Whirlwind Missions

Monday, June 5, 2017

Teams! BHFM! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:22 pm  

Studied Portuguese around 6:00am. Early for my brain!

I got a new program to listen to learn on Audible. It’s been really good.

Got about 3/4″ of rain on Sunday.

This morning Ashley, Penelope and I briefed our three teams from Georgia, Alabama and Florida!

Fun! Oshe Baba! Blast off!

Coach Tim yelling at everyone to get with the program!

The Egg of Eggcellence!

Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

After eating lunch, we took them on a tour around the market.

The team sang at the market. Beauty!

Then to the missions!

We had very heavy weather roll through the ATL. Cut the second sessions short. We had planned on hosting a concert at one of the missions in the evening. Just too dangerous for that.

Did some shopping then came home to make supper.

Admin duties now.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Editing! Lists! Jesse! Photos!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:02 pm  

Rainy day.

Studied Portuguese. Reviewing key concepts.

Kathy wasn’t feeling well. Took care of her this morning. Jesse is also under the weather.

Edited and uploaded video from my latest team from Alabama.

I am doing all the editing, uploading and sharing on my iPhone 7+.

I’ve made a couple of changes to my operation. I used to always add music. I’ve decided that wasn’t necessary. I think the natural sound adds more realism. And I’ve also stopped burning DVDs for each team. Who watches DVDs anymore? Everything now is streaming in HD.

Sent an email to the team leader with all the links to the photo galleries and video.

When that is accomplished I consider the team complete, although I’ve added one more step now. From now on, all the adult leaders who come with the teams will also be sent a letter to encourage them to become regular donors. If you don’t ask, you don’t receive. In the past I’ve asked, but not directly enough.

Worked on updating the Featured Galleries in our Photo Sharing site: SmugMug.

Updated and merged all the different State email addresses into one master State list.

Added all the new contacts from last week into the separate lists, either Youth Group Leaders (who have already worked with us) or Newsletter List (every member who has worked with us.)

A massive job, but worthwhile. It’ll save Ashley a lot of time when she sends out information. She can do one email blast rather than 15!

I’m very sensitive to how much time each procedure takes. If it’s too hard, it generally stops getting done.

Too slippery to ride.

I did record a very intense edition of Verbal Surgery called “This Is Not A Drill.” Super good will be released later this month.

Had a good meeting over the phone with Jesse’s lawyer for his startup. Great to see things coming along!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Portuguese! Prattville! BHFM! Missions! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:23 pm  

50 DAYS STRAIGHT of studying Portuguese. I’m making progress.

I spoke a lot of Spanish today as well. There is so much crossover between the two languages that it has really been a great review.

Ashley, Penelope and I had a great time on our D-DAY, or Dedication Day with our team from Prattville and Montgomery Hills, Alabama.

Rocking out with “Oshe, Baba!”

Everyone jumps as high as they can.


We enjoy giving gifts!

Explaining how to interact with people at the market.

Ashley is so good at it!

Senor Tim rides again!

Rabbi Mode.

Part of our D-Day is giving the card with the person that we’re praying for to Jesus.

I anoint their heads with oil from the Holy Land and give them part of the Aaronic Blessing. “May the Lord bless you and keep you.”

Then they sign the Landing Pad.

Then on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

I will be going to Belo Horizonte in January, 2018! Yeah, baby!

Thus the Portuguese study.

I will be one of the speakers at what is being billed as the largest hypnosis conference in the world.

We had a great lunch with the team. Penelope is always the hit of the show.

Always something fun and different to see!

Lots of samples to try!

Penelope’s “hobo” look. She loves chocolate!

After the taking them to the market we came back to the church for them to use the bathroom. They also helped me set up chairs for the next team. we have 55 people in town on Monday! I hung the Landing Pad back up. It’s four years old now! Getting pretty full!

I also cleaned the room and the bathrooms and swept the rugs.

Then to the missions! I thought these little boys were super cute.

The team has done a great job with the kids!

One of our team members got to share with a homeless guy.

Went to Walmart to pick up supplies like bathroom cleaners, sprays and toilet paper.

After I finished cleaning up the church, I went home and had a 10.66 mile bike ride.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Podcast! Global Mall! Al Madina! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:59 pm  

Studied Portuguese.

Released a terrific new episode of Verbal Surgery “IN Joy!” Get the happy, and feel good, NOW! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Had a great time with Ashley and Penelope briefing our team from Alabama on Hinduism, Judaism and Islam.

Oshe, BABA! Launch yourself!

My Savior’s Gone to Prepare me a Place!

EGGstreme EGGuberance!

Raja/Princess mode!

RAbbi Tim!

Penelope was rocking the djembe! Yeah, BABY!

Fashion show!

Had our Red Thread ceremony.

On Safari to Global Mall! Ashiana was excellent and the Shiv Mandir very interesting.

Glad to have Kathy to come help.

Safari to Al Madina.

Edited the video I shot for our team from Enterprise.

Uploaded and sent links to the leaders.

Checked on the teams at the missions and shot video/pictures.


Came home to get Jesse’s meds.

Gave myself a haircut and beard trim.

Took a shower afterwards so rest day from the bike.

Admin duties now.

Just in case you forgot.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Enterprise! Prattville! Plaza Fiesta! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:19 pm  

Put some new insoles into my shoes this morning. Reckon they needed it!

Filled out my mileage log.

Ashley, Penelope and I had a great time on our Dedication Day with our team from FBC Enterprise! We always enjoy giving gifts.

I look like I’ve lost weight in this shot. Over 20 pounds.

