Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Portuguese! Silverdale! Global Mall! Al Madina! Flat!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning.

I’m enjoying using ClozeMaster too!

Singing! “Launch yourself, JACK!”

Had a great time with our team this morning. I always have a fun with going into Rabbi Mode!

Ashley is always awesome!

Red Thread Ceremony is always special, particulary with kids and parents!

Took them on Safari to Global Mall and the Shiv Mandir.

Also visited the Middle East at Al Madina!

Ashley’s truck got a flat. I worked on getting that fixed.

Then to the mission to check on the team.

Hot day! Felt like 101!

Went to Walmart to pick up a few things. Seems like a go there daily.

I listen to these stories on my way home.

Came back home to ride my bike. Always a challenge!

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Portuguese! Silverdale! Asian Square! China Town! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:31 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! Keep on keeping on, brain! Using DuoLingo and ClozeMaster.

Uploaded a new edition of Verbal Surgery this morning! Check out ““INprovement!” Fast ways to get where you want to be!

My neighbor finished his fence today. It’s huge.

Enjoyed briefing our team on Hinduism and Buddhism.

Took them to Penang for lunch.

Then to Asian Square and China Town.

They’re doing a great job at the missions!

Set up for The Show for tomorrow.

Did some shopping.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps.

Dropped off a package to return to Amazon.

Rode 11.04 miles on my bike.

Admin duties now.


Monday, July 24, 2017

Portuguese! Silverdale! Westside! BHFM!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! Worked on DuoLingo with adjectives and verbs.

Enjoyed briefing our teams from Chattanooga and our local team from my church, Westside BC!

Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Then to the missions!

They’re doing a great job, especially the young kids!

At my second location, I realized I was missing my notecards that I keep in my pocket. Includes my to do list as well as a group of titles for Verbal Surgery. I can always figure out the to do list again, but those titles would be gone. Decided to try and find them. My first stop was back to the BHFM. I drove around the parking lot and spotted them!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

100! Westside! Letters! Bike! The Show!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:08 pm  

Today marked 100 days of studying Portuguese with DuoLingo! Wow!

I also discovered another program called “ClozeMaster” which tests you on vocabulary. Pretty cool!

Went to Westside BC this morning.

I noticed a couple of djembes last week. This morning, I walked up to the front and started wailing away on one of them. People seemed to like it. Although I don’t do it for them, I do it for HIM!

Then Pastor Ben called me and John up to sing a spontaneous trio of Worthy of Praise. Normally, that’s easy. I have to admit singing the parts acapela was a little more challenging. Certainly not a problem for me. All those hundreds of hours in choirs kick in!

Pastor Ben spoke on building your heritage.

Came home to work on the email and snail mail list additions from last week.

Also added updates to my Twitter feed. I think it can run almost through November now!

Then went on a 13.41 mile bike ride.

I had RunKeeper set on Hiking which is what I use when I mow. It must have thought I was a super human hiker!

Then to the church to set up for our final week of The Show. Wish we could just keep on going. Incredible how much I love to hear myself talk. And it’s just SO much fun being with Ashley and Penelope. Never know what that baby will come up with! And Ashley, well she’s a direct gift from GOD!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Portuguese! Groceries! Tree Limbs! Feeders!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:19 pm  

Penelope spent the night with me last night. Always a blessing!

I studied Portuguese pronouns.

Took out the trash.

Got Kathy’s medicine.

Cleaned and took back the carpet cleaner.

Cut tree limbs in the back yard. Hard job. I oiled up the cutter. You can tell it’s been a while!

I couldn’t reach the really high one I wanted to cut.

This picture does not do justice to the amount of stuff I cut.

Did the grocery shopping.

Filled the bird feeders. The hummingbirds drink four feeders in about five days!

Some of the suet I scrape on the tree.

I hooked up the switch for my internet, TV and PS4. Still doesn’t get the speeds it should.
Cleaned and repainted my shoes.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Mow! Carpets! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:23 pm  

Studied Portugese.

Ever closer!

Thursday evening I mowed the yard.

Blew and cleaned up.

Looked pretty good at the end.

Harder than just walking for sure!

Also got a new hose.

Lasted until Friday and burst. What waste of money.
Friday morning I uploaded a new podcast!

“Fear of Failure” is what stops most people from eaven trying. Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to Facebook.

I edited the video of the team from last week.

Got it on YouTube and sent the final email to the team.

Friday, Jesse and I cleaned the carpet.

Vacuumed and then cleaned the vacuum cleaner. Metaphysical!

Went to Lowes to get the machine.

Jesse did a lot of deep scrubbing. Makes a giant difference.

I did the carpet cleaner while he used the scrub broom.

It’s amazing how much dirt it gets up. Pretty gross.

Friday we watched Penelope. Always a blessing! She played with the burst hose for a long time.

I had to go to Lowes to get a new hose.

I spent more money on this one but it has a lifetime guarantee. I got a small sprinkler to put on it. The Magnificent Baby loved it!

I turned it on real low.

I got her a pool a few months ago. She didn’t dig it.

She spent the night with us. She’s so much fun. I enjoyed showing her Red, Green and Blue and different shapes. She said “Blue” several times. Super smart little girl!

