Whirlwind Missions

Monday, August 14, 2023

Duolingo! Walk! Yard! Azalea! 8.14.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

Now that’s intense.

Just keep going. Came in #1 this week.



Walked 1.88 miles. Up and down the hill 10 times.

Slightly over 1″ of rain over the last couple of days.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders.

Trimmed some trees and shrubs.

Got the weed eater after the yard. I’m so glad I’ve quit mowing. So loud. So dirty. So much pollution. And not really that much faster, if at all.

After all the storms we’ve had there are always a ton of sticks to pick up. I think I did four full wagon loads.

Blew the deck and driveway.

Yard looks better after a trim.

Lots of leaves on the driveway.

Walked another 1.26 miles with the weeder. Over three hours of strenuous exercise. My pants and socks were completely soaked. I try to drink a lot of water while I’m doing it.

I agree with the excessive heat. It’s a new world we’re living in.

Downstairs where I live, my bedroom doesn’t get much lower than 80 degrees even at night. Fans make a huge difference.

Ate curry for lunch at Masala, then got the girls around 2:30 PM.

Helped the kids with their homework. Man, the 8th grade stuff was really hard to figure out. I finally discovered this which helped me.

Everly was very proud of her new earring collection. They are the clamp style.

Listened to Don Cheto on the way home.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Processed the checks to get them ready to deposit.

Filled up the car on the way home. Went into Walmart to pick up some meds for K. She’s on antibiotics now.

Beautiful clouds.

Went by the ATM to deposit the checks and it was GONE! That’s not zesty. Looks like they may be bricking it over. I hope they replace it. That location was super convenient for me.

Usually by the end of the first day I can tell how much competition I’ll have. I expect to come in #1 pretty easily by the looks at what the other folks have been doing recently.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Walk! Español! Bike! 8.13.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:32 pm  

I tried to get going as early as possible today.



Walked up and down my hill 2.21 miles today. I was a sweaty mess. No shirt again. Just too hot.

Walked up the hill 12 times. I didn’t do as much today because I knew I was going biking soon after.

Prepped my bike for a ride. Checked the tire pressure on both. New tube seems to be doing fine.

Listened to music and Don Cheto.

It just kept getting hotter. This is what it was like when I biked.

Went a long way in spite of the heat.

Working on getting reimbursed for an order I made in error.

This is what it was like around 4 PM.

Ate pizza with K this afternoon.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Walk! Español! Bike Repair! 8.12.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:40 pm  

Just keep pushing.



Pushed myself hard walking today. I decided, “Why am I walking miles on relatively flat road? I need just to focus on this hill.” And my hill is steep.

I went up my hill 24 times without stopping.

The thick sticks represent 10. I did one more after I took this picture.

I went shirtless because my body couldn’t cool down with my completely saturated shirt on. Almost my total track is shady. Amen.

I studied Spanish the whole time. It makes the work go by fast.

Always learning new words. I was hearing this word used like a girl.

Ate lunch with K then went to Aztec cycles to get my flat tire fixed. They couldn’t find a hole, but I wasn’t going out with a tube I couldn’t count on. It’s been working just fine and then suddenly went flat? Gimme a new tube.

It was hot today. Humidity was tough.

I was planning on riding my bike but the radar stopped me. I’m not going out with this bearing down on me.

May come in #1 this week. I wasn’t really expecting that.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Rain! Anthony! Audiologist! Walk! 8.11.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:58 pm  

Sad news. I remember watching her many times at the zoo.



Big thunderstorm pushed through the ATL this morning. We’ve been getting that a lot.

Had a good time talking with my buddy Anthony this morning.

Went to Roswell to take Jessi to her audiologist for a check up on her hearing aid. Also had a brief chat with the surgeon about the wound. Everything looks great!

While we were at the doctor’s office I noticed this gentleman who looked almost exactly like Kathy’s dad.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Nice weather once the storms blew through.

I got ready for a bike ride then realized I had a flat in my front tire. Bahd luck. I’ll have to get my bike rack on my car and take her to my bike guys tomorrow morning.

I decided to exercise by hiking up and down my hill. That was a lot of work! Walked 3.79 miles and just sweated like crazy. It’s a lot sweatier than riding a bike. I literally squeezed sweat out of my shirt. It was kind of gross.

I walked up and down my hill twenty times. Worked out for about an hour and twenty five minutes.

I used the little sticks to count from 1 to 9, then a big stick to represent 10.

