Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

ATL! 11.6.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:13 pm  

Woke up this morning and studied languages. Keep the streak going!

I’m still feeling congested. My left ear is almost completely blocked. I’ve been taking Sudafed for the last two days. Seems like the pressure is a little less.

I rode to the airport with my mom and our friend Jodie Steger this morning.

I liked the airport’s coffee robot.

Made it to my flight in great time.

Made it to the ATL in a little under two hours.

Sure beats a 2,000 mile drive! Plus I ended up making $900 because I agreed to take a later flight when my flight was overbooked. Got to Austin only two hours later!

Beautiful getting home!

Enjoyed being seeing Miles and the girls before going home.
Kathy was glad to see me. I sure missed her!
Admin duties now. I’ll take another couple of Sudafed pills before I go to sleep. Pray that my ear will clear soon.
Election was today. Doesn’t look like the blue wave is happening. We’ll see.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Languages! Friends! Day of Prayer! 11.5.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:50 am  

As I was getting dressed, I realized that my camera case was just about to rip apart. Ordered another. Just used my iPhone 7+ as a camera.

Studied Spanish, Hebrew and Swahili this morning.

Fun chat with the girls in Atlanta. Penelope liked to play the games with the filters.

Fun talking with my pal Anthony Jacquin. Always a good time.

Had a great talk with my friend Barbara Hays. She was very enthusiastic about my talk yesterday at her SS class.

Called Anne Commagere to try and set up a time to meet with her and her family. Rebecca got in touch with me later that day. Glad we could touch base. Doctor appointments kept me from seeing them. Not easy to get together sometimes.

Mom and I ate at Dos Salsas. My favorite Mexican food restaurant in Georgetown.

After a rest, my Mom and I went to Main Street BC to do last minute prep for the Day of Prayer conference this evening. I was the key note speaker. I did my best which the ladies thought was very good. I left it on the field for sure!

We packed all the stuff and brought it back home.

Enjoyed munching on some of the goodies I brought her to enjoy. I wasn’t sure about bringing the candy to her because she always has so many great home made treats, but I think she enjoyed having something special from the ATL.

Admin duties now.

Been taking Sudafed all day long trying to get my ear to clear. Better, but still not completely recovered. Hopefully the flight won’t be too hard on me. We’ll see. I leave Austin around 2pm.

Checked into my flight home tomorrow.

Monday, November 5, 2018

FBC Georgetown! Prep! Family! 11.4.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:26 am  

Had a great time with my mom, Peggy Cummins, at FBC Georgetown this morning!

I spoke to the Life class of Barbara Hays. Wonderful to see lifetime friends there. I told about my background in mission work and what I was doing now in the ATL.

Studied languages this afternoon.

Helped set up for the Day of Prayer conference at Main Street BC this afternoon. Took a couple of hours. Looks great! I’ll be speaking on Monday evening.

Came home to rest. My left ear is still horribly stopped up. Doesn’t really hurt, just can’t hear out of it very well.

My brother, Jim, and his family came over to eat this evening. Fantastic to be with them. Love my brother!

Olivia always cracks me up.

Sadie and Harper are awesome!

Great to see Dave! He’s doing great things with the school system in Georgetown.

Kathy is taking good care of my brother!

Katie is really making a name for herself with her band, Tough on Fridays. They played SXSW this year. That really impressed me.

I asked Liz, who is my nephew Jacob’s wife, what I should do about my ear congestion. She recommended Sudafed for me. Had to go to Round Rock to pick it up. But glad I started on meds. I hate flying when I have a known ear problem. It can really be pure anti-zest.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Waco! 11.3.8

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:16 pm  

I found my little monkey that I had when I was just a baby Tim.

I rented a van to take up to Waco. It had plenty of space to set up bedding. Mobile hotel!

Jacob, Liz and Carson came over for a visit before I went to Waco.


Visited all my old haunts, in particular the Communications building.

This used to be my office when I was the Music Director for the radio station.

I used to live here.

I went for Korean food at Kitoks. I saw one of our old ads here from the NoZe Brotherhood.

Visited Long NoZe Shoaf’s grave.

And to our sacred city, Elm Mott.

Had a fun time with the Brothers last night. Almost all the people there were in the Brotherhood, so it was a really funny group.

Met up with one of my best friends, Dan Smith this morning.

We enjoyed talking and visiting one of the local graveyards.

Turkey Tail polypore.


Lots of symbols.

I was particularly interested in the Jewish cemetery because I can at least pronounce all the letters.

Good times!

Admin duties now and rest. I’m running on about 4 hours of sleep.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Tx Trek! 11.1.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:46 pm  

Studied languages this morning.

Got all packed up and put my stuff in the car to go to Azalea. Did my mileage log.