I love singing with the teams! I’ve really worked on not blowing out my voice. So far I’ve done pretty well.

I took them outside today.

I thought the feathers added a nice touch.


During our briefing, we have the teams read the labels on the curiosities that we show. Penelope took one of the microphone and was doing the same thing to the kids! She cracks me up!

We were joined by our other team from FBC Prattville, AL! Met up with them at Plaza Fiesta!

We had our dedication ceremonies with our team from Enterprise. Signing the Landing Pad!

We really enjoyed this almost all girl team. They were really fantastic.

Always something interesting to see!

Said our “Good byes” to the team, then focused on our new group! They did a great job at the missions!

During the transition periods, I edited video on my iPhone.

Got them to their second locations and shot pictures and video.

Came home around 7:30pm and went for a 9.95 mile bike ride. I was going fast!

I repainted my shoes with white primer spray paint this evening. I like the new insoles. Felt better when I pedaled!

Admin duties now. I’m tired. I’ve been going to sleep around 10:30pm, which is pretty early for me.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Enterprise! Global Mall! Al Madina! Missions!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:56 pm  

We got over 1″ of rain yesterday.

This morning Ashley, Penelope and I had fun briefing our team on Hinduism, Judaism and Islam.

I introduced them to “Bubbleation!”

Always a crowd favorite!

I went into full “Raja Mode.”

Plus “Rabbi Tim!”

The fashion show.

Rachel’s Tree of Love for the “Red Thread Ceremony.”

Our Lil’ Partner was tuckered out!

We took them on Safari to Global Mall. Enjoyed eating at Ashiana and seeing the Shiv Mandir.

Glad Kathy got to come!

Then to Al Madina to get a taste of the Middle East and Islam.

They’ve done a great job at the missions!

Never too much Penelope!

She enjoyed seeing the other little kids.

She wasn’t completely sure what to make of this attention!

I was good to see my friend Eduardo Zamora!

I dropped off a couple of packages in the mail to my friends Anthony and Freddy Jacquin! Can’t wait to see them in November!

Came home to ride 10.61 miles on my bike.

Cleaned my hummingbird feeders and refilled them.

Admin duties now. Included catching the blog up from yesterday since I got home so late.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

FBC Enterprise, AL! Todd Rundgren!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

Tuesday, Ashley, Penelope and I had fun briefing our team on how to round up the kids at the mission and how to interact with people at the markets.

We took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market. Always a hoot!

I couldn’t get over Penelope eating those red hot Taki chips!

Then to the missions!

It was a rainy day. They still did a great job!

Later that evening, I went to see Todd Rundgren who is my favorite musician. This was the fifth time to see him in concert! He was better than ever. A terrific show with an incredible light show. I was right against the stage, as usual.

I didn’t get home until nearly midnight.

Released a new episode of my podcast! Check out Verbal Surgery -458- “Call of Beauty” and rewire your brain while you feel good, NOW! Just click on the title and GROOVE!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Podcasts! Ashley’s iPhone 7+! Cleaning!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:34 pm  

Happy Memorial Day!

I recorded TWO podcasts today.

One this morning and one this evening. I have 12 “in the can” ready for release during the Summer months. I had to splice two sections together using Audacity.

Ashley’s phone developed problems.

Upgraded her to my model, the iPhone 7+. Best phone I’ve ever used.

She’s happy!

Greg at AT&T helped me get it squared away.

Paid bills.

Vacuumed the house and cleaned garage.

Added washer fluid to K’s car.

Also hid her hide a key.

Ready for our team tomorrow!

No bike for me. Too wet.

Studied Portuguese.

Making transcriptions of some videos in Portuguese. Doesn’t work that great. But helpful!

Got my ticket ready for Todd Rundgren tomorrow evening. Yeah, baby!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Westside! Anthony! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:06 pm  

Went to Westside this morning.

Our music director is retiring. He’ll be missed although John did a good job.

Pastor Ben spoke on dealing with hard times. We all have them!

Packaged up some gifts for my friends Anthony and Freddy Jacquin.

I think they’ll like them. Anthony once said, “Tim Cummins gives the best gifts.” I thought that was cool.
Had a good talk with Anthony.

Studied Portuguese.

I continue to make progress.

Posted new material to my Twitter feed. My version of sermon notes.

Did some research on flights to Birmingham, England in November and Belo Horizonte, Brazil in January. Two thrilling trips!

Went for a 15.41 mile bike ride. Perhaps my longest ever.

She doesn’t even look tired.

15 hours on a bike this month. I figured it was more!

Admin duties now.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

N. Gwinnett Church to Global Mall and BAPS Temple! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:48 pm  

Pushing along with Portuguese!

Ashley, Penelope and I had fun briefing our team from N. Gwinnett church on Hinduism.

Penelope’s teething. Poor sweet thing was really hurting.

I like the costume changes. I was so sweaty that I almost got stuck! Not telling what would have happened if I hadn’t lost 20 pounds!

Ashley explained the food to them!

We took them to the BAPS temple in Lawrenceville, which is the third largest Hindu temple in the world!

Beautiful place!

Global Mall is always cool!

Delicious food at Ashiana and interesting discussion at the Shiv Mandir.

They did a great job at the missions!

Came home and rode my bike 10.58 miles. It’s interesting to go back and do the route after a week or so and find it so much easier. I’m really getting stronger.

I’ve been riding with wash rags on my handles. I get really sweaty and lose my grip.


Beautiful moon!

I spotted the International Space Station for the 26th time this evening! It wasn’t very bright and was kind of hard to spot.

While I was out there I saw a bat flying around. Cool!

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