Whirlwind Missions

Monday, June 26, 2017

Double Oak! BHFM! Recovering!

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:49 pm  

Woke up around 5:00am. Decided to go ahead and study Portuguese before trying to go back to sleep.

Although still not my usual high speed self, I felt well enough to work with the team from Double Oak Community Church this morning! As I told Ashley, “The Work heals!”

Always fun to be with my girls!

Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Ashley got them on site at the missions, while I came on home to rest. I started feeling pretty weak after lunch.

Admin duties now.

Night visitor at my back door.

Front paws of one of my raccoons.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sick! Westside! Portuguese! Verbs! Newsletter!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 pm  

Not feeling well. Woke up about six times last night. Pretty sure I had a fever.

I was concerned about leading the music at Westside BC.

The Father told me, “You’re not doing it for them, you’re doing it for ME!” That made me feel better. I left it on the field even though my voice was rough.

I sang one of my favorites, “I’m Just a Poor Wayfaring Stranger” as an acappela solo. Got choked up on the “I’m going there to see my Father,” part. Had to stop to get hold of my emotions.

The response was good even though I didn’t think I did a very good job.

My friend Fowobe did a good job preaching on obedience.

Studied Portuguese on Duolingo.

Working on verbs.

Wrote and produced my newsletter.

Sent the pdf to my friend Joel Harrison to print.

Watched War Machine with Brad Pitt.

Pleasantly cool today. I still feel hot.

Ashley covered for me at Perimeter Church this evening. She’s so awesome!

I hope I feel well enough to do my thing with the team tomorrow. I think I will!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Sick! Emotions! Fish! Banksy! Verbs!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:53 pm  

Still sick. Actually worse. Voice sounds pretty rough. Still not sure how I’m supposed to lead the singing tomorrow at church. I’ll just do the best I can. And a team next week? Could be hard.

Finished reading “How Emotions Are Made,” by Lisa Barrett. Here are a few quotes that I liked.

One of the reasons I think Jesse’s VR work is so important!

I’m reading the Vegetarian Flavor Bible by Karen Paige now.

Cleaned my fish tank.

It’ll look crystal clear once the silt has settled.

Didn’t do any work out today. Trying to take it super easy. I’m astonished I actually rode over 10 miles yesterday.

Watched a terrific documentary called “Saving Banksy,” about a guy who took one of Banksy’s paintings down from a wall in order to preserve it.

I’ve seen several Banksys in person including one in London and three in Palestine.

Studied Portuguese verbs on and off all day.

Played Battlefront.

Trying to rest now.

Worked on my solo for tomorrow. One of my favorites! I’ll do it like a prayer.

Admin duties now.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Podcast! Stone Mountain! Portuguese! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:34 pm  

Studied Portuguese with Duolingo early this morning. 70 days! Woot!

I went back to sleep for a couple of hours.

Wasn’t feeling well this morning. Achey and sore throat.

Released a new podcast this morning! WOOT!

A terrific edition! Verbal Surgery -465- “Waiting to Live!” get into action with your goals!

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Went to Stone Mountain.

I intended to record, but just didn’t have the energy, and my voice felt weak. That’s exactly why I have eleven episodes “in the can” ready to go! I still miss recording though.

I laid in the Sun and listened to Portuguese recordings instead. Definitely made me feel better!

Did the grocery shopping.

Worked on verbs.

I’ve found a little over time is the best way to approach languages. Cramming in too much doesn’t really work. At least not for me. Also writing on a dry erase board seems to be very effective.

Went for a 10.69 mile bike ride. I felt pretty good.

Came home to eat and rest.

Admin duties now.

Evergreen at Stone Mountain had a big Harley owners convention.

I liked these big bikes.

Great motto!

Nice mural.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Portuguese! DDay! Plaza Fiesta!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm  

Woke up early to study Portuguese! PROGRESS!

Had a terrific Dedication Day with our team from Clinch River Baptist Church in Rocky Top, TN!

We have many traditions including passing the baton, “It’s up to ME!”, PAID stickers, placing your prayer card in front of Jesus, anointing your head with oil from Israel and signing the Landing Pad!

On Safari to Plaza Fiesta! Always fun!

The food was great!

They had to leave early today, so no missions. It was raining so all for the best!

Went back to the church to strip down all the tables. I don’t like to leave anything up that’s fragile over the weekend. We get there early Monday to set up for The Show.

Came home to rest.

Rode my bike 11.09 miles.

Painted my shoes.

Edited video.

Uploading to YouTube while I’m working on admin duties.

I added the names from the team to our email list and the adult leadership to our newsletter list. Pray that many will become regular donors to our ministry!

This reminded me of a friend of mine in Australia!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Portuguese! Red Thread! Global Mall! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:59 pm  

Got nearly 1.5″ of rain yesterday!

Studied Portuguese this morning!

I’m on a roll, baby! I enjoyed talking to several Brazilians last night!

Woke up to the news that my car had a flat. Bummer. Got it pumped up and repaired and my tire guy’s place near the church.

Had fun briefing the team from Clinch River BC on Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Fashion Show!

