Whirlwind Missions

Monday, May 27, 2024

Español! Anthony! Plants! 5.27.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:33 pm  

Rashawn was one of my favorite kids at the mission. He graduated from Brown University yesterday. That’s an Ivy League school!

The girls are enjoying the beach!

Powerful thunderstorms here.

I’m still trying to memorize this song in Español.


I came in second place last week.

How does family affect ability to learn a language. From the Duolingo blog.

Fun talk with my buddy, Anthony.

Beach girl.

Cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeder. I’ve seen one pair so far.

Transplanted some plants.

I had to drill some holes into the bottom of the pot for drainage.

I talked with Jessi about making some cuttings of the ivy. I want the girls to get to plant some.

Little over .5″ of rain this morning. I cleaned the rain gauge today.

Cleaned and refilled the birdbaths.

Put bricks by the drainage hose.

Swept my outside carpet.

Blew the driveway and deck.

Trimmed the bushes in the front of my house to align with the brick.

Looking into better lights for some of my plants.

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