I was sick for a bit. Still not feeling a 100%. My ears are stopped up after my airplane trip. Throat hurts a bit more. Not sure why.

Ashley and the girls took me over to the MARTA station to ride the train to the airport. Takes a little longer than driving but a LOT cheaper and over all easier.

I always take a picture of my bag, just in case it’s misplaced.

Train ride takes about an hour to get to the airport from Chamblee.

I liked this tile work at the airport.

And this picture of the ATL.

Heavy weather rolled through Atlanta today.

I got to the airport and was told at the gate that Delta had overbooked the flight by 12 people! I was one of the volunteers to leave on a flight 2 hours later. I got $600 for it! When I actually got reimbursed they gave me $900! Wow! The flight only cost $350. That’ll preach. I liked waiting, because I didn’t have to fly through all those storms. They had pretty much passed by the time we left. Amen!

I liked the sound of this.

Studied uses of Pro and Para in Spanish during the flight.

Also read the book “Two Rivers.” It’s about botanists in the Amazon.

Beautiful evening arriving into Austin, Texas!

My cousin Brandon picked me up at the airport and drove me home. Great to see him and my Mom!

Admin duties now. Rest early.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Candy Throw! TX Prep! Mission! 10.31.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  

Studied languages. Making real progress. I can especially tell when I’m listening to Radio Garden from Spain at full speed.

Got the Muse out to do some brain training this morning. I’m going to start doing it again for at least 5 minutes a day.

This borders on overkill, right?

Neighborhood geese out for a stroll. They often block traffic and everyone just chills. Groovy.

Recorded a new podcast. I shoot for two a week. “Flex Tape” is a great episode.

Went to Walmart to get candy for the kids. Spent $80. Glad I did, we had a LOT of kids (and parents!) this evening.

Got checked in for my flight to Austin tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing my people and going to Waco to do the NoZe Brotherhood thing.

Besides my normal language study, I realized that I can translate ANY text into the original Hebrew (or GREEK!) with apps I have on my phone. They give a pronunciation guide! I already have 1 Chronicles 29:10-13 roughed in. I know all the words in Hebrew now. I work on smoothness of execution and making sure I know what every word means in English next. It will become part of my regularly quoted material. After I’ve said it a few hundred times it gets really easy!

Dropped off materials we used on Sunday at the church. I’d left some extra stuff in Ashley’s car, which isn’t good with the girls!

Had a great group of kids join in on the Great Candy Throw! This was just some of them!

The parents didn’t get in the picture, but believe me, they were heavily involved. LOL!
Penelope hanging out.

LOVE my girls!

It’s such a blessing to see them regularly!
Some of the kids didn’t get as much candy. You have to be aggressive! Elver shared his. I appreciated his attitude.

Got gas on the way home. Speedway is a new place and has the lowest prices in the ATL that I’ve seen.

Put the final touches on packing. Did a weigh in. Under 40 pounds, although I’ll add bathroom stuff tomorrow which includes my One Year Bible. Not much more weight. I’ll return at least 10 pounds lighter when I leave gifts!

Perhaps the biggest change for my packing includes my “new” laptop! This is the first time that my office is fully portable in over a decade. I’m so glad that Jesse was able to work his magic on Ashley’s old laptop. Apple said it would cost around $800 plus to fix. Their geniuses aren’t as smart as my genius! Jesse FTW!

The only thing I do with my old PC is the newsletter and my twitter feed. I use a mouse for that stuff. Everything else has been transitioned to my Mac Air. I just use a touch pad on my Mac. Maybe one day I’ll do that stuff on it, too.

Admin duties now.

Looking forward to my trip.

I’ll work on more language stuff this evening before I crash.

I’ll shoot for heading to Ashley’s house around 10:00 am. I normally like to be at least 2 hours early. Plus, it’ll take an hour to get to the airport from Chamblee. I’ll save at least $50 on parking by not driving my car there. No big deal for a two hour train ride back and forth which will cost me $5.00.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Podcast! Mission! Newsletters! Shirt! 10.30.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:04 pm  

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -605- “Manner Your Mind.”

Organize your brain and feel good, NOW! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Studied languages last night and early this morning.

I listen to Radio Garden and take notes of words I’m not sure of.

Different keyboards.

Different apps.

Good ol’ dry erase boards.

Got groceries at Walmart. I like the sound of these.

While I was outside cleaning the bird feeders, I noticed this branch that had fallen with polypores and lichen. Beauty.

Organized my annual physical for Jesse and me.

Decided to go back to drinking and making coffee rather than tea. Been about six months.

Why pay QT? Plus it keeps me away from ice cream temptation.

