Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Gas! Fluids! Anthony! Gymnastics! 1.4.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:12 pm  

Keep trying, even when I’m sick.



Fun chat with Anthony!

Interesting article on AI.

Got the newsletters in the mail.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Gassed up my car. Added oil and transmission fluid.

Good talk with my Mom!

Picked up the girls from the bus and took them to gymnastics. BOTH the girls are doing it now. We got Everly changed to Penelope’s time period so we don’t have to wait the extra hour.

Went by my office to check the mail.

I got a cherry pie from Walmart. Baked it this evening. SO good!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Anthony! Miles! PE! Newsletters! 1.3.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:39 pm  



I took Kathy to the hospital today to do a CT scan on her heart. I hope everything is ok. Scary.

Walked 1.87 miles.


Sewed up K’s bag.

Fun talk with my buddy Anthony. Been awhile since we’ve talked because I’ve been sick.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Miles offered to let me have the day off, but I had too many things to do in Chamblee: talk to the insurance guy, and newsletters.

I’m keeping K and Mr. Wilson in the loop about the developments of the repair of the column.

I love these Pileated Woodpeckers. The pair were together right before I took this picture. Fantastic.

We need to clean up the area behind the mission.

Most of the stuff I put inside.

Miles was glad to see his girls! So was I!

Deposited checks. Thank you, Jesus.

Took the girls to Taco Veloz.

Keep working.

I still need to fold up the newsletters and get them ready to mail. I worked on getting the TV in Penelope’s room working instead. Can’t say I did a satisfactory job because the monitor didn’t have speakers.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Stamps! Walmart! Rest! 1.2.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:05 pm  

Sounds like a lot of people are sick. I certainly have been. K, J and I have all gotten flu and Covid 19 shots. Didn’t seem to help me much. The doctors always say, “You could have been a lot worse without the shot. I reckon that could be true.


I sent Tim Deter’s contact information to Ruthie North. Hope he can help them!


Put the vacuum cleaner back together after I cleaned it and vacuumed the kitchen.

Washed my clothes and all my bedding. I hope to clean my comforter tomorrow at Azalea.

Walked 1.77 miles.


I was in touch with Bill Kelly who is going to repair the column, Progressive car insurance and Mr Wilson, K’s boss today.

Paid bills.

Checked and added transmission fluid to my car.

Went to the Post Office to buy stamps. Looked like they had painted the buildings in the complex.

Went to Walmart to pick up some hot chocolate mix and more nose drops. Being stopped up is my main symptom now, besides feeling tired.

Put the stamps on the letters. I should get the copies made tomorrow and the letters into the mail soon after.

Looks like another cold night coming.

Even though I’ve been sick, I’ve continued to put time in on Español. There are five really strong students this week. That is unusual.

Monday, January 1, 2024

1500! Comcast Cable! Walk! 1.1.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm  

I came in #3 last week in the Duolingo leagues.


Ordered groceries.

That’s a lot of days in a row!

Ashley asked me about helping the grandgirls tomorrow. I’m still not feeling well, but I was willing to try. Fortunately, K is going to go in for me. Amen.

Our upstairs TV has had connection problems. This morning the Comcast guys ran a new cable to it. The old cable can’t fully carry the load. Unfortunately, the signal coming from the street is still low so there will be more maintenance needed. It’s affecting our street.

I had to move a lot of stuff out of the way before they could drill through the wall.

I got everything put back in place.

Walked 1.89 miles.

Vacuumed after I put the stuff back up.

Showed K how to get to Ashley’s house.

K’s health insurance card hasn’t come in yet, however I was able to take a picture of the card on line and print that up. There’s always a work around.

Picked up the groceries. Also went inside to get a few treats for our anniversary.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Push forward.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Español! Walk! Newsletters! 12.31.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm  



Walked 1.75 miles.

My upstairs TV is still having connection problems. I got a new set top box installed, but the signal still isn’t very good. Was on the line with Comcast about an hour today. Finally got tech assigned to come by my house tomorrow morning to figure out where the problem is.

Produced and printed my newsletter. Also printed the labels and got the envelopes done. Still need more stamps.

K has done a good job taking care of me while I’ve been sick. Mainly gets me food. I’ve stayed away from everyone for the most part.

I pushed hard this evening and briefly got into second place. She’ll take that over in an hour or so. That’s what I would do. But my goal is top three which I will achieve.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Walk! Newsletters! Español! 12.30.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm  

Got my clothes washed.

Making progress!


Just study.

I’m still not feeling well but went for a 1.27 mile walk around the neighborhood. It was too much for me just to go up and down the hill in front of my house yet.

I FaceTimed the grandgirls and played some Roblox with them.

Cool pair of Pileated Woodpeckers. They’re as big a crows!

Wrote my newsletter about the Christmas party.

Don’t stop pushing.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Bird Feeders! Bottles! Español! 12.29.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:48 pm  

Cold and colder coming.



Cleaned the birdbaths and refilled the feeders.

Straightened up St. Francis.

Added some new water bottles. Filled them up. Added fertilizer to two of them.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Anniversary! Español! TV! Mushroom! 12.28.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:02 pm  

Today Kathy and I have been married thirty-eight years! Sounds like a lot! Sadly, I try to keep my space from the more healthy members of the family. So I’m either downstairs or outside for most of my time.



Ordered groceries.

Went to the Xfinity store to get another set top box for the TV.

Set up the Xfinity app on my phone. Needed it for the installation, apparently.

Got it all set up. Took forever download all the programs.

Interesting mushrooms.

Keeping Mr. Wilson in the loop about the column repair.

Picked up my groceries.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Sick! Español! Column! 12.27.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:09 pm  



Went to Young World. I had a meeting with my contractor who’s looking into the repair work.

I spent about thirty minutes trying to get through to Xfinity. Finally, made a human connection. She reset out TV Box, but this evening it wasn’t working again. Bahd luck.

Brought my carnivorous plants in. Super cold weather is coming.

Got a new sling bag.

Just keep going.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Sick! 12.24-26.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:45 pm  

It’s been a rough few days. I’ve had about 101 degree temperature swopping with being under blankets feeling like I’m freezing. Really achey and coughing as well. That’s not zesty.


Came in #2 in Duolingo last week.

I’ve still kept up with my studies of Spanish every day.

I liked this article on resolutions.

No matter how crappy I feel, I’m going to go to Young World tomorrow at noon to get the column that Kathy ran into squared away.

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