Whirlwind Missions

Monday, June 24, 2024

Español! PE! Azalea! Plaza Fiesta! 6.24.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:46 pm  

Español! #2!

I thought this was a cool satellite image of the ATL at night.

Woke up at 5:45 AM to thunderstorms. Didn’t last long.


Chatted with my buddy Fred Sorrels about the World Rugby Cup finale we were at in S. Africa. Fantastic moment in time.

I liked these ideas from Eric Barker’s blog.

Love my girls!

The kids worked really hard today.

We did a science experiment how fast things drop according to their mass and surface area.

We are also mastering the times tables.

We have fun playing cards and eating treats after we work. The girls enjoy playing school.

We enjoyed Vietnamese for lunch.

Went to Plaza Fiesta for some fun out of the sun.

I love this stuff. The leather smell reminds me so much of Mexico.


Don Cheto.

Sent a hot plate and remote control back to Amazon.

Got my new checks in.

I hope this is not complicated.

Sent a letter of inquiry to J’s blood labs. They didn’t send the bill to the insurance.

Beautiful clouds.

Keep going. We’ll see how long people last. It’s all about consistency.

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