Whirlwind Missions

Friday, September 3, 2021

Everly! Lilburn Park! Azalea! 9.3.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 pm  

I love stuff that’s built on Escher’s art.

We have carpenter bee issues. I thought this was interesting.

This guy is an idiot.

Better news.

I didn’t know what this was. Ashley knew it was Michigan immediately! I thought maybe somewhere in Europe.

I put this app on my phone. It immediately told me what it was.

I looked this mold up on my Seek app. Yellow Dog Vomit mold.

I thought this was cool. Her teacher sends these pictures to parents.

I have an action figure of Leonardo da Vinci in my car that Everly was asking me about. Then I showed her a series of pictures of his most famous work.

I visited his home in France when we lived there. He’s one of my heroes.

Some of his sayings.

I don’t see this very often. I sure didn’t expect it this morning since I went to sleep later than I normally do and got up at about 5:30am.


Cleaned the stove top and the bathroom mirror with my razor blade scraper. I’d gotten little traces of silicon on the mirror.


Took Everly to the park to climb and play.

I teach her bush skills, including tracking.

Where to get water. We watched things float down stream. I also showed her the ripple effects.

Cool zipper cloud this morning.

I showed her where someone had painted the major constellations.

I showed her this and then will show her how there are similar patterns in the clouds. They are formed by the same physical reasons: A big miss getting shoved by another mass coming forward.

Ordered groceries.

Nuevas palabras.

One of my cherry blossom trees seems to be dying. Sad face.

Beautiful day.

Took Everly to eat at the Buford Highway Farmers Market. She ate really well, then got sick and threw up almost all of it. Felt sad for her. She felt immediately better after she threw up, which is typical.

I love my little sticker burr.

We had English class today. Great to have Bill and Piper Cordrey over to help!

I focused on helping the kids memorize their times tables.

Went to my office to get the mail and water my ficus tree.

I’m almost to the end of book three.

Three raccoons at my feeders this evening. Made me so happy. I saw a dead raccoon by the side of the road not far from my house. That fills me with deep sadness since I assume it’s one of “mine.”

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