Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Podcast! Hat! Bed! Groceries! 7.3.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:39 pm  

Un poco mas cada dia!

Gorgeous day!

Muchos dias!

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Live on Accident.”

Crow feather!


Hip and some vertebrae. Maybe a squirrel. Transported one of those today.

Forgotten graduation already.

Even droopy they look cool.

Rode my bike 13.22 miles. That’s a distance more like I used to ride every day. More than double what I’ve been riding the last week or so. I felt like I could push myself a bit more today.

It’s been hot and the sweatband on the Ecuadorian Fedoria wasn’t doing it. So I used one of my sweatbands and sewed it onto the hat band.

I’m trying to wash all my bedding the first of every month. Got it done today!

We went out with Jesse to celebrate her one year anniversary of coming out as trans.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Greatest Hits Prep! Emissions! 7.2.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm  


I worked on updating the Keynote presentation of Outreach Greatest Hits for July 25th at N. Gwinnett Church.

I thought it’d last longer than 8 months!


Necesito estudiar!

I see this verb a lot.


Good word.

I put up all the girl’s toys.

Blew the garage, the driveway, and the deck.

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned the glass doors.

Gassed up my car and put oil in it.

Got the emissions tests done on my car and Kathy’s car. Jesse’s car no longer needs the test. I always think the sign is funny.

Beauty is all around me.

I found the peeling paint at the emissions place interesting.

Part of getting ready for the Greatest Hits presentation is picking up what I need. I ordered more stickers from Amazon.

The Dollar Tree had most of what I needed.

Walmart for Red Thread.

Deposited a check.

Mas y mas.

Part of the prep for the presentation is stuffing 100 bags with a Red Thread, 2 Notecards, 1 pen, 1 mint, 1 snickers, and 1 Prayer Card. I think I’ll do the Paid stickers as part of the dedication time.

Easy way to transport them. Squishing the contents really doesn’t matter.

New episode of Verbal Surgery called “The Dark and Delight.”

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Grandgirls! Goodwill! Bikes! 7.1.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:02 pm  

Necesito estudiar Español cada dia.


Beautiful day. Didn’t rain at all.

Nueva palabra.

I went to Goodwill this morning with the grandgirls. I was flabbergasted to see the exact model of my bike! Over 15 years ago, Kathy and I bought matching bikes. It had been stolen from our hotel at Tybee. Part of me thinks they just now gave it to Goodwill. I’ll probably go get it tomorrow. Seems to me it’s worth $50 just for all the parts!

The girls really had fun. We rode them at the cul-de-sac at the bottom of our hill.


Mas historias.

I got both girls new bikes for a total of $16.00. I pumped up the tires and they were good to go. It was Everly’s first day to really ride around on a bike. Hers has training wheels.

Seems like everything in my garden is blooming.

It was great to see my pal Jon Paul this afternoon. I was glad he came by.

Rode my bike 6.07 miles. I’m still kind of getting back into biking after a layoff. Trying not to overdo it.

The house behind ours had a big tree fall. The county came in today to get it out of there and clean up the mess. I was kind of surprised that was a county responsibility.

Spent a little time this evening trimming some bushes in my front yard.

I will probably shape the bottom sections too.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Grandgirls! Newsletters! Antiques! Bike! 6.30.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:28 pm  

I should have known.

My new Yaber V6 1080p Projector came in last night. Pretty exciting what you can get for less than $250 these days. I watched a video about these projectors and his description of what it can do was pretty exciting. I look forward to using my new MacBook Air and this projector with the teams.

I decided I needed to read through the manual before hooking everything up, just to be sure.

I’m looking at portable screens.

I added a new orchid to my collection. I loved this light pink/purple!

Español. Por que no?

Love my girls!

I always keep my eyes out for this pair of Nanday Black Faced Parakeets when I’m in their area where Jimmy Carter and Rockbridge come together. There are a lot of them in S. Florida. Never seen them here. I first heard them before I saw them.

They are at this spot on this super high power cable regularly.

We had fun with shadows. The girls were really good at it.

I also saw this which I think is a Red Tailed Hawk. It’s substantially bigger than the Sharp-Shinned hawks that are in my neighborhood.

I took Everly for a ride in the Gorilla Cart. It’s hard in my yard because of the substantial slant.

Everly helped me make her some cheesy grits.

We stopped at the grocery store to pick up some fruit.

The box that my new projector came in was turned into a space capsule. Penelope drew lots of different colored buttons on it.

Estas typas de palabras son muy útiles.


I cut Everly’s fingernails and toenails. It’s always a challenge, but I figured out how to do it. Kit-Kat bars. The little ones. I rustle the bag really loudly. Show her what she’s going to get after the hands are done. Then I am as careful and as fast as I can possibly be. I usually say, “Ok, 1. 2. 3.” and I clip a bit with each number.

Kathy hasn’t been feeling well. I took her truck to get filled up and took her to lunch today.

