Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Projectors! Español! Podcast! Calls! Bike! 6.27.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:54 pm  

I thought this was very interesting and possibly life saving.

I’m a grammar nerd. I like the look of the comma before the too.

I spent about two hours last night going through all the slide shows for the teams. We normally have four days with the teams and the slides reflect that. I never could get my new MacBook Air to talk to the Epson projector. We’ve had some problems with it, in a particular really loud fan noise . The main issue now is that it can’t talk to iOS 11.5. Espon hasn’t released a driver for that version of Mac.

We’ve used that projector about six years and it’s served it’s purpose. The projector tech has really improved over the last few years, so I’m looking forward to getting something better.

I also tried out my new clicker. It did talk to my Mac. Amen.

Español. Cada dia.

Ordered groceries.


Reviewed some verbs.

This is basically the only part of the sky you can see from my front porch. Everywhere else is tree canopy.

Light rain this morning.

I’d never gotten to Level 3 in Duolingo. The tests are hard and you have to be super fast.

Had a good talk with my buddy Anthony. He’s always a hoot.

Great to talk with Mom.

I suggested this MasterClass to Ashley. I may take a listen too. I love his books.

Keep going.

Got warm.

Went for a bike ride.

I always clean my bike before every ride. I wipe it down with a lightly oiled rag of WD 40.

I also checked the bike tire pressure. You can’t squeeze them hardly at all yet the tires were still about 40 lbs low.

I find this fascinating and beautiful. Ok, not THAT beautiful.

This big wire sticks out about a foot into the sidewalk. I used a small board to cinch it up against the pole again. Improvise, adapt and overcome.

I saw this on the driveway into the gas station. I threw it out of the road into a trash pile.

I thought this was interesting.

Color pops.

My favorite gardenia bush.

Remind you of anything?

Watered my outdoor garden. It’s supposed to rain all week, but everything looked so dry.

Cleaned and refilled the birdbaths.

Redid the hummingbird feeders. Stirring in the sugar.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Beating Time.”/a>Good one!

Went to Stone Mountain to make calls and record Verbal Surgery. Downloaded onto my Mac this evening.

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