Whirlwind Missions

Monday, August 7, 2023

Walk! Azalea! First Day of School! Popsicle Party! 8.7.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:08 pm  

And it’s not easy.

Came in #3 this last week, as expected. Duolingo is now forcing us to create an avatar rather than use a photo. Not crazy about that. Kinda stupid looking.

Prayed for a cousin of mine who is having some health challenges.

Chatted with my mentor Fred Sorrells this morning. He’s in Australia for the women’s World Cup. I give him advice on shooting video.



Walked 3.76 miles this morning. Climbed “my hill” ten times.

Ordered groceries.

Had a good talk with Andrew Toney this morning about bringing a team to work with Whirlwind. I was pretty wound up about it. Passionate about our area!

My roses are blooming. Amen.

My banana plants are really growing! Makes me so happy. Reminds me of home.

Listened to Don Cheto. Only way to improve is to keep trying to understand faster and faster.

Very hot and huge thunderstorms late this afternoon. Wow!

Went to Walmart to pick up the popsicles for the Back to School party.

Helped the kids with their homework until the massive storm blew in and soaked everything! It was like a hurricane!

What a storm!

On the way home, I saw where a big tree limb had knocked down a power line. That resulted in all the traffic lights being turned off. Turned traffic into a nightmare.

It was still raining hard when I got home. Called Walmart to let them know I’d pick up my groceries tomorrow morning.

Not sure yet how hard Holger will work. He’s got a very strong track record. I don’t think I’ll have a problem staying in the top three.

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