Whirlwind Missions

Friday, June 16, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Penelope! Meetup!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  

Started out my morning studying Portuguese! Always fun!

Working on present tense verbs.

Recorded a new podcast: INprovement! I love hearing myself talk!

I stressed the importance of internal work, not just losing weight!

I also released a new podcast! Check out Verbal Surgery -463- “Trance Dance.” Your mind is always rewiring itself. Speed this process with this brain bopping edition! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

I spent over an hour trying to get my bill straight with Rotech for Kathy’s Cpap and oxygen. I about drives my crazy dealing with these people. Finally, I got to a supervisor who actually could DO something about the problem!

I glued the bill back on this little duck. I have to really watch Penelope. She loves breakables!

Ashley brought Penelope over today. Always a blessing!

We enjoyed playing together, then went for pizza with Jesse and Kathy.

We had a nice nap.

I’m working on my schedule for my trip to the UK in November. I’m looking forward to being with many of my best friends!

This Safari will also include a trip up to Scotland. I hear the weather in November is less than awesome, but I know the fellowship will stellar!

This evening I went to a Meet up for Portuguese learners. There weren’t any native speakers there and one girl wouldn’t stop talking in English. Eventually, I left.

I’ve tried to dispel the myth that children learn languages faster than adults. The truth is adults spend WAY more time talking in English than the language they’re trying to learn! So it was a typical “language study.” Won’t be going back. Although I did learn a couple of things.

I’ve had WAY more fun conversing with Brazilians!

Admin duties now.

My friend Bob Burns, who lives in Scotland, has created a protocol called the Swan. I thought of him when I saw this.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Social Media! Penelope! Stone Mountain! Podcast! 3,500!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:27 pm  

I always work on my Duolingo first thing when I wake up. I liked this one.

Spent time this morning adding material to my Twitter feed.

I have enough material to continue running until mid August. I usually write nearly 100 proverbs during a 30 minute sermon!

My version of Sermon Notes. Over 80,000 followers!

Took Penelope to Stone Mountain!

I’d forgotten they’re covering their hearts with their hats.

We had a great time together. She’s such a cool kid!

She liked the train. TOOOOOTOOOOO!

We had fun drinking a cherry/blueberry icee!

I love this shot!

She especially liked standing in the Splash Zone sprinklers!

She did NOT like the moving dinosaur! Scary!

Fantastic time with the Magnificent Baby.

Came home to continue to de-ice my mini fridge. It’s take two days so far!

Recorded a new podcast this evening! A terrific episode called “FOF–Fear of Failure.” It’ll release sometime in July. I try to record every day when I have time.

POURED down rain this evening. Big thunderstorm!

I’m looking forward to this Portuguese Meet Up tomorrow!

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Podcast! Stone Mountain! Power Prayer! Fridge! Bugs!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:49 pm  

Studied Portuguese.

I’ve enjoyed chatting with people in Brazil.

Recorded a new podcast this morning! WOOT!

Love this edition about how our speed affects your life! I have ten episodes “in the can” to be released later this month and next month when I’m too busy to record.

Also had a fun talk with my buddy, Anthony Jacquin in the UK. Always a good time!

Jesse helped me move my mini fridge from my office at FBC Doraville home. Hard to put in the car.

The door is actually frozen shut! It’ll melt over time.

We had his tires checked out. They said everything was ok!

Sorted a month’s worth of Kathy’s meds.

I’ve had to develop a system to make sure I get it right. Numbering all the bottles and sorting them on a big towel helps. It’s all about patterns.

Came home to work on packets of Power Prayer to give to Team Leaders coming into town.

Also printed out and labeled envelopes for our donors. We are sending these out to every adult team leader who works with us this year.

Sprayed the kitchen for bugs. Fumes were horrible. I got this pro grade stuff. Kind of scary.

Admin duties now.

Dinosaurs are a new exhibit at Stone Mountain!

Beautiful rock!

Yeah, baby!

If this thing was lit up, I doubt anyone is going to run for that fire extinguisher!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Podcast! Bugs! Pills! Bike! Promo!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:41 pm  

Still studying!

I’ve added the Tandem app to my learning approach. Nothing better than direct contact with native speakers!

