Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Portuguese! Westside! Seminar! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:17 pm  

Worked on Portuguese morning. Always making progress!
New high score in ClozeMaster.
Went to Westside!
Pastor Ben baptized two men today! Amen!
John led the singing. I’ve enjoyed playing djembe with him.
I’ve been working on this verse this week. I was shocked to see that it was the verse for our church too!

I worked on my version of sermon notes.
Went for a 15.49 mile bike ride.

SO glad I was able to get some exercise before it started raining.

Beautiful clouds today!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Portuguese! Warhol! Spiderman! Yard!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:33 pm  

Studied Portguese this morning!
Watered my plants.

Cleaned and refilled all my bird feeders.
Went to downtown Atlanta to see the Andy Warhol exhibit at the High Museum of Art.

It was a fun walk from my car to the exhibit!

I always think of the Amazon jungle when I see Verbena.

The High is a great museum!

I really like Warhol’s style.

They had a lot of his earliest work.

Lots of famous quotes by this modern art master!

This one really impacted me. I have had a camera constantly by my side for over twenty years now.

I love his industrial work.

His Marilyns are my favorites.

He did many of these works in sets of ten.

I liked his signature.

Interesting themes.

Self reflection.

I liked this one a lot.

He designed work for the Rolling Stones.

I have a fascination with skulls.

He had a major impact on Pop Art.

My favorite!

Did the grocery shopping on the way home.

Uploaded pictures to Smugmug and Instagram.

Then went to see Spiderman. Fun movie.

Came home to work in the back yard.
Picked up hundreds of sticks.
I mowed nearly a half acre.
I was drenched with sweat.

Hard to push and 1.39 miles!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Bike! Portuguese! School Supplies! Podcast!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:47 pm  

Thursday evening I went for a 12.75 mile bike ride.
This morning I worked on Portuguese.
I’m doing well with ClozeMaster.
I think 104 is the highest I’ve ever scored.
I fixed our vacuum cleaner this morning. It wasn’t raising and lowering the levels properly. Nasty job.
I recorded a new podcast! “PROfound” is just that! It’ll release in a week or so.

We distributed the school supplies we got from our Perimeter Church partner. We took everything out of the book bags and put in just what the kids need. It’s WAY more fair that way. Then we’ll give them stuff all during the year.
Our neighbor Angela and her three daughters helped us.
We gave out 30 book bags.

We had quite a crowd. We went for the window distribution this time. We are still working on the insurance for the mission. I told management we wouldn’t have anyone inside until then.

Never too much Ashley!

I released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -477- “I Can, I WILL!” I fired up episode if there ever was one!

Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.
I repaired a bag that Kathy’s sister gave her.
Admin duties now.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Computer! Mail out! Insurance! Penelope!

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:36 pm  

Jesse helped me reapportion the drives on my computer late last night.

There was plenty of room, just not on my C: drive. It took hours for all the files to be moved around. Had to wait till today to work on my normal admin duties.

First thing this morning, I worked on the insurance forms for the mission and called our insurance agent.

We are going with another company. We worked with this agent for years before we changed. We went to another company because we got better rates for covering over 30 missions. We are now just covering one. We’ve spread the others out to other ministries or have closed them because of lack of volunteers. We cover as many as we can with our teams from out of town.

Worked on Portuguese.

It’s weird how I almost see DuoLingo as a type of fortune cookie.

I usually spend time with ClozeMaster as well.

Got the new Stone Mountain sticker in my car.

I got a new hummingbird feeder for Ashley and mixed up some fresh juice for the birds. Love them.
It’s a one to four ratio. I usually do one cup sugar and four cups of water. I have four feeders going at my house.

Went to the Post Office this morning to turn in the letters I completed last night.

I did over 500. I watched all of Season Four of Sherlock and most of Rogue One before I was finished.

Nearly midnight when I had Jesse come and figure out the drives on my computer. Man, was I glad he was here to help. I was pretty clueless as to what to do.

Did the grocery shopping.

Enjoyed watching Penelope. She’s always such a blessing.

See anything weird about this picture?

This struck me as funny.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Podcast! Mission! Antiques! Insurance! 8.2.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:04 pm  

Studied Portuguese. Better every day!

Started memorizing Romans 15:13.

Tuesday, I focused on getting the mailout completed. Huge job.

Recorded a new podcast! “Our Hour” is pretty dark but a very personal look inside my head! It’ll release next week.

I released Verbal Surgery -476- “Flags”! A terrific episode on how to spot your triggers in life. Just click on the title and GROOVE!

I got the newletters and the first set of letters in the 741 Research List in the mail.

Went by the mission to let moms know I was doing the School Supply distribution on Friday. Put signs up.
Filled the car up.
Ate lunch at Plaza Fiesta.
Wasn’t many people there. Our yogurt place went out of business.
I thought it was interesting that them made a sign in English, too.

While I was at the mission, I also disconnected the wifi modem and took it back to Xfinity. We are doing everything we can to save money.

Stopped at Metropolitan Artifacts.

They are going out of business. I’ve seen this place hundreds of times, but never stopped it. It was fantastic!

This is what caught my eye. I’d love to have that. But not $5,500 worth of love! And that’s half off!

It was one long photo op. Wow.

I reckon these guys are great!

I thought these were interesting.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Portuguese! Insurance! Mail out! Bike!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:30 pm  

Studied Portuguese this morning.

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery – 476- “Flags!” What are the warning signs that you are stressing out? Understand and use them!
Uploaded to server.
Link on Facebook.

Mileage log for July. I haven’t cashed a check for mileage since the beginning of the year to help Whirlwind with finances.

