Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Walk! Yard Work! Replanting! 7.15.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:35 pm  

Solid week of work.


I started my “new” OYB ten years ago today! Wow. How time flies. I still have my old one and read entries from days 35 years ago. Although, I didn’t write something down unless it was unusual. For about the last 20 years I’ve written something every day.


I got so sweaty walking up and down this hill ten times.

I’m wearing a sweatband. It really helps.

Reading sentences to perfect pronunciation and embed the language in my head.

I put a stick down every time I went up the hill. Takes me about four minutes every circuit.

Walked 3.73 miles in all.

Massive military chopper went overhead.

Worked on yard stuff today.

Redid my hummingbird feeders. I need to do them every week when the weather is so hot. The solution starts to ferment. I have four feeders.

Redid the birdbaths. I have four of those as well.

Cleaned my outdoor carpet.

Cleaned my St. Francis shrine.

Trimmed some bushes and small trees.

Repotted all my fasciata plants and some small cacti.

Wasn’t too hard but hot and something kept stinging me. Still not sure what it was. I felt like I was back in the Amazon where I’d get stung but never could discover what was doing it.

Lots of little red bumps.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Set up one of my insurance cards.

I’ve had an issue with the Walmart app where I can’t order bananas. Talked to their customer support this evening. He wasn’t sure what was going on either.

I usually study Español about fifteen minutes every evening.

I expect Sarah to come on strong tomorrow. Never know. I came in first place last week when Mari gave up. Doesn’t really matter. Just having fun!

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