Started research for who might help us with our newsletter, if the new guy at the Atlanta Baptist Association doesn’t want to help us. Mountain Park fBC has been a big supporters of ours over the years.

Stopped at the AMBA office to pick up the newsletters and talk with my friend Joel Harrison who is retiring at the end of the year. He’ll help me make a transition with the new director so I can ask him about supporting our ministry through printing the newsletter. That made me feel good.

Went to FBC Doraville to pick up the mail.

The kids at the mission helped me stuff the envelopes so I could get them in the mail.

Enjoyed working at the mission. LOVE my girls!

Everly is getting more beautiful every day. Penelope was sleeping for most of my mission time.

I asked the kids, “Serious question. Are you dressing up for halloween?”
If they said, “Yes.” Then I’d ask them, “Are you coming as Mr. Tim?”
They’d stare at me and then say, “No.” And I’d laugh and laugh. One kid said she was considering it. LOL. I crack myself up.

I took the girls out to eat at Taco Veloz after we finished the homework time.

It was a beautiful sunset this evening. Penelope said, “Let’s sit here and watch it.” She’s so awesome.

I got a cool electric shirt, but it was too small for Americans. The made in China stuff tends to be that way. So I transferred the electronics and velcro to another shirt.

Included a little pocket for the charger.

I thought that project would take about 15 minutes. Closer to an hour. But turned out really cool. It’s sound activated. Lights up when it’s loud. It’ll light up a LOT around me!

Paid bills. Glad it’s cooling off. AC bill was crazy this year.

Packing for Texas.

Admin duties now. Then more language work.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Carl! Shopping! Mission! 10.29.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:59 pm  

Studied languages this morning.

Full sun moon. My Indian name.

Had a fun lunch with my buddy, Carl Barrington. Can’t believe I didn’t take a picture of us!

Studied Spanish radio with Radio Garden. I take down and translate phrases I’m not sure about.

Went to the US Post to pick up stamps for the newsletters.

Walmart for small envelopes.

Brought my ficus tree inside. Getting cold!

Supplies back to our closet at the church.

To the Maomi book store to pick up a brush and calligraphy paper for a friend studying Chinese.

Picked up doughnuts for the kids.

Mailed the package to my buddy.

Went to the mission to help the kids. Love hanging out with my girls!


Jesse came to help!

The kids helped me put the labels on the envelopes, then I gave them doughnuts!

Dropped off stuff from Ashley’s to SVDP. Great ministry!

Listened to more radio on the way home.
Posted a new episode of Verbal Surgery.
More language and admin duties now.
Update the newsletter donor list.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

One Heart! Fish! Plants! 10.28.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:35 pm  

Had nearly 1.5″ of rain recently.

Ashley, the girls, Kathy and I went to One Heart church this morning!

I liked this stained glass.

We talked to the Young Adults class. Fun group!

Great to have the kids with us at church.

I liked the theme.

We always get a warm reception from the pastors!

Wore Everly out. So beautiful. So glad Kathy decided to come. She’s always a big help!

They had a lunch for us. The kids helped serve, then sang.

Dropped Kathy back home, then went to the retirement party for our friend Joel Harrison at Smokerise Baptist Church.

He’s been a big supporter of ours with the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association. They have printed our newsletters (in full color) for years. THANKS!

Watered my plants. I’ve moved all my plants indoors now.

Cleaned my fish tank.

Studied languages. I think I’m proudest of the progress I’m making in Hebrew. It’s definitely the hardest. I use Duolingo, ClozeMaster, WriteIt!, Quizlet, Radio Garden, as well as a good ol’ dry erase marker board!

Super glued my glasses again. They look kind of sloppy but work just fine.

Enjoyed playing Spider-Man.

Admin duties now.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Girls to Goodwill! Setup! 10.26.18

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:58 pm  

Studied languages!

Great to have the girls come for a visit.

Everly was crashed when she came over.

We had fun at Goodwill, which is our favorite rainy day option. Super chill place with lots of fun stuff to play with.

I’m always looking for drums for our Golden Box of Jams for the teams.

I liked this sculpture.

Everly liked my coffee cup. She spent a lot of time sniffing it.

There were only a couple of drops left in it.
She thought this mask was fun.

After I took the girls home, I went to FBC Doraville to set up for The Show. We have a small group of ladies who are coming to go on Safari with us.

Got gas on the way home. Pretty cheap at this place in Lawrenceville.

I listened to Radio Garden from Spain and went through all my memory verses including my new piece from 1Chronicles 29:10-13 in Hebrew.

Admin duties now. Then more language study.

I’ll try to go to sleep early in anticipation of the team tomorrow. Even earlier wake up on Sunday, when we have another missions conference to go to at One Heart Church.

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