Whirlwind Missions

Friday, December 22, 2023

Sick! Español! Rest! 12.22.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:29 pm  

Had chills and fever last night. Coughing a lot. Slept about twelve hours.



Listened to Don Cheto. Did some research on the show.

Watched Reacher. What a great show! Only does one episode a week.

Watched the first episode of Yu You Hakusho. It’s in Japanese. I watch it with Spanish subtitles. Makes me read and try and understand super fast.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Nana! Airport! 12.21.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:12 pm  

I got some bad news last night. My “Uncle” Harold died recently. I grew up with his family in Kenya. He was a hero to me of language study and the idea that I could learn anything if I had a book to teach me.

Always learning new words. Spanish AND English!

I took my Mom to the airport today. This notice kind of alarmed me. Everything turned out fine.



We got to the airport in plenty of time.

Had to change plans about working on the column that K hit at Young World.

Listened to Don Cheto. Learned some new family words.

Wrote a letter to ENT of Georgia about a bill for Jessi’s operation. Our insurance should have covered it all.

Ashley sent me some picture of the girls in their back yard. Miles and Ashley have been sick. I’ll pick the girls up tomorrow morning. They’ll spend the night with us Friday night.

Signed up to spot the International Space Station again. I need my Mac Air to sign up. I couldn’t do it on my iPhone.

Just keep going.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Walk! Groceries! 12.20.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  


Kathy has had some problems going to the bathroom. Went to Walmart last night to get her some meds. She finally went successfully today. Amen.



Big news. We’ll see what the Supreme Court does.

I worked on Spanish today for around three hours. I woke up early to study, then later I got a text from Ashley saying their whole family was sick, so I didn’t go to get the girls.

Walked 2.62 miles. It had warmed up a little by the time is started.

Ordered groceries.

Chatted with Bill Kelly about looking at the damage that Kathy did at her work place.

Nana decided to go on back to Texas tomorrow. She has a big family event to take care of on Christmas Eve. We will really miss her! I checked her in for the flight.

My windshield wiper fluid is out. I have some more coming. My windshield was super dirty. I cleaned it before I picked up the groceries. I didn’t want to look through it all the way to the airport tomorrow.

I picked up the groceries and put them up.

Blew out the leaves from the garage.

I had a nice nap this afternoon, but I’m still really tired. My throat is still bothering me too.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Grandgirls! Farmers Market! Plaza Fiesta! Park! 12.19.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:09 pm  

I love this piece from Dune.




Picked up the girls at their house then took them to Waffle House for breakfast.

Went to the Buford Highway Farmers Market to pick up some goodies for Nana and to take home for friends.

Ordered some windshield washer fluid.

We went to Azalea to see how the apartment looked after it had been emptied out.

Went to the UPS store to drop off the clock that was broken in shipment.

We went on Safari to another Farmers Market. It was fun to see Penelope use her camera. I’m teaching her some of the basics and letting her and Everly practice.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Father!

Went to Plaza Fiesta to have some fun.

Had fun at the Brookhaven park.

Keep going.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Nana! Grandgirls! Mall Safari! 12.18.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:29 pm  

Came in #2 this week. Good effort.



Nana went with me to take care of the grandgirls today.

Worked on getting the column at Kathy’s work fixed. Talked with my Progressive car insurance guy and Bill Kelly who will do the repairs.

I liked the art the girls did for me today.

Love being with my Mom and the grandgirls.

We went to Goodwill, Perimeter Mall and Pet Smart. I enjoyed watching Penelope use her new camera to take pictures.

It was a fun subject for her. Here are some of our shots.

At Perimeter Mall we played a guessing game as to what shoes the other people liked the best. We had fun.

We also went of Brook Run Park for fifteen minutes. I only let them stay out that long because of the cold.

Got gas and checked the oil on the way home. I get mine at Walmart and was able to use my .10 cent discount tonight.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Grandgirls! New House! Christmas! 12.17.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:16 pm  

Jessi has been doing some cool experiments with mushrooms.


Not great weather today.


I told Anthony about this documentary this morning. We were talking about the tallest mountains in the brain.

Washed my bed clothes.

The clock they sent me had the glass busted. I’m sending it back.

Kathy, Nana and I went to visit Ashley, Miles and the girls in their new house. We enjoyed Thai food and had a little Christmas party before my Mom has to go back to Texas on Thursday. We had fun!

Checked on the school calendar to make sure the girls went back on the third.

I’ll come in the top three this week.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

PE! Library Park! Kendall’s Move! 12.16.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  


Girls had fun with Jessi doing science. These are special glasses that help you look straight up.

Ashley and Miles got their stuff moved over from Azalea to their new house that they’re renting.


I love Everly’s art.

Walked .64 miles.

We went to the Library Park with Nana.

Started drizzling in the afternoon. Kept up most of the rest of the day. We were planning to go back to Stone Mountain so Penelope could shoot pictures with her new camera she got for Christmas. Couldn’t because of the weather.

I made lemon squares this evening. Yum.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Azalea Christmas! Stone Mountain! 12.15.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:56 pm  



Walked 1.56 miles.

Did my laundry.

Took the clock to the UPS Store to send back to Amazon.

Went to Walmart and the Dollar Tree to get supplies for the Christmas party.

Deposited checks at the bank. Thank you, Jesus.

My Mom and I went to Taco Veloz before going to the mission to get the girls and set up for the Christmas party.

We had over fifty kids for the party!

Beautiful sunset!

Went to the office to check the mail.

The girls and I went to Stone Mountain to see the Christmas show. It was fun, but pretty cold.

The park is beautiful with all the lights.


Just keep going.

Girls were tired after the fun.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Walk! Hole Repair! Nana! PE–Gymnastics! AZ! 12.14.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:54 pm  

Worked on getting estimates for the column repair that K hit.


Milder today.


Walked 2.52 miles.

While I was walking, I noticed a hole in the wall in my attic. Stupid squirrels! Went to Lowes to pick up some screws and glue.

Drilled holes so I could screw through the laminate. Hard to install due to low ceiling and having to be extra careful to only stand on the rafters.

Stuff always falls down when I open the attic. Vacuumed the house after I did the repair. Then cleaned the canister equipment.

Ordered a camera for Penelope. Sent back a clock to Amazon–it was supposed to come with numbers.

Swept the kitchen area.

Put my carnivorous plants back outside.

Nana and I picked up Penelope and Everly, then we went to E’s gymnastic class. it was her final day of the semester.

Saw this juvenile red tailed hawk at Azalea.

Helped the kids with their homework. I’ve been teaching some of the girls regrouping for subtraction.

Always great to spend time with Ash and Miles. They’re moving into their rental house this weekend. SIX years at Azalea. It’s rare for a couple to spend that long living in a mission. Average is about two years or less.

l love winter sunsets.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Walk! Nana! K! Eye Doctor! Azalea! 12.13.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  




Cleaned my shoes.

Cleaned out the kitchen trash cans and took the bins to the street.

Walked 2.23 miles.

Took Nana to the Briggs Vision Group where Ashley works to get her eye exam and some new glasses!

We went to Mellow Mushroom for lunch. I had my first Calzone. Delicious!

Listened to Don Cheto.

Helped the kids with their homework and did some art projects.

Just keep going.

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