That was a really good work out. The Pitty Pat Hill is slightly shorter than my other hill, but the top is quite a bit steeper. I’m always looking for something that makes me breathe hard. Biking does that a lot. Walking not so much. That’s why I’m focusing just on hill work. And the bike.

I set up an account with Nationwide to get my refund from the Home Insurance company. I’ve changed to Cincinnati. I’ll be sending PNC who holds my mortgage that reimbursement to put into escrow.

I also set up my online account with Cincinnati.

Always something to do!

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Walk! Implant! Repairs! Calculators! Podcast! 8.10.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:27 pm  

One of the things I do regularly is contact the author of stories that I’ve really enjoyed. Scott Gilbertson is one of those people. He wrote about an old bus that he took around the country that he had to fix himself. It was super interesting. I wrote him months ago. Finally heard from him today.


Rain in our area. We didn’t get much. I walked with my parasol.


Because of the drizzle, I walked up and down the hill in front of my house, which is steep!

My hill is steeper at the very top than the hill I regularly walk.

About six months ago I had one of my molars extracted. That was quite an event! The wound healed up but we waited till I hit 65 and now have medicare which covers way more of the process.

Dr. Jeon is the best dentist I’ve ever had.

Today I came in for the implant. It’s a fairly complex procedure. He sawed away part of the artificial bone he put in after the extraction, and drilled in a new mount for the crown which will be put in in January. If all goes well, because of the spacing of the procedures (one in 2023, the other in 2024) insurance will hopefully cover it all. Amen to that!

The procedure took about an hour and a half. Afterwards, I came home and kept an ice pack on it for about an hour to keep the swelling down. I did three minutes on and three minutes off to not damage the skin on my face.

I’m taking ibuprofen every six hours to keep the pain to a minimum. So far everything feels fine. I did have a nice nap this afternoon. It was pretty stressful, even though I knew I was in good hands.

Listened to Don Cheto as I drove around.

All the exercise that I’m doing means I wash a lot of clothes. I’ve been helping do that more. It becomes kind of overwhelming for K at times, although she likes to help me with it.

I hot glued a piece of the stove that got cracked off.

As well as a piece of the trim on Mercury.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “The Unplanned Life.” Excellent.

I got this notice from my previous home insurance company. The refund is supposed to be over $2,500! I sent my home insurance agent this shot. Hopefully, she can get all the money sent to me so I can send it back to the bank for my escrow. She assured me she could do that. So I’m optimistic it will all work out ok.

Chatted with a friend of mine from high school this evening. I never click on anything unless I know for sure it’s not some hacker trying to mess with me.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery at Stone Mountain called, “Billion Dollar Baby.” Another winner, chicken dinner.

Went to the Dollar Tree to get more calculators for the kids at the mission. I only had two left in my bag when I worked with the kids this week. I didn’t go today because of the implant procedure. I don’t know why I thought I’d be able to do that after the surgery. Overly optimistic on my part.

Not bad for $1.25.

Folded my clothes.

Downloaded the episode I recorded this afternoon onto my Mac Air.

I’ll still do some Spanish study this evening.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Español! Walk! Azalea! 8.9.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:21 pm  

Just keep walking.



Walked 5.70 miles this morning. That included walking up and down this hill twenty times. A new record for me.

Still working on getting the life insurance policy completely squared away.

That goes for the Home insurance policy as well.

Kathy and I ate lunch at Piccadilly. We brought the girls cherry pie and cake.

Called my dentist’s office today. I go in tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM to get my implant done. She told me then I will have to wait another four months and then get the crown put on.

Third day for the kids to be back in school. They already had a lot of homework.

Heard back from my life insurance guy. He seems to think everything is in order. I still asked him to check it for me.

After the work I did today, I’m pretty much guaranteed to be in the top three. Probably #2. Holger has a track record of making up a lot of points fast.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Walk! Bike! Español! Bank! Azalea! 8.8.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:12 pm  

Super powerful!

Worked hard last month.



Walked 3.96 miles this morning. Went up my hill eleven times. I didn’t take a picture including the eleventh stick!

Gassed up my car and added some oil. I need to get an oil change soon.

Added more oil to my quart bottle that I keep in the car.

Final touches on getting the house insurance changed over.

Got rained out from picking up the groceries last night. Got them this morning.

Dropped off my Walmart bags to be recycled.

Rode my bike 6.63 miles. I would have gone a lot farther, but I needed to get to the mission on time for the girls.

Checked the mail at my office.

Picked up some supplies for the kids at the mission.

I checked on my Mint Mobile account to make sure the whole family was on board and activated properly.

Picked up the girls at the bus. Took them to Taco Veloz to get something to eat. They’d never tried horchata before. They were not impressed.

