Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Bank! Verbal Surgery! Ann! 5.26.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:50 pm  

That’s a lot of people.

I finished drying out the sphagnum moss and put it in a gallon ziplock bag.

Post Office to buy stamps for the newsletters.

Got gas. Checked the fluids. The oil seems to be holding at a little over half on the stick.


K’s new toothbrush came in last night. I hooked it up for her. She’s pretty excited about it.


I pulled back more of the mulch from the banana plant’s rhizome.

Everly wrote everyone in the family a love note.

Hot today.

Deposited money at the bank.

Did some research on a life alert button for my sister in law Ann.

K and I enjoyed Chinese food. Brought some to Ann. Got Thai for J.

Went to Ann’s house to give her some food, fix her TV remote and clean out her ice machine.

I’ve been needing some bigger pots. Someone had these out by the curb. Noice. I have a couple of plants in mind. Good news is that I recently got a big bag of potting soil for my baby banana plants. So I have plenty for this project.

Recorded Verbal Surgery “The Forever Pill.” Downloaded onto my Mac Air, then uploaded it to my server. On Facebook.

I’ll come in #2 this week. The guy who came in #1 put up a gigantic amount of points. Maybe the most I’ve ever seen in one week.

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