Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Calls! Run!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:17 pm  

Spent a lot of time on Friday making phone calls.

I’m setting up the lodging for a new family at one of our missions: Southern Trace. The boss of all the complexes called me needing information as to what was going on and also to request proof of insurance.

Got on the phone to the Zamoras who are supporting this new family, to tell them what needed to happen and that our ministry would provide the liability coverage for the complex.

Talked to two managers to give them the number of our insurance rep so they could request the proof of coverage.

Also spent time with my tax man going over some questions about our return. Got all that straightened out. Good to get that going.

Wrote a special edition of our Outreach Update aimed at fund raising. I call it reFUND MISSIONS. I call for using part of your tax return money to cover our massive insurance bills. Every year insurance accounts for $37,080.00. Yow!

Went through the new promotion flyer that Ashley is working on. Tweaked a few things and added some ideas. She’s VERY good at this stuff.

Dropped off the Financial Report that Ashley generates to our Treasurer’s house.

Went for a 5.08 mile run, even though I wasn’t feeling super groovy.
I felt like I needed some exercise. Always something beautiful to see.

Watched African Cats with K that evening. Jesse came by to see us. I went to sleep at 9:30pm, which is very unusual for me.

Crashed early because I knew I needed to get up by 8am on Saturday.

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