Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Marcus! Amit! Girls! 1.5.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:24 am  


Worked on getting my weather station running again.

Some type of battery issue between the transmitter and receiver.

As part of the 2019 Contact Resolution, I shoot for contacting at least one friend a day. Today I did two, Marcus Lewis in Derby, and Amit Badiani in Leicester, UK. Such dear friends. Great to talk with them.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Polite Awakening.” It’s excellent.

Paid bills.

The chips in both my debit and credit cards malfunctioned this month. I wonder if the MARTA scanning affected them? So I had to get new cards. I have things tied for automatic payment with the credit card. I had to call Geico and get that squared away, as well as for taking the Nissan Altima off the insurance.

Then got the process started for getting the Altima donated for the last part of her life.

The trash pickup has been on weird schedules.

Bills in the mail.

Went for a 6.73 mile bike ride. Absolutely fantastic time.

Parts of the hornet’s nest they abandoned keep falling off.

Over 4.75 inches of rain over the last three days.

Fabulous time with the girls this evening. I got them on a call with Nana in Georgetown.

I loved the little food set I got Penelope.

We talked to Nana using Facebook Messenger.

Ashley picked them up around 10pm. I had rocked them both to sleep and was watching Super Why on Netflix.

Admin duties now.

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