I get a discount about every fifth fill up at Walmart for .10 off/gallon. Kathy’s truck uses the discount. Gas cost us $2.77.

Felt hot.

Put the stamps on the letters this afternoon.

Collated the newsletters and stuffed them. Got them in the mail. Amen.

Took the girls to an antique place. It was honestly kind of scary to take them there. Bull in a china shop scenario. They were very good.

She called this a “Pie Ay No.” I told her that it’s pronounced piano and that it was actually a cash register. I’m not sure she knows what that is either to be honest.

When’s the last time you bought something and they gave you cash back?

The girls got a kick out of the little TV.

I liked this old baby bottle.

I thought this tiny gold and silver globe was cool. It turns out that it’s really made of gold and silver and cost $269! They said I could have it for $95. It’s smaller than the size of your index finger. Just couldn’t see me getting that.

Then to frozen yogurt.

We were trying to decide what color the girl’s eyes were. We think blue on the outside and brown stars in the inside.

Mine are blue on the outside and gold on the inside.


I went for a short bike ride. I started hearing thunder and checked the radar. There were several cells that looked like they could get me in the next hour, so I turned back.

When I turned around, I saw this.

You can see a third faint violet stripe. That’s a reflection of a reflection. I’ve never seen a double rainbow that was compressed like this. Usually they are split up.

I liked this too.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Grandgirls! Labels! Post Office! 6.29.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:08 pm  

Wow! I think the hottest we’ve had this year has been low 90s.

Español! Por supuesto!

Cloudy and warm. Sprinkled this morning.

GREAT to have the girlies back!

Las palabras nuevas.

We ate breakfast at Metro Cafe.


Slightly over .5″ last night.

Got all the labels on except for the stamps. Will pick up the printed newsletters on Wednesday when the church secretary gets back.

We had fun opening up a package from one of our supporters.

Every time I shake a bottle of ketchup, I always think about when I was in Toronto with my buddy Anthony and I shook the bottle pretty hard. The cap wasn’t on well and it shot ketchup all over that side of the restaurant. Fortunately, I missed everyone, but it looked like I was in a Tarentino movie.

These stories/dramas on Duolingo have been fun.

I sure like this series better than the Disk World stuff. The same guy reads the story on both.

After taking the girls home, I went by the church to check the mail. Then drove home and went to the Post Office. My car drove fine and didn’t overheat even thought I was in almost dead stop traffic for about ten minutes. It really stresses me out.

To the bank to deposit a check.

Felt too hot to ride my bike today.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Projectors! Español! Podcast! Calls! Bike! 6.27.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:54 pm  

I thought this was very interesting and possibly life saving.

I’m a grammar nerd. I like the look of the comma before the too.

I spent about two hours last night going through all the slide shows for the teams. We normally have four days with the teams and the slides reflect that. I never could get my new MacBook Air to talk to the Epson projector. We’ve had some problems with it, in a particular really loud fan noise . The main issue now is that it can’t talk to iOS 11.5. Espon hasn’t released a driver for that version of Mac.

We’ve used that projector about six years and it’s served it’s purpose. The projector tech has really improved over the last few years, so I’m looking forward to getting something better.

I also tried out my new clicker. It did talk to my Mac. Amen.

Español. Cada dia.

Ordered groceries.


Reviewed some verbs.

This is basically the only part of the sky you can see from my front porch. Everywhere else is tree canopy.

Light rain this morning.

I’d never gotten to Level 3 in Duolingo. The tests are hard and you have to be super fast.

Had a good talk with my buddy Anthony. He’s always a hoot.

Great to talk with Mom.

I suggested this MasterClass to Ashley. I may take a listen too. I love his books.

Keep going.

Got warm.

Went for a bike ride.

I always clean my bike before every ride. I wipe it down with a lightly oiled rag of WD 40.

I also checked the bike tire pressure. You can’t squeeze them hardly at all yet the tires were still about 40 lbs low.

I find this fascinating and beautiful. Ok, not THAT beautiful.

This big wire sticks out about a foot into the sidewalk. I used a small board to cinch it up against the pole again. Improvise, adapt and overcome.

I saw this on the driveway into the gas station. I threw it out of the road into a trash pile.

I thought this was interesting.

Color pops.

My favorite gardenia bush.

Remind you of anything?

Watered my outdoor garden. It’s supposed to rain all week, but everything looked so dry.

Cleaned and refilled the birdbaths.

Redid the hummingbird feeders. Stirring in the sugar.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Beating Time.”/a>Good one!

Went to Stone Mountain to make calls and record Verbal Surgery. Downloaded onto my Mac this evening.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

N. Gwinnett Church! Car! 6.26.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:26 pm  

I’d feel so lucky to see something like this!



Great weather!

But rain is coming!

Just. Keep. Going.

I like the sound of the word “tontita.” You silly.

I really enjoyed the team from N. Gwinnett Church. They’ve stuck with us through thick and thin and always bring their A Game.

