Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snowy Conyers, On Fire Tim!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:30 pm  

I really enjoy preaching.

I feel like I have the ability to actually get people to do something.  At least some of the time.
I’ve been looking forward to this morning for a couple of weeks.  I love FBC Conyers!
They’ve been a great supporter of our work and actually seem to care about their community.
A lot of churches do care about their community, but it seems like when it’s inconvenient, or might mess up their stuff, then all bets are off.  It’s rare that a church will really open it’s facility to reach their neighbors and FBC Conyers really does that!

I had a Powerpoint presentation that I’d spent hours working on.  Used some of it, then did my own thing the rest of the time.  I figured that’d be the case.  I really don’t like to stick to a script.  I prefer to have general outlines and then depending on what the Father wants me to do I change it on the spot.

It’s sort of like I have piles of note cards in my head and I can shuffle them and use them in different patterns as I see fit.

Unfortunately, that means that the pictures aren’t always exactly what I’m talking about.  Ashley did a good job trying to make the images fit what her ol’ Dad was preaching on.

Had an awesome time.  Congregation was very enthusiastic.

Love Pastor Jeff.  He’s super cool and has a lot of energy.  He told me that he has a sign in his room that says, “Nothing was ever accomplished without enthusiasm.”  Whole hearted AMEN to that, bro!

He’s a really handsome guy.  I made the comment, “If S. Baptists had a calendar, Pastor Jeff would be in it!” Congregation thought it was hilarious.  Sometimes I even amazing myself with the wacky stuff I come up with!

We enjoyed a delicious lunch at Milanos thanks to Mike Jones!m
He’s the Chairman of the Missions Committee.
I was glad that Ian and Ruthie North came to support our effort today. Love those kids!
Ashley and I had some good time together.  We drove home carefully.

Because of the SNOW!

Road was already starting to get slippery.  I’m glad that they cancelled the banquet tonight.  They’ll have it tomorrow instead.  I’m looking forward to it even though I’m really tired.

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