Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Portuguese! Westside! Social Media! 7.16.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:21 pm  

Rained about 1/2″ yesterday. Barely missed it on my bike. That much came down in about five minutes!

Studied Portuguese!

Worked on verbs.

Went to Westside BC.

The youth went to Fuge camp. They led the singing.

Pastor Ben spoke on the importance of what you pay attention to.

Refilled bird feeders.

Did some weeding and tree trimming.

Recorded a new episode of Train My Brain. Focused on healing.

Talked with Comcast. Had internet issues. Got it resolved after about an hour.

Uploaded new email addresses to Mail Chimp.

Got letters ready for potential new donors from last week’s team.

Added snail mail addresses to my mail list.

Uploaded info to my Twitter feed. I have automated material through October! Way ahead!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Penelope! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:12 pm  

Had a great morning with the Magnificent Baby. What a blessing she is!

Studied Portuguese!

Got a nap in. Feeling pretty groovy.

Went for a 6.73 mile bike ride. Cut short by powerful thunderstorms.

Just barely made it home in time!

Last mile was one of my fastest!

Watched the Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan. Wow, has she ever changed.

Spent nearly two hours on the phone with Comcast today trying to figure out our cable situation. I’m doing a lot of downgrading in my life. Cutting back and saving money. I hardly ever watch TV. Why should I pay for it? I still have internet. That’s not optional since I work from home!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Friday, 7.14.17 Ashley! Portuguese! Penelope! Team!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:34 am  

Friday, I took Ashley to the airport to go to her Coaches Meeting in New Orleans!

Kathy and I kept Penelope all day Friday!

I studied Portuguese. I’m over 90 days straight!

We took her to the park to play.

Met up with our team from FBC Humble to eat lunch at Hibachi Grill and then tour the Hong Kong Supermarket. Fun!

Penelope slept a bit on the ride to eat but otherwise didn’t rest until about 5:30pm. I got her up after an hour and we went swimming.

She slept pretty well last night, although not so much for me. That’s what naps are for today!

I’m catching up with my blog from yesterday.

I edited the video for the team and sent them their THANKS email which contains the links to the galleries and the video as well as ways to keep up with us.

My internet was super bad. Frustrating.

Miles should be here to get Penelope in a moment. She’s such a sweetheart!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

DDay! Plaza Fiesta! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm  

Enjoyed reading over 250 Birthday greetings yesterday and this morning!

Studied Portuguese. Day 90 on Duolingo! Wow!

Worked on verbs.

Enjoyed our Dedication Day with our team from FBC Humble, Texas! Terrific group of kids! Exceptional leaders.

I was my normal, quiet, subdued self.

I like going outside to sing.

Penelope has been so awesome!

We had our Red Thread Ceremony after we sang.

Briefed them on Mexican Catholicism.

Had or Prayer Time as well as giving the Prayer Card to Jesus, anointing their heads with oil and giving them the Aaronic blessing in Hebrew.

Then they sign the Landing Pad.

Took them on Safari to Plaza Fiesta.

Then went to the church to clean up for the team next week.

I sweep.

Organize the chairs.

Mop the bathrooms and in front of Penelope’s Tienda.

It needed to be done, especially after the flooding last week.

Man, that was a hassle. My arm still hurts from all that mopping.

Swept off the outside porch so stuff isn’t tracked in.

Pick up all the trash and chuck it in the dumpster.

I started the Landing Pad in 2013. Over 3,000 names on it now!

Then to the missions to check on the teams.

Got my new wireless microphones in the mail. I had a mic die this week.

Did the shopping.

Got home too late to ride.

Admin duties now.

Ashley is going to a conference this weekend in New Orleans. It’s part of her health coaching job. There have been a lot of good ideas that have also helped our ministry. It’s all good!

It’s like studying Portuguese. I’m constantly reviewing Spanish!

K and I will go to pick Ashley up at around 6:30am. K will stay at Ashley’s house until I get back. Penelope normally wakes up around 7:30am.

The Magnificent Baby will spend all day Friday with us and spend the night. Miles will pick her up Saturday around lunch time. Looking forward to it!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Birthday! Portuguese! Global Mall! Al Madina! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:16 pm  

Birthday boy! Turned 59 this morning. WOW. Sounds pretty old. I feel fantastic and am in the best health ever!

Studied Portuguese this morning.

Still working on verbs.

Great fun singing!

I really tried to touch the ceiling today!

I like to take them outside to sing.


Penelope has been absolutely marvelous these days. What a concentrated blessing she is!

Enjoyed briefing the team on Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Ashley is so awesome!

