Whirlwind Missions

Friday, May 11, 2012

Outreach Prep! Rest!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:16 pm  

Had a restful day today!
Dropped off my comforters at the dry cleaner. Spilled sweet tea all over them last night. Bad luck.

While in that complex I noticed construction going on at the old Kroger building. Like to see building. Shows a growing economy.

Worked on getting the rest of the supplies for the two block parties in Roswell tomorrow.

Took longer than I thought. Lot of stuff! I pulled one cart and pushed the other.

Then I went shopping again for our house.
Looks like we won’t have quite as many teams in June as we thought. That’s fairly typical that each team loses a few people before the final count is done.
Sometimes it’s adding people. I usually wait till about two weeks before the event before I talk with managers.

Came home to rest.

Enjoying the evening with Kathy!

I thought these were beautiful!

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