We had fun time singing and studying about Mexican folk Catholicism. Then off on Safari to Plaza Fiesta!

This weirded me out. Real noses from coyotes. They had the whole top of one’s head that they’d made a mask out of. Who would wear that?

Lots of prayer cards.

I liked this.

And this.

I have many sugar skulls.

Speaking of weird. A pigeon just sitting on the hot tarmac? What?

Went to the bank to deposit checks.

I have a friend who lives here.

Had a great time at the missions!

I got to play with the grandgirls for a while.

I’m getting most of what’s said. Amen.

Gassed up the car. Added oil and radiator fluid. Cleaned the windshield.

Stopped by the auto parts place to pick up some more anti-freeze. If the engine heats up enough, it spurts it out the overflow container. I have to watch it regularly. I pretty much check it after every time it goes hot.

Great day.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Podcast! Bike! 6.25.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:51 pm  

Always more to learn!

Somebody in San Francisco hacked Kathy’s card. Bank of America is really on the ball with stuff like that.


Just keep going.


Had fun talking with my buddy Anthony.

Thai lunch.

Listening to the first book in the Harry Potter series now. I seem to be understanding a lot more than I did the first time through. Progress.

Rode my bike 5.97 miles. My arm is still bothering me, so I didn’t ride too far. Hopefully, it won’t hurt worse because of the exercise. I wanted to keep riding because it helps my knees so much.

A massive tree fell during a recent storm. It wiped out about ten other trees on its way down. Wow.

Transported a squirrel.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Grandgirls! Doggie Park! Cleaning! Team Prep! 6.24.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:14 pm  


Beauty first thing in the morning!

Picked up the girls!

Cloudy, pleasant weather.

Interesting word.

Nana bought the girls these Halloween masks. They had fun with them.


So much to learn.

Took the girls to the Doggie Park.

I had FaceTime with my Mom today to help her get her wifi going. It absolutely helped rather than just audio, because I happened to notice something at the very top right with the other icons. I had her move the camera closer and I discovered she had Airplane Mode on! I had her turn that off and everything immediately worked. Amen.

Miles will have the girls Friday and Saturday so I put up all the girls’ stuff. I have a big, tall box that I can fit everything in and it’s out of the way. Easier than having to carry all that stuff from downstairs.

Along with putting all the toys up, I also clean the house. Vacuumed.

Also vacuumed the kitchen and laundry room area.

Then blew the garage and the driveway.

And back deck.

Penelope helped me clean the glass doors, otherwise we see lots of little handprints.

I put in some extra time with Spanish.

Ordered a new clicker for our projector. I think we can get better results with another brand. We’ll see. . . Get it?

Back to Harry Potter. Although I decided I’d go ahead and start with Book One. I listened to Book Six for about thirty minutes.

I talked with my Mom several times today to make sure that her wifi was working properly on her new iPad. That can be a real hassle otherwise.

Checked the mail at the office. Great focus, eh?

I cleaned one of the black curtains that had some mildew on it. Put it back along with the big globe that I hopefully fixed and the electric pump.

I brought my projector home to test it out with my new laptop.

Helped Jesse get some ID.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Nana! Airport! Repairs! Podcast! 6.23.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:13 pm  



I found a picture of mimosa flowers. My Mom had never seen them.

It was great to have her with us this week! She was a HUGE help, and the grandgirls just loved having her around, as did we all.

Sad to see her go!

A little cooler day.

I have a friend of mine coming to bring a team. We are setting up a pre-site visit including food. LOTS of choices here in the ATL! This is Al Madina in Norcross. It’s mainly Middle Eastern.

This is from the Al Madina in Clarkston which is primarily Somali.

I listened to the end of the book and the series today. Went back to Harry Potter. Starting with book six.

The Pratchett books last about six hours on audio. Each Harry Potter book lasts from 20-25 hours! So you get a feel for how many hours I’ve listened to Spanish. At least 120 hours plus all the Telenovelas I watch. It’s the only way to get good. Keep practicing.

When I got home I went into repair mode. My big globe had been leaking air pretty fast. I figured it was from the nozzle area where the original problem was. I put a whole other layer over the top and under the original glue where it was coming apart. After it cooled, I sprayed it with bubble water. I didn’t see any leaking. Amen.

I repaired Tuffy, who is the sister of Slothy. Her arm was coming off.

I also reglued the sections of my hat that were damaged from the security ramp at the airport. No one really notices. I’m ready to get a new one, but I’m super picky and they’re kind of hard to find the kind that I like. I’m going to the J Crew store where I got this one with the girls soon.

You might remember that every day Ashley and I play the Dirty Money Game. Today, I found a gold chain on the ground. Probably fake, but still.

I downloaded my recording of “Beating Time” onto my Mac. I’m still learning how to copy and move files around. It’s a bit different that my old Mac Air.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “One Handcuff.” It’s terrific! Click on the title and GROOVE!

Posted on Facebook.

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