Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Dr. Ravi! PE! Azalea! Bank! 9.12.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:18 pm  

Heard back from Mike today. Sorry he won’t be able to come to Baylor to see us!


Jessi tried to use my Mac Air for his Tele-Doc session. Didn’t work correctly. He finally got my iPhone to make the connection. I think Dr. Ravi had some solid ideas about what J should do to help his sleep get better. J had some resistance to what he said because she’s been so dependent on meds for going to sleep and waking up.

I did one of my lowest scores ever in Spanish today. Wasn’t able to use my iPhone when I needed to, and this evening I didn’t get the extra credit I’m used to. So it goes. Being available for Jessi was way more important to me.


Tried to call my Mom but we weren’t able to connect. She was at her eye doctor.

Don Cheto!

Picked up the grandgirls and took them to Waffle House and Taco Veloz.

We tried a Champurrado today. It was a cinnamon flavored hot chocolate concoction. Girls really liked it. Little too sweet for me.

I explained the word “roaming” to the girls today. In particular how cell phone towers work and how the signal strength is somewhat like using a flashlight. I mentioned how roaming with your phone could cost you a fortune when you try to use your phone overseas and how careful I had to be in Guatemala to focus on just using wi-fi.

I worked on the Thank You card project. The kids helped me decorate envelopes.

Cleaned the mission.

Went to my office to pick up checks and process them. Then to the bank to deposit them. Thank you, Father. I really appreciate it.

Didn’t get home till after 8PM.

Hard day at the mission. Sometimes I get so wound up when I feel some of the older guys are not respecting me when I ask for help. I do so much for them and they can just blow me off. I don’t handle that well. I asked the kids I was working with if I had been right to get mad at them. They thought I had been. That made me feel a bit better.

One of the kids was running in the kitchen and conked his head on a table. Got a little cut on his scalp. Hardly anything, but if you know anything about wounds like that they bleed a lot. I was completely calm and stopped the bleeding, got him cleaned up and told him to go home and wash his hair to get the little cut clean. Boys will be boys. That’s why one of my rules is “No running in the Mission.” They don’t always follow those guidelines.

Oh, well.

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