Whirlwind Missions

Friday, July 7, 2017

Portuguese! DDAY! Asian Square! China Town! Confirmation!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:09 am  

My ears are still stopped up. Especially my left ear. Hate it.

Thursday was our DDAY–Dedication Day for our teams from Main Street BC and Emmanuel BC! They have been two of my favorite teams this year and I have really enjoyed working with them!

Started my morning studying Portuguese. I’m nearly to 3 months!

Singing is always fun. Launch yourself!

We had a great time giving gifts to our leaders.


Briefed the teams on Buddhism.

Penelope is always such fun!

She likes to try on people’s shoes. And their snacks!

Our DDay includes signing the Landing Pad and Anointing with oil from the Holy Land.

Then lunch at Penang.

Safari to to Asian Square and China Town.

The teams went to the missions while Ashley and I set up the Fellowship Hall.

Then went to missions to confirm sites for next week.

I came back to the church to clean the FH. I like it to look nice for a fresh start!

Cleaned bathrooms. Got rid of garbage.

Super tired. Went to sleep around 10pm. Waited until this morning to do my admin duties.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Portuguese! Teams! Global Mall! Al Madina! Flood! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:58 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning! Worked on verbs, too.

Had a great time with the teams today!

Rewire your brain!

Two of my favorites!

She’s such a crowd pleaser!

Always fun singing!

Briefed them on Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity!


Fashion Show!

Red Thread Ceremony!

On Safari to Global Mall and Indian food at Ashianas!

Shiv Mandir!

To the Middle East and Al Madina.

Back to the church before heading to the missions. GREAT thing that we did as the Fellowship Hall at church was flooding!

A hose had come loose from the back of the toilet tank and was spraying water everywhere.

I mopped water for over an hour. Sure wish I would have had my wet/dry vac!

Then to the missions to check on the teams. They’re doing a great job!

Came home to work on admin duties. Too tired to ride.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Sickish! Portuguese! Teams! Plaza Fiesta!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:16 pm  

My left ear is still pretty much totally stopped up. Makes me talk even louder. Yow!

Studied Portuguese this morning!

Enjoyed briefing the teams on cultural Catholicism as it’s practiced in Mexico.

Launching Pad!

Ate lunch and went on Safari to Plaza Fiesta!

Then to the missions!

The teams did a great job in spite of the rain.

Admin duties now.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Main Street! Emmanuel! BHFM! Missions! Podcast!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

Studied Portuguese early this morning!

Had fun briefing the teams from Main Street BC in Georgetown, TX and Emmanuel BC from Florida! Always great singing!

Be EGGstraordianary!

We go outside to sing and bring the LORD with us!

Ashley is so awesome!

Penelope got a name tag stuck on her head. She’s so silly!

Senor Tim!

Train your brain!

On Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market!

The only food that tastes you back.


Kissing the frozen sheep head.

I can’t get over Penelope eating those red hot Takis!

Then to the missions!

Rode my bike 11.08 miles. Super fast.

Released a new podcast this evening! WOOT! A terrific edition to help you notice what you might be missions! Take a look at Verbal Surgery -468- “Blind Mind!”

Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Portuguese! Westside! Mahalo!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:26 pm  

Studied verbs this morning. It’s a process. 80 days straight tomorrow!

Went to Westside BC.

Our HOPE evangelism team gave a report from their trip to California. 30 people got saved. AMEN!

Came home to rest. Ear is still super stopped up. At least it doesn’t hurt. Still congested.

My voice is better.

Watching a cool movie called Given. Surfer family crosses 15 countries.

Added my electronic signature to Jesse’s company as one of the Board members.

Updated my social media feed.

I have it automated with material to the middle of September!

In keeping with our “Get Tribal” theme I’m adding an element tomorrow, “Mahalo” which is part of the Hawaiian greeting which means “thanks.” It also has a hand symbol. It’s called the “Shaka” sign which the Japanese people in Hawaii said that back in the 1800’s it meant “Praise the Lord.” Fascinating!

I like the sound of Hawaiian. I guess that’s partly from watching Moana yesterday! Sound of the ocean, baby!

Admin duties now.

Mileage log.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Ear! Portuguese! Shopping! List!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:44 pm  

My ear is still very stopped up. But it’s not hurting today. Drank a lot of water. On antibiotics.

Studied Portuguese. Especially worked on verbs.

More people add me on Twitter every day. This one was really famous!

Added all the people from the team last week onto the email and newsletter list.

Got the emission tested on my car. Passed!

Did the shopping.

Enjoyed watching Glow on Netflix.

Resting, trying to get well before Monday.

Played Battlefront.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Ear ache! Podcast! Doctor! Antiques! Newsletters!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:47 pm  

Rainy day today!

Nearly 1.5″ yesterday!

Cleaned and filled up my 4 hummingbird feeders. They are really drinking it down!

Woke up at 4:00am to my left ear completely stopped up and my head pounding. Not good. Tried changing head position to help, not any better. Called the doctor when it got light and set up an appointment.

Studied Portuguese.

Released a new version of Verbal Surgery -467- “This Is Not A Drill!” Super intense! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Went in to the doctor at 11:30am and was out of there by 11:45am! Astonishing.

Went to Barnes and Noble to track down a Portuguese book.

Ate country cooking at Fried Tomato.

