Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Español! Weather Apps! Bike! 6.22.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:33 pm  

No wonder we are so hot.

I’ve been enjoying looking at the wind, weather and satellite apps. So beautiful.

Even Apple’s wx app is interesting. These days I’m particularly interested in learning about high and low pressure areas and the direction of the winds.

I’ve been into Personal Knowledge Management for decades but I’ve never had a place I could put things that was easily searchable before. I’m using the My Mind app now. It’s like visual notes with AI search power.



I put a new flag up. It’s the NoZe Brotherhood’s colors.

Did the laundry.


Prepped my bike.

Rode 12.58 miles.

Hilly ride.

During my ride I saw this big snake skin. Not sure what kind.

I wore these shoes to ride. When I got home, I painted them.

Most weeks I would think I was going to come in #2. We’ll see.

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