Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

PE! AZ@ Mall! Mushrooms! Fishing! Goodwill! 7.30-31.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:26 pm  

Big storms in the ATL cut our power out last night for about 1.5 hours. Thus the combined blog today.

Delta is still paying for the computer problems.

Talked with my Mom.



Cleaned up the mission. Threw away some junk.


Last day of Super Summer School.

Got gas and checked the oil. Went to Waffle House.

We liked these metal statues.

It’s been raining regularly here. I liked the mushrooms.

Took the girls to Goodwill. I found a new fedora I really like. It’s like my others from Ecuador! Usually they cost at least $60. This one cost less than $4! It looks brand new.

Went to Perimeter Mall to walk around. Girls liked the hair stuff.

We play a game where we try to guess what pair of shoes the other person likes the best. This was one of my choices.


More mushrooms!

Everly and I went to the lake at Stone Mountain while J and P enjoyed working on a her new computer keyboard.

She ended up catching two fish in her little bread bag.

I love shooting water reflections.

Most of the big storms missed us, but they still killed our power for about 1.5 hours last night, as I mentioned earlier. The girls were pretty scared. It was very dark. J lit a candle which helped.



Everly drew while I studied Spanish.


We went to the Goodwill near my house this morning. We looked for clothes and jackets. We found some good ones.

K and I took the girls to the Lazy River pool this afternoon. We had a lot of fun. We went right at 12:30 and had the place mainly to ourselves. The girls and I also swam laps in the 25 yard inside pool. We swam over two football fields. That’s a lot!

Got a call from one of our supporter’s secretaries. We had missed a check that the Post Office had sent back to them. I told her of the problems we are facing here and for them just to send it again.