Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Podcasts! Outreach! Jammin’!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 pm  

Fun day! Although my fingers have blisters. . .

Worked on podcasts this morning! Always one of my fun things to do!

Take a listen to this one. It’s awesome! “Imagination is the Ultimate Super Power!” It’s fun!

And then one of my favorite topics: Love! “When Push Comes to Shove, LOVE!” An important podcast that you’ll really enjoy!

Went to Huntington Terraces for lunch to work with our team from Foothill Community Church!

They’re a great group! Ashley spoke there a few weeks ago and a bunch of them came to help today!


They had games, food and loved on the families there. Awesome time!


I took Ashley out for Malaysian food after the outreach. We were still a bit hungry.

She’s always more experimental than me. She tried the honey fried squid.

I tried one. I went “hmmm.” Rather than “MMMM!” All those tiny tentacles. . .

I sure liked my Thai Fried Rice better.

Then we went to the city of Stone Mountain for their Bluegrass Festival. I also wanted to take her to the antique store that I like over there.

We had fun looking for interesting things. I bought a Japanese sword that was over 150 years old as well as a Fraternal sword that I thought was cool. Groovy!

You can never have too many sharp pointy objects lying around.

We checked out the Blue Grass music. Great! As is usual for me, I get involved!
I have always wanted to play a stand up string base. In fact I saw one last night when Jesse and I went to Fernbank to see the Imax movie “Tornado Alley” which I loved!
So today, I went up and made myself at home with the other musicians.

I asked them, “Can I try the bass?” They said, “Sure! This song’s in G.” I have never played a fretless intrument in my life. Much less one bigger than me! But I’ve played guitar for thousands of hours. I figured, “How different can it be?” So I grabbed it, figured out where the notes where and ROCKED!

Had a lot of fun encouraging the group to “GO for it, baby!” As well as the crowd to clap and sing along.

What a hoot.

But my thumb and middle fingers on my right hand have big ol’ blisters on them now. No pain, no gain.

Came home and enjoyed some time with Jesse. Just been working on my admin duties.

I just heard the blower so I know that Kathy is home now. She’s been out all day long helping her Bengali ladies.

Groovy day, baby!

I love these powerful cumulus clouds!

I had a dream that I had a pet owl last night.