It was great to have Kathy help with Penelope!

Train My Brain!

The Red Thread Ceremony is always very meaningful.

“What’s the Red Thread?” “It’s my Prayer Trigger. Can I pray for you?”

Took them on Safari to Global Mall to eat at Ashiana and to see the Shiv Mandir.

We usually go to Al Madina and show them the Islamic store, but we went straight to the missions instead to beat the waves of rain headed our direction. Timing worked out perfectly!

They’re doing a great job with the kids!

Went to Walmart to pick up some fresh vegetables.

Came home to work on admin duties. I was going to ride my bike, but was just too tired. Sometimes a body needs to rest!

Mixed up more sugar water for my hummingbirds!


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Podcast! Portuguese! RAIN! China Town! Tile!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:04 pm  

Released a new podcast this morning!

WOOT! Had a hard time making my server work. It kept acting weird and not playing properly. Finally got it squared away!

A terrific episode Verbal Surgery -464- “Fresher Pressure!” We are constantly changing. Point your brain in the right direction! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Link on Facebook.

Studied Portuguese. Working on verbs and adverbs.

This audio program has been a huge help to get my accent squared away properly. I spend about an hour or more practicing with it while I’m driving.

GREAT time with the teams singing!

My Savior’s gone to prepare me a place! I have ANOTHER world in view!


Ashley and Penelope were their usual awesome selves!

Stern Raja!

And ONE more thing!

The Magnificent Baby always wants to get in on the act! Yeah, Penelope!


GO Ashley!

The Doctor is IN. Way in. Like in your brain, JACK!

I took them on Safari to the Vietnamese grocery store. I always see something new!

I think someone needs to work on the name.

I prefer the original duck flavor.


As opposed to soggy.

I thought this looked like a brain. One of the girls said she thought it resembled a butt. What?!

Lighten up!

This reminded me of Ashley!

Took the team to Penang for lunch. It was especially good today!

On Safari to China Town to practice calligraphy!

Always something interesting to see!

They’re serious about their sales.

They’ve been a great team.

Couldn’t believe we got completely rained out today! First time in 20 years I’ve had that happen!

I spy with my bulbous eye. . .

Cleaned tile for about an hour. I got tired of seeing the extra silicon gel that I put on it to prevent leaking. I scraped the excess off with a razor blade. My hands are tired!

Admin duties now.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Portuguese! Clinch River!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:30 pm  

Got up early to study Portuguese! Feed my brain!

Then met up with Ashley and Penelope to work with our new team from Clinch River Baptist Church in Tennessee!

Always fun! They are a team with great excitement!

Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Demonstrating cow lips.

Somebody’s gotta do it.

Then to the missions! They did a great job in spite of rain at their second site!

Dangerous looking clouds!

Made some extra keys.

Just got off the phone with a friend in Brazil and another friend in Australia! This technology is AWESOME!

Admin duties now!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Portuguese! Westside! Social Media! Bike! Podcast! Set Up!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:02 pm  

I wake up early and study Portuguese first thing in the morning.

I’ve been going at verb forms especially diligently lately.

I’m making astonishing progress. Adverbs rock!

It’s really helped my Spanish, too!

K and I went to Westside this morning.

Pastor Ben spoke on the importance of Fathers. Yeah, baby!

I’ll be leading the worship music next week. My Nigerian friend Fawobi will be preaching! I’ll be doing my version of music for the teams for our congregation. It’ll probably be the wildest thing they’ve ever heard at that church!

Went to Walmart to pick up some groceries. Eating healthy!

I’ve lost over 25 pounds. Incredible what diet and exercise will do for a body. I’ve been lifting light weights every morning, too. It’s been fun to see improvement. Jesse has been using my Total Gym as well. Good for both of us!

Came home to add my sermon notes to my Twitter feed.

Went for an 11.11 mile bike ride. Felt great to get out and ride. Haven’t been able to for the last few days due to the rain.

Recorded a new podcast, “Flags.” I have 13 episodes “in the can” waiting to be released. I’ve been very diligent in recording so I can continue Tu/Friday release dates during July when I don’t have time to record. I’ve really been careful about my voice and I haven’t been nearly as hoarse this year. Hope that trend continues!

Met up with Ashley at FBC Doraville. We set up for The Show. We did it all in 1:15 hours. I think that was a record. We were definitely going at it full speed!

Enjoyed a nice talk with Jesse this evening. Great to spend time with my kids on Father’s Day!

This surprised me.

Didn’t expect if from a Veteran.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Podcast! Portuguese! Yard Work!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:49 pm  

Studied Portuguese. Working on verb forms. It’s all about finding the patterns and hearing the rhyme scheme.

Gassed up the truck.

Recorded a new edition of Verbal Surgery. Yeah, baby! I’ve really enjoyed this Sony PCM-M10 recorder. Terrific sound quality in a tiny package!

Mowed, edged and blew the front yard. Cleaned up with Nutech. Supposed to keep me from getting poison ivy rash. Hope so.

Looks better!

I’m sure I burned more calories than that! I was sweating like crazy!

Productive day!

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