Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

PE! Azalea! FBCD! Library! MJ’s! 6.25.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm  

Love this quote by Blake.

I hope this keeps going.

48,000 is a lot of dead Americans.

This is crazy.

I’ve been watching this a lot lately.

Ordered groceries.


Pre-dawn moon.


Mr. Google took me through a lot of neighborhoods this morning. 78 and 285 were both packed.

My girls!

Azalea for Super School. Everly got to page 100 in her workbook! That’s a lot of effort. Penelope has been working super hard on her multiplication tables.

I got them each a Bitzee which is a little digital pet. They deserved the reward.

Went to the church to take back the clicker for my computer and fill out a form to reserve the Fellowship Hall for the team next week.

Set up lunch with my buddy Jon Paul for Thursday.

Took the girls to the library near my house. All they wanted to do was play with their new pets. We came on home pretty quickly.

HOT. I kept the kids indoors.

My bother Jim had a meeting with the doctors and staff at the rehab center where my Mom is. I joined them via cellphone. Nana is making steady progress.

I had my groceries for a 3:00 PM pick up. They finally confirmed it was ready this evening around 9:00 PM. I’ll get that tomorrow.

Started teaching Penelope the guitar. It’s pretty hard for her.

K and I took the girls out for supper at MJ’s.

How can you use this? Silly girl.

Beautiful cirrus clouds. Most of the day it was a completely clear sky. That’s unusual for the Summer.

Gassed up my car and checked the oil. It went from $2.99 to $3.39 in less than five hours.

Lots of good students this week. Not sure I’ll even break the top three. I’ll give my best effort.

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