Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Solstice! PE! Stone Mountain! 6.20.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:13 pm  

The girls were confused when I told them that today was officially the first day of Summer.

I can see this being a total disaster in Mecca.



Get out early if you’re going to do anything.

The girls and I hiked Stone Mountain this morning.

We enjoyed looking at the carvings.

The oldest one we found was near the top from 1816. Two hundred years old!

We did great on the hike. They were very strong.

We had ice cream, pretzels and popcorn for a treat.

We hiked a little over 2.54 miles. This was how long it took us to get to the summit.

They like to climb on the trees at the top.

Practicing their balancing skills.

Bubble gum rock.

The big P.

I showed the girls my favorite carving. It’s from the “old ones.” Some ancient language that has been lost to antiquity. I’ve spent hours doing research on who might have done this.

Everly is especially interested in lizards. We saw four on our hike. We saw two Fence Lizards and two five lined skinks.

Went to the museum after our hike to see how Stone Mountain was formed.

Then to see if the German Bakery was being repaired. It was not. That was really sad for us. It was one of our favorite places.

Then to Chick Fil A to eat. The girls tried to enjoy the playground but it was way too small for them.

Went to Ann’s house to check on her phone. She said it was working fine. The house reeked of urine. We made a hasty retreat out of there.

Got a pie and some gum from Kroger. This looked funny to me.

I’m not sure what this is about. I sent it to my tech guy to determine what’s going on. I thought he updated this already.

I’ve started using My Mind to organize the notes I take every day. Wish I would have been using this over the years. It would make it super easy to search what went on when. I upgraded to the paid version today. I can see myself using this a lot.

I find the wind app Ventusky fascinating.

Relentless with knowledge acquisition.

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