I showed Ashley some of my sword dancing moves!

Penelope has been amazing.

Took them on Safari to Global Mall and Al Madina!

They really liked Indian food!

Jesse and Kathy joined the party!

Shiv Mandir!

Al Madina!

Then to the missions!

Worked on a pipe that was leaking under the kitchen sink. Bahd luck.

Refilled and cleaned my bird feeders.

Went for a 11.04 mile ride this evening. Felt great.

Came home to work on a leaking pipe under the sink. Hate plumbing. Ended up having to use sealant. Hope it works. Water is such sneaky business.

I had over 250 birthday greetings! Wowzers! That’s a lotta love!

Admin duties now.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Portuguese! Asian Square! Penang! China Town! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  

Worked on Portuguese this morning!

Continued with DuoLingo.

Practicing verb forms.

Working on my presentation in January in Brazil.

Enjoyed briefing the kids with Ashley and Penelope!

Had fun a Asian Square and China Town.

Penang was delicious.

The kids are doing great at the missions!

Rainy when I got home. No bike. Too dangerous when it’s slippery.

New podcast on line!

Terrific episode on dealing with your emotions! Check out Verbal Surgery -470- “WEmotion!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Went over 85,000 downloads this month!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Portuguese! Water! FBC Humble! BFHM!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  

Continued to study Portuguese this morning! Working on the Simple Past Tense.

Nearly to three months!

Helping to secure pure water for people around the world! Thanks Seth Godin for pointing out the opportunity!

Enjoyed briefing our team from FBC Humble, Texas this morning with Ashley and the Magnificent Baby!

Sadly, we had a problem with one of our cameras which took the shots of the briefing. Bahd luck.

Took the on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market and for lunch!

Good interaction with some folks from Ivory Coast!

On to the missions!

Picked up some vegetables on the way home.

Got to the house around 7:30pm. No time to ride.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Portuguese! Westside! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:05 pm  

Studied Portuguese.

Worked on verbs.

Went to Westside this morning.

Pastor Ben preached from Nehemiah on “What are you building?”

Uploaded my sermon notes to my Social Media feed.

I have material automatically generating five times a day until September 25th! Incredible how prolific I am. I still have six podcasts “in the can,” too!

Went for a 13.29 mile bike ride. One of my fastest.

I really feel strong. Way better than yesterday. I hadn’t eaten and hadn’t drunk enough before I rode yesterday. It’s all about nutrition and hydration BEFORE you exercise.

Enjoyed playing Battlefront.

Resting. Looking forward to the new team tomorrow! Can’t believe only two more weeks of the Summer! What?!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Verbs! Ride! Groceries! Fix!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:05 am  

Rained about 3/4″ Friday.

Saturday I focused on Portuguese verbs.

Making progress on Duolingo!

Rode my bike 13.66 miles! Wow. It was hot. Even on a bike.

Came home, showered and rested.

Dropped off the Financial Report at our Treasurer’s house.

Then got groceries.

Finally ate lunch. I was feeling kind of dizzy. That happens when I work out too hard and don’t drink and eat enough. Felt fine a little later.

Fixed more juice for my hummingbirds.

Repaired the trash can lid.

Smoothed out and repainted my shoes.

Watched some UFO videos. Interesting.

Studied verbs more.

Irregular verb forms test.

Went to sleep early. Really tired.

My ears continue to clear. Thank you, Lord!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Portuguese! Editing! Ears!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:34 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! Almost to three months straight!

I continue to work on verb forms.

Added a new podcast! Perhaps one of THE most important Secrets of Life! Make sure you apply Verbal Surgery -469- “JBN–Just Be Nice!” Just do it!

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Spent most of my day working on admin duties.

Edited the videos for the two teams.

Save it to my camera roll.

Uploaded to my YouTube server.

Then I write a final thank you email to each team. Includes the Photo Galleries and the link to the Video Documentary. Also has links to our social media.

Contacted by a team coming soon! Ashley is great taking care of that!

Part of the after team work is adding the email addresses to our newsletter list.

I also add every adult member to our snail mail newsletter list.

The new additions to the list we send a special intro letter urging them to become regular donors. I handle the addresses and envelopes and then Ashley inserts the letters and writes a note. It’s a good one/two punch.

I took Jesse and Kathy out to eat this evening for ribs. I haven’t been eating much lately. I kind of feel nauseated after all those ribs.

Best news is that my ears have finally started to clear. Thank you, LORD!

I rested today. Rained. I slept nearly two hours this afternoon. I still feel tired. I’ll be glad when I’m up to my full tiger tank self.

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