Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, June 1, 2024

N. End Back Yard! Trimming! 6.1.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm  




Perfect weather. I just kept going and going. Hardly even got sweaty. Incredible.

Started my afternoon repairing my trimmer guard.

I try to do the hardest thing about a project first. Today that was trimming the holly bushes in the front yard by the car port. They are just so stickery! It’s like working with cactus.

I trimmed branches off around ten trees.

I got so many scratches.

I think they turned out looking pretty good.

I got the trimmer guard back on. Worked great.

I put a lot of limbs, sticks and branches into my recycling area.

I’m still figuring out the best ways to work with the trimmer. Adding the strap really helped make the job more comfortable. I still want to add the cinch straps so I don’t have to keep pushing the on button.

So much of the job was cleaning ivy off of the fences. That and a lot of sticker vines. I wore out a pair of gloves doing it today.

I used my mitre saw to trim branches.

Massive branch fell. Super heavy. I managed to drag it up the hill to put it in the recycle area.

Walked 1.59 miles doing the job.

Listened to music for the first three hours of yard work. Ate lunch and then listened to Don Cheto while I labored. Worked over six hours in all.

Big part of the job was trimming the grass.

I thought the yard turned out looking pretty good.

Wrap up and clean up.

Keep going.

Tomorrow is the final day of the Diamond Tournament on Duolingo. We’ll see what happens.

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