There is a cool antique place near the restaurant. I always take a few minutes to walk through it. Some interesting items but nothing I wanted to get.

Gassed up the car. Under $2/gallon. What?!

Worked on getting the newsletters out. Made the labels.

Got stamps. That took forever. Only one line.

I may try and see this.

These were cool stamps, too.

Put on the labels.

Stuffed envelopes. It’s WAY faster when I have a bunch of kids help me. And they LIKE doing it!

Got the job done and got them to the Post Office. Another job accomplished.

Went to Kroger to get my medicine.

Came home to eat, take meds and work on admin duties.

Amazing how everything is harder when you’re not feeling well. I really thought as of yesterday I was healed. This ear ache set me back. I knew I was still congested because I’ve been taking nose drops the last couple of nights. Just didn’t figure it would attack my ear so forcefully.

Got some new name labels. These were cool and some of the cheapest!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Portuguese! DDay! Double Oak! Plaza Fiesta! Prep!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:24 pm  

Got up early to study Portuguese. Kept working on Duolingo.

Here are the subjects I’ll be studying in the near future.

Also studied verbs.

Had a terrific time with our team from Birmingham, AL today. Double Oak has been a double blessing for me for sure. Even when I was sick, they managed to lift my spirits!

Great singing! Super enthusiastic!

We follow the Lord outside!

Take a knee and give thanks to Adonai!

My usual calm, sedate self. SO glad to be feeling nearly up to speed again!

Brian has been a terrific leader.

The Golden Egg of Eggcellence!

Team picture is always a hit! Well done, Ashley!

Fun with Ashley and Penelope sharing about Mexican Catholicism. Senor Tim rides again!

Youngsters cogitating on my serious humor. Always cracks me up.

“Did it work?”

Dedication Ceremonies. “It’s up to ME!”

Rabbi Tim for the Aaronic Blessing.

Promise to pray. Signed contract with the Lord.

Anointing their heads with oil from the Holy Land.

A few of them I “call out.” Telling them that they have a gift and should consider working for the Lord as a career. Gabe was a special favorite to me this week. He reminded me of me!

Signing the Landing Pad!

Penelope likes this part. She left some pretzels for the Lord.

Then to Plaza Fiesta for lunch.

Worked on cleaning the Fellowship Hall at FBC Doraville in preparation for The Show next week. I clear all the tables of any valuables/breakables.

Swept. Mopped. Set out the chairs. (I have the teams next week put them out. Hurts my elbow too much to do that.) Took out trash. Cleaned bathrooms. The usual stuff I do ever week at the end of the team’s session.

I especially focus near P’s Tienda and under the chairs where I know the coffee drinkers sat!

Then to the missions to check on them and say Good Bye!

Went to Asian Square to see what the situation will be on July 4th. We will have to shift some things around to make it work.

Picked up the newsletters on the way home at the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association.

Came home to rest and work on admin duties. Rained hard = no bike. Too dangerous on a slippery road.

I still need to edit video, upload to YouTube and send out the links to our team.

Also need to get the newsletters out.

Plenty to keep me busy over the weekend!

My health is back up to about 90%. Nose is still clogged up at night. Had a bad bloody nose this morning. Bahd luck.

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Portuguese! Double Oak! Al Madina! Shiv Mandir! Missions! TIX!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:50 pm  

Worked on Portuguese verbs late last night.

Enjoyed chatting with some Brazilian friends. Discussed being sick in Portuguese.

Also uploaded an excellent edition of Verbal Surgery -466- “Tame Game!”

We are wild! Learn how to control that side! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook Tuesday night.

Duolingo for Portuguese this morning.

Enjoyed leading the singing this morning with the team! LAUNCH yourself!

I got a vision from the Father this morning to carry the “high and lifted up” chair with Jesus’ picture out side for the singing. It came to me after reading about the coronation of Josiah this morning in my quiet time.

Two of the team members carry the chair out and we follow him like a coronation.

Take a knee in quiet thanks to our King!

Back inside for Bubbleation!

Rabbi Tim discussing Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Penelope and the Secrets of Life keys.

She is a delight!

Red Thread Ceremony.

Schwarmas at Al Madina!

Global Mall!

Shiv Mandir!


Picked up some more pens at the Dollar Tree.

And a handle for Kathy to help her get inside the house at Lowes.

I found $5.28 today in the Dirty Money game.

AND I found my knife! What a blessing!

She’s been around the world with me!

Cut my tix for my trip to the UK in November! Super excited about that!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hinduism! Asian Square! Penang! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:37 pm  

Still not feeling right. My voice is pretty bad. But I did my very best!

Studied Portuguese first thing this morning.

I chatted with a friend in Brazil last night. He introduced me to the word “doente” which means sick. Then saw it this morning on Duolingo.

Led the singing!

Briefed the teams on Hinduism and Buddhism. Ashley and Penelope are awesome together!

Train my Brain!

Took them on Safari to Asian Square and ate lunch at Penang.

They’re doing a great job at the missions!

Did the grocery shopping.

Came home in really slow traffic. Mr. Google brought me home a way I’d never seen before.

Still don’t feel well enough to ride my bike, although I did lift light weights this morning. Weighed in at 165 which is a loss of 31 pounds. Amazing what you can do if you just work out and stop eating junk food with tons of sugar.

Admin duties now.

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