Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Rain! Banana Plants! PE! Goblin Park! 5.14.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:29 pm  

I’ve been having issues charging my external batteries. Trying new ways to top them off.

Sprinkles today.



Went to Publix to pick up J’s meds.

I gave up hope that my banana plants had survived the freeze last winter. I got another four plants in today. I had the last set for over six years. I’ve learned a lot about growing them since then. Main thing is that I’ll dig them up and bring them inside before it gets really cold.

I also added some soil to some cuttings of a San Pedro plant I had. I’d watched a video about putting them horizontally and placing them on soil so they’ll start to root.

Moved my pineapple, frangipani and aloe vera plants back inside. They were getting too wet. They don’t like that. Moved my fasciata into sunnier spots.

About .20″ of rain.

Cleaned off and swept my back porch and St. Francis shrine.

Got a new set of chargers for my batteries.

Don Cheto.

Caught a squirrel and took it to Chamblee.

Castaneda’s Journey to Ixtlan.

Picked up the girls and took them to Cici’s. Then to Dick’s sporting goods and Pet Smart. I’m always looking for physical challenges for them. Everly held herself up for 40 seconds. I thought that was pretty good!

Keswick Park for more exercise.