Penelope ate great. Everly pretty well.

Met the middle school kids. Had the ice cream party with them. They loved the attention and the goodies. No one has homework yet.

Listened to Don Cheto an the way home.

I picked up my groceries the morning. They had a video game included in my order. I took it back to Walmart. I figure someone was really disappointed that it wasn’t in their order!

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Thank you, Lord!

Just keep pushing. I’ll probably come in #2 this week.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Walk! Azalea! First Day of School! Popsicle Party! 8.7.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:08 pm  

And it’s not easy.

Came in #3 this last week, as expected. Duolingo is now forcing us to create an avatar rather than use a photo. Not crazy about that. Kinda stupid looking.

Prayed for a cousin of mine who is having some health challenges.

Chatted with my mentor Fred Sorrells this morning. He’s in Australia for the women’s World Cup. I give him advice on shooting video.



Walked 3.76 miles this morning. Climbed “my hill” ten times.

Ordered groceries.

Had a good talk with Andrew Toney this morning about bringing a team to work with Whirlwind. I was pretty wound up about it. Passionate about our area!

My roses are blooming. Amen.

My banana plants are really growing! Makes me so happy. Reminds me of home.

Listened to Don Cheto. Only way to improve is to keep trying to understand faster and faster.

Very hot and huge thunderstorms late this afternoon. Wow!

Went to Walmart to pick up the popsicles for the Back to School party.

Helped the kids with their homework until the massive storm blew in and soaked everything! It was like a hurricane!

What a storm!

On the way home, I saw where a big tree limb had knocked down a power line. That resulted in all the traffic lights being turned off. Turned traffic into a nightmare.

It was still raining hard when I got home. Called Walmart to let them know I’d pick up my groceries tomorrow morning.

Not sure yet how hard Holger will work. He’s got a very strong track record. I don’t think I’ll have a problem staying in the top three.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Walk! Bike! Guardians! 8.6.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:56 pm  

When I was waiting to pick up pizzas a few weeks ago, a guy came over to my car and gave me a ticket. It was for the megamillions lottery. It’s now at $1.5 BILLION that’s the highest in history. It’d be crazy if I won that, right? I’m already living my dream life, thanks to people like YOU!

I enjoyed watching the last of the trilogy today. I thought it was good. But my favorite will always be the first one.


I liked this verse in particular.

I worked with my carnivorous plants today. I took out a lot of the extra moss growing in the containers.


I changed my regular alarm from 5:45 AM which was my Summer wake up call to 7:35 AM which I will consider my normal get up time. That should help me get exercise before it gets too hot.

I was in contact with my buddy Ben Birdsong today. He’ll be sending me a check for the team from this weekend.

Walked 2.53 miles in my neighborhood.

Went home asap to miss the thunderstorms.

Prepped my bike.

Rode my bike 15.11 miles. I exercised hard today for nearly three hours.

Got sprinkled on a bit but made it home before the big rains hit. I love my radar app. It’s the powerful one that the news stations use.

Listened to Don Cheto to practice Spanish comprehension. They interviewed a doctor today. I got nearly 100% of what she said.

Jessi has really been enjoying her hearing aid. It’s state of the art! Got her some new batteries today.

As I expected, I’ll come in #3 this week. I learned a lot. That’s the most important thing!

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Christ Church to BAPS Temple, Global Mall & Azalea Place 8.5.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:43 pm  

Just keep going!



Full Sun Moon.

Walked 1.71 miles this morning before going to Doraville to set up The Show.

Tracking my data usage.

I had a great time with my team from Christ Church in Birmingham, AL today! After I gave them my briefing on Hinduism, we went on Safari to the BAPS temple in Lawrenceville.

Then to Global Mall to see the Ganesha Temple.

Went to Azalea to hang out with the kids. GREAT to have Ashley around to greet the team!

It was hot. But surprisingly cool in the shade!

The smiles made it all worthwhile!

She did a great job with the story of Esther.

Listened to Don Cheto on the way home.

Virginia Cosgrove told me there were some school supplies I could use if I needed them. I got the backpacks, some pencils, notebooks and scissors. I left most of the other stuff for the other ministries. I talked to the kids about the supplies, most of them said they had everything they needed, which is what I assumed. I focus on giving them supplies all year long. That’s when they really need stuff.

Worked on Spanish briefly this evening. No one’s is catching me and I’m not catching the top two.

Spent time editing the video I shot this afternoon and getting all the pictures into the team gallery. I’ll send the final thank you email soon. That includes all the pictures and the video link.

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