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery and recorded a new show, too!

Uploaded to server.


Link on Facebook.

This is a very powerful edition of Verbal Surgery -462- “MElax” to help you sleep, NOW!

Just click on the title and SLEEP!

I’m on target for releases on Tues/Friday. The research said those were the best two days.

Worked on getting bug spray for the house. This stuff is pro grade!

Got new spray bottles from Lowes. One is supposed to be good for chemicals like bleach. We’ll see.

Made some new pill bottles for Kathy’s Meds.

Cleaned them out and dried them.

Used Audicity to combine two recordings into one.

Biked 10.65 miles.

Added email and snail mail addresses from last week’s teams. Lots of prayer cards!

Added over 80 email addresses and about 30 snail mail. Many were from our home church Rockbridge BC. They collected a big offering to help us through the tight times!

Started copying my book onto USB drives as a gift for team leaders. Productive day

I’m telling my new Brazilian friends where I live. I think most people know Florida. Georgia, not so much.

Fun conversations. They are really helping me speed up my learning.

Since I’m teaching myself, it’s not easy to figure out why the language does certain things. I’ve picked up a couple of really good teachers.

Here’s a sample of a conversation. I probably talked to at least ten people today! Soon, I’ll get up the nerve to actually talk and not just text!

Funny to think of me being shy. Ha! The Brazilians say kkkk, instead of lol. The letters are supposed to sound like laughing. I think it’s funny.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Penelope! Portuguese! Stone Mountain! Wonder Woman!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:29 pm  

Penelope spent the night with me last night.

She’s always a blessing.

I had fun chatting with people in Brazil.

Best way to get to practice Portuguese. I’m just doing texting so far. Soon, I’ll get up the guts to call these folks and actually talk! Little at a time!

I plan on going to this Meetup on Friday.

Went to Stone Mountain to chill for a bit. Soaked up some rays and swam.

I liked these flowers there.

Moved some mattresses around in our house.

Organized the cards that our teams turned in last week. I’ll start adding them to the lists soon.

Saw Wonder Woman this afternoon. Liked it!

Came home and biked 11.20 miles.

Spotted the International Space Station for the 27th time this evening. Cool to see it!

Admin duties now.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Portuguese! Westside! Shopping! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:06 pm  

This morning I followed my normal routine and studied Portuguese on Duolingo.

I stayed up past midnight searching out new ways to communicate. There are a couple of good websites and apps on my phone that are dedicated to practicing other languages with native speakers. Of course speaking American English is always popular! Tandem seems the best so far.

It’s a site ONLY for language learning.

Went to Westside BC this morning.

Kathy’s leg was really bothering her so she stayed in bed.

It was our music director’s last day with us at Westside after 16 years as our music director. Impressive longevity. I’m over 20 years now!

Pastor Ben spoke on the importance of using our gifts.

Came home to cook lunch and edit videos. I did four today!

I’m getting better at using Videoshop all the time.

My new mouse came in! My old one lasted about seven years. The battery just stopped taking a charge properly.

Ashley brought Penelope over around 5:30pm. I always love having her!

We went to Walmart and did the shopping together. Never seen these before!

I found these odd.

I fixed us some chicken with cauliflower and a banana. She seemed to like the chicken and banana the best.

Got her cleaned up and ready for bed. She went to sleep around 10:00pm. I’ve been working on admin duties since.

I like that Mother Nature is covering up these ugly Trump signs. This neighbor has six huge signs posted on his fence.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

DDay! BHFM! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:33 pm  

Went outside about 10:45pm to see if I could spot the International Space Station. Got out just slightly to late to catch it. Beautiful full Moon!

Got up early this morning. I was working on admin duties around 6:00 am. Studied Portuguese and did the blog.

Looking into having people to practice speaking Brazilian Portuguese. Some interesting Meetups and online opportunities.

This morning Ashley, Penelope and I briefed our teams on how to interact with people at the market.

Some of the questions we teach them to use.

Penelope likes to get into the act!

She’s been teething again. Poor thing really gets sad sometimes.

We gave the leader her gifts!

They always love the team photo Ashley does for them.

