Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Stamps! Walmart! Rest! 1.2.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:05 pm  

Sounds like a lot of people are sick. I certainly have been. K, J and I have all gotten flu and Covid 19 shots. Didn’t seem to help me much. The doctors always say, “You could have been a lot worse without the shot. I reckon that could be true.


I sent Tim Deter’s contact information to Ruthie North. Hope he can help them!


Put the vacuum cleaner back together after I cleaned it and vacuumed the kitchen.

Washed my clothes and all my bedding. I hope to clean my comforter tomorrow at Azalea.

Walked 1.77 miles.


I was in touch with Bill Kelly who is going to repair the column, Progressive car insurance and Mr Wilson, K’s boss today.

Paid bills.

Checked and added transmission fluid to my car.

Went to the Post Office to buy stamps. Looked like they had painted the buildings in the complex.

Went to Walmart to pick up some hot chocolate mix and more nose drops. Being stopped up is my main symptom now, besides feeling tired.

Put the stamps on the letters. I should get the copies made tomorrow and the letters into the mail soon after.

Looks like another cold night coming.

Even though I’ve been sick, I’ve continued to put time in on EspaƱol. There are five really strong students this week. That is unusual.

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