Went to sleep about 9:30pm. Exhausted after the mowing on Thursday and the carpet cleaning on Friday. Didn’t sleep all that well. Penelope always wants to feel my arm to make sure I’m ok. Wakes me up a lot. I always assume it’ll be a long night. I never get upset. That’s what naps are for! I slept ok.

Worked on admin duties on Saturday afternoon.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Portuguese! PCBC! Plaza Fiesta! Mailout! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:10 pm  

Worked on Portuguese this morning.


Close to the big 100!

Enjoyed our DDay with our team from Peachtree Corners BC.

Gifts for the leader!

They helped us start labeling our mail out to over 740 churches in 15 states.

Took them on Safari to Plaza Fiesta!

Cleaned the Fellowship hall.

Went by CD Tower to pick up some more paper to send with the letters.

Gassed up my car.

Checked on the missions!

It was pretty hot today.

Heard from the management at Azalea. They said if we didn’t have any insurance (which costs over $11,000/year) we couldn’t work there. I had our insurance agent take a look at the policy again. Also talked with one of my partners who said that her was about $1,000/year! That’s a big difference! We’ll be looking into that.

Came home to work on admin duties. I may mow part of my lawn today. It’s still really hot and I have a bad elbow, but may still try.

I thought this excerpt from an article in Time was really interesting.

One of the coolest stamps ever! Looking forward to seeing this on August 21. Hope it’s clear!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Portuguese! PCBC! Global Mall! Al Madina! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:50 pm  

First thing this morning I checked to see if my podcast was fully loaded onto my server. It was!

Link on Facebook.

Also sorted and prioritized the pictures we took yesterday. Smugmug wouldn’t let me do it last night.

Then studied Portuguese!


Getting close to 100 days!

Lots of verbs.

I know about 150 so far. I can conjugate them all in present, past and past imperfect. Also about 20 irregular verbs. A tremendous amount to memorize, but it helps that many are similar to Spanish.

I have a book of short stories in Portuguese that I started listening to when I first started Portuguese. It’s amazing how much I can understand now. Yeah, baby!

Got the new stickers for our car tags.

I found the missing clock! It was put in a big envelope in my mail box!

Fantastic morning with our team from Peachtree Corners. Really a terrific group!

Singing! I’m really trying to touch the ceiling. Not sure it’s possible for me.

Penelope helped me with Bubbleation. I was hoping she would actually hold the Magic Fish. She’s not quite into that yet.

Rabbi Mode.

Get lit!

Love the Magnificent Baby!

Had fun with my sword!

Ashley is always terrific!

Red Thread Ceremony! “That’s my Prayer Trigger. Can I pray for you?”

Took them on Safari to Global Mall to eat and see the Shiv Mandir.

Also to Al Madina to experience the Middle East.

Then to the missions! They’re doing an outstanding job.

Got the grocery shopping done.

Came home to put up groceries and work on admin duties.

Waiting for it to cool down some before I bike.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Portuguese! PCBC! Asian Square! China Town! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:09 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning!

Working on verbs.

Nearly 100 days!

Singing is always fun. Launch yourself!

Enjoyed briefing our team from Peachtree Corners on Hinduism and Buddhism.

Ashley is awesome!

Then on Safari to Asian Square and China Town.

Took back my HDTV box to Comcast. Why pay for something I’m not using?

Checked on the teams at the missions.

Went by ATT to take a look at our phone bill program.

I made one small change, and thought about another modification. After talking with Jesse, I plan on changing back to our original plan, except for the one change. Always fine print that I’m glad we have tech people to explain. IE Jesse!

Spent some good time with J. We will be cleaning the carpet soon. I explained to him how to do it. He wants to help!

Uploaded pictures and a podcast.
Couldn’t get the program to let me organize or feature a gallery. Maybe it’ll work tomorrow.

Both having some uploading problems.

Says they’re there, but doesn’t seem to be working right. Usually it’s a problem on their end that fixes itself over time. Usually. I know I have the recording and pictures ok, so it’s just a matter of time to get the server squared away.

Admin duties now.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Portuguese! PCBC! BHFM! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:51 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning!

Keep on keeping on!

Streak continues. Go brain!

Still working on verbs.

Enjoyed briefing the team from Peachtree Corners Baptist Church this morning.

Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Then to the missions!

They are a very enthusiastic team. They’ve been a lot of fun already!

After getting them on site, I went back to the church to hook up my new wireless microphone system.

Didn’t take long, since they were basically exactly the same, just different frequencies. I had a mic go dead on me. For another $40 I could get the WHOLE SYSTEM replaced. So that’s what I decided to do.

I talked with two apartment managers about our situation with insurance. The price continues to escalate. Now it’s over $11,000/year! I have downsized the number of continuously running missions because of lack of volunteers from local churches. It’s been a very sad situation, but it’s out of my hands. I can’t force people to come help!

Because of that, it seems having insurance on just Azalea Place where Ashley and I work is overkill. I don’t see me expanding the network because I don’t anticipate churches suddenly deciding to start working in the immigrant community. I keep asking and keep getting denied. It’s very disturbing and sad.

We are focusing on the out of town teams now who seem to actually want to learn about doing missions.

I am happy to see a local church bring their youth group to come work with us. That’s a bright spot!

I went for a bike ride, but turned around when it looked like a thunderstorm was headed directly towards me. I had that experience and I barely made it home. It could have been really dangerous.

Admin duties now.

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