Talked to the management of Azalea Place about our situation with insurance.

Went by the church to get the mail and check on our lock up closet downstairs.
To the bank to deposit money.

Talked to the director of the Recreation Center at Doraville to get showers for a team coming in August. Looks like it’ll work out!

Went to Ashley’s house to work on the mail out. Huge job.

We also wrote letters to our insurance agents.
Baby was asleep when she got home.

She put on my socks, too! What a sweetheart!

What a wonderful family!

I have all the pieces ready for the mail out and the newsletters now!

Went for a short bike ride. I ate when I got home and had to wait for my stomach to settle. Got started late. I don’t ride when it starts getting dark.

Admin duties now.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Installation! Mail Out! Pool!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:54 pm  

Got up early and studied Portuguese. I can really see progress!

I’m really enjoying ClozeMaster. It’s way harder than DuoLingo.

Recorded a new podcast!

A terrific edition that will be released next week called, “Ear Steering!” I’m enjoying recording and putting them “in the vault.”

I installed a strip to keep two pieces of carpet in the hall down. Seems to be working well so far!

I also installed a handle to help Kathy get in and out of the house.

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned the glass door.

Went to Ashley’s house to work on her wifi and complete the layout for the big mail out. It will go to 741 different churches. Remember me working on the Research List all those hundreds of hours? It’s that list!

Always great to see the Magnificent Baby. I remember when Kathy bought her those pink cowboy boots. I didn’t think she’d ever fit in them. Now she does!

Hung out at the pool for about thirty minutes. Great to have it so close! The water helps Kathy’s hip.

Played some Battlefront. Haven’t played much lately. I was owning everyone.

When I was shopping at Walmart for groceries, I found a guy’s iPhone 7+ which is MY phone!

I knew he must be freaking out. I turned it into Customer Service. As I was walking back to my cart, I noticed a guy frantically feeling for his phone in his pockets. “You missing a phone? I just turned it in office.” Wow, did he ever look relieved!

Seems like a get groceries nearly every day. It’s because I have to get fresh fruits and vegetables all the time.
Put the new episode of Verbal Surgery in my “Vault.”
Admin duties now.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Podcast! Penelope! Bike! Portuguese! 7.29-30.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:46 pm  

Started out my Saturday morning early studying Portuguese!


Saturday I recorded a new podcast! I love to hear myself talk!

It was fantastic to be back at Evergreen Lake to record.

Did the grocery shopping. This struck me as funny.

Penelope spent the day and evening with us Saturday. I had such fun playing with her. We enjoyed the sprinkler. Then took her to the swimming pool. She liked the hot tub the best.

Came home to paint Kathy’s toes. Penelope was very interested and let me do hers, too!

She crashed around 10pm. Me, too. She woke up about 4:30am and wouldn’t go back to sleep. We watched the Jungle Book. At 6:00am I took her upstairs to change her diaper. Kathy was awake by then and took charge. I went back to sleep for several hours. Too tired to make church today.

Studied Portuguese.

Cumulative effect.

I took Penelope on walk about to explore the neighborhood. I didn’t have my camera with me. I was wearing swim trunks.

Kathy took her home around 2:45pm.

I rested and played some Battlefront.

Around 6:00pm I went for a 12.75 mile bike ride. Felt great outside. Wasn’t very hot.

Admin duties now.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Portuguese! Podcast! Bike! Chores! 7.28.17

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:15 pm  

Woke up early to study Portugese!
Studied verb forms.

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery -475- “Boom goes the dynoMIGHT!”

Click on the title and GROOVE!

Uploaded to server.

Link on Facebook.

Went to Stone Mountain to record a new edition called “I Can, I WILL!” Good one!

There was a conference at the hotel. Tons of tech stuff.

Listened to Portuguese and relaxed by the pool for a half hour.

I liked this little cabin by the hotel.

Largest single rock in the world!

Added new addresses to my email newsletter list.

Also to the snail mail list.

Printed and labeled the envelopes for this month’s newsletter.

Cleaned and refilled the bird feeders.

Rode 16.88 miles. A new record for me.

Sorted Kathy’s meds.

Cleaned the fish tank.

Admin duties now.

I’ve been going to bed really early. Tired, but feel great!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Portuguese! DDAY! Plaza Fiesta! Final Team!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:07 pm  

I worked on Portuguese this morning. Steady progress.


Secrets of LIFE!

Enjoyed briefing our team from Silverdale BC this morning. Gave the leader gifts!

Talking about Catholicsm as practiced in Mexico!

Penelope loved the girls!

And signing the Landing Pad!

Rabbi mode as I annoint their heads with oil from the Holy Land.

Giving their cards to Jesus.

On Safari to Plaza Fiesta!

Always something I’ve never seen before in my life.

Ashley and I struck the set for The Show.

The Big Globe made it through another season!

The team helped me put stamps on the envelopes.

They donated baseball equipment.

Ashley helped me clean the Fellowship Hall. Swept and scrubbed bathrooms and the whole downstairs. Mopped dirty spots and the bathrooms.

Final job is to take out the trash.

Dropped off the book bags from Perimeter Church at Azalea.

Drove through Shallowford Gardens on the way to check the team. Massive fire there about a week ago. All the residents were having to move anyway. There is a new elementary school being built on that location. Then a fire destroys many family’s belongings. Sad.

Came home to work on admin duties.

I was planning on riding but looked like a big thunderstorm was coming my way. Weird how weather can suddenly change course or dissapate.

I still need to write my newsletter and edit video. Plenty to do!

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