Podcast! Calls! Plant Migration II! 11.1.20
This is a great time of the year. I love Dia de los Muertos. Sugar skulls are one of my favorite art forms.
Great news!
Studied Spanish.
Brain training.
Scary Pumpkin.
I had a great talk with my Mom.
And with my friend in Italy, Caruso.
Can you spot the Pileated Woodpecker? There are actually two in this picture.
Enjoyed a chat and a recording session with my pal Anthony Jacquin.
I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Wake Up!”
My violets are starting to bloom again. So beautiful.
I have so many interesting plants. They fill me with joy.
I brought all the plants on the deck and by the driveway inside the house. I used the dolly and it wasn’t a bad job at all. Otherwise . . .
Cleaned out the bird baths.
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