on it. Pumped up my tires to 60 psi.

Went to Moes. Pretty good. Healthy.

Perfect weather for biking. I went 7.87 miles.

I’m enjoying the beauty of Far Cry 6.

Don’t stop.

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