I give them a copy of my book “Power Prayer.” Also has 20 episodes of my podcasts and videos from Story Tim and some of my Proverbs.

I talked with them about rewiring their brains.

Great singing!

We had or Dedication Day ceremonies. Passing the baton, “It’s up to ME!”

They sign a card with the name of the person they’ll be praying for and give it to Jesus.

Anointing their head with oil and giving them the Hebrew Aaronic Blessing.

Signing the Landing Pad.

On Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

They enjoyed the lunch!

I edited video while I waited for the teams to round up the kids.

Then to the missions to shoot video/pictures and say “Goodbye!”

Went to the Air Show at the PDK airport in Chamblee. The whole afternoon with the teams it sounded like an aerial dog fight going on, complete with Zeros from Japan! Wow.
Air Show

Came home, had a brief nap, and then went for a 10.63 mile bike ride.

Good conversation with Jesse as I ate supper.

Admin duties now.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Global Mall! Al Madina! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:54 am  

Studied Portuguese.

I got an email on Thursday night from Brazil from the leader of the conference I’m speaking at in Brazil in January. He told me they are covering all my air fair and hotel bills! Awesome, baby!

Uploaded a new edition of Verbal Surgery -461- “Blunt Force Drama.”

Take your relationships to the next level and feel good, NOW! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Ashley, Penelope, Kathy and I had fun briefing our teams on Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam on Friday.

Great singing!

Practicing “the Dip.”

“It’s not for Tim, it’s for HIM!”

Coaching emotional states.

Fashion show!

Red Thread Ceremony.

“What’s that red thread?” “That’s my Prayer Trigger. Can I pray for you?”

Went on Safari to Global Mall.

P approved!


Saw the Shiv Mandir.

Visited the Middle East at Al Madina.

They’ve been a great team!

Then to the missions!

Came home and rode 11.11 miles.

I saw a dead fox on my ride. Sad. Just a kit.

Had a great talk with Jesse.

Tried to see the International Space Station. Got out just two minutes too late! It was only a 2 minute spotting. Next time!

I’m up early doing admin duties on Saturday. It’s our DDay for the team.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Portuguese! Teams! Global Mall! Al Madina! Missions! Concert!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery late last night!

This morning I got up early and studied Portuguese! It’s becoming a habit!

Ashley, Penelope and I had fun briefing our teams from Alabama, Florida and Georgia on Islam, Judaism and Christianity.


Rabbi Tim!

With my lil’ partner!

Fashion show!

The Red Thread Ceremony

People tie a thread on their partner’s wrist. “What’s that Red Thread?” “It’s my Prayer Trigger. Can I pray for you?”

Took them on Safari to Global Mall.

Two of the teams ate with us at Ashiana.

Visited the Shiv Mandir. Penelope wanted to help with the briefing. Cutest angel.

How many choirs get to sing in a Hindu Temple? Only with me and Ashley!

Then to Al Madina!

They’re doing a great job at the missions.

Turning Point from Florida had a pizza party and concert at Shallowford Gardens.

I liked seeing these girls sharing Jesus!

At the end, the team handed out tshirts! I look forward to seeing the kids wear them!

Got home about 9:30pm. Long days!

Admin duties now.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Podcast! Teams! Asian Square! Missions! Concert!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:47 am  

Studied Portuguese early Tuesday morning!

Took the Financial Report to our treasurer’s house.

Ashley, Penelope and I briefed the teams on Hinduism and Buddhism.

Good singing!

Go Penelope!

Took them on Safari to Asian Square.

Then to the missions! They are doing a wonderful job, in spite of drizzly weather.

They helped me clean up the mission at Azalea and get the room ready for Jesse to move back in.

I scrubbed, swept and cleaned!

Our team from Florida, Turning Point at Calvary, did a concert and puppet show at Azalea!

They kids loved it!

The parents, too!

Got home after 10:00pm. Long day! Then released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -460- “Ride the Lightning!” It’s electrifying! Learn how to rewire your brain and feel good, NOW!

Just click on the title and groove!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

I’m up early Wednesday morning to work on Admin duties before going to be with the teams.

Studied Portuguese this morning.

Say what?

Beautiful sunset!

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