Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Promo! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:17 pm  

Ashley and I have been working on a new promo for potential teams.

I made sure I had all the equipment in working order. Checked out the wireless mic, the shotgun mic and the AudioTechnica lavalier mic. The lav worked way better.

Had to get new batteries to make sure it got the best signal.
We decided to do the first part of the shoot at China Town’s Serenity Garden. We liked the mural.
Interesting place!

Penelope was her usual awesome self. It was pretty funny shooting as she’s crawling over my shoulders. Never had to deal with that before!

After shooting at China Town, we went to Plaza Fiesta, where I shot my stand up.

It was fun letting P play in the cars.

Went to the mission to help the kids with their homework.

The city of Doraville tore down the houses near First Baptist, where my office is. They’re expanding the park area for the pool just down the hill.

Kathy’s sister, Ann came over to our house tonight. Ann is a nurse.
She came to give K a check up. Kathy’s O2 saturation was very low. I emailed our doctor with the information. K will be going in soon for a breathing test. Pray for her lungs and that her tongue will heal properly. She’s had what looks like a big fever blister on the base of her tongue for over six weeks.

We saw the Google Maps car today. Love that program. I knew my whole neighborhood in Jerusalem before I got there.

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