Whirlwind Missions

Monday, April 9, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm  

I got together with Bennett Ekandem this afternoon. We talked about allocation of personnel. To me that is the MOST important decision leaders can make. Where do we need to put people?

We also went over to Willow Branch where we loaded some software to compress pictures so he can upload them to the web. Part of my job is help partners get their message out! Posting pictures of teams helps remind them to pray for us! Our work continues long after they leave.

Talked with my friend Tim Tidenberg in Arkansas. He came in from Kenya yesterday with cancer. Lord willing everything will turn out ok for him.

Also talked with another friend in Texas. He just lost his job of 13 years. The even harder part is his boss is his sister’s husband. That makes for some might tense family relationships.

Ashley started the after school program at Kensington Station today with the help of Toni Branyon and Teri Earl. Marc Lassiter was also there to help. WE have a great team!

I went to my office to check on the mail, then over to Azalea to help the kids with their homework. They really didn’t have anything so I spent about an hour talking withe Marilee the manager. She’s been off of work for over 40 days because of illness. I had a prayer time with her and debriefed about the situation at Azalea with the immigration situation. Over 20 families were displaced in the last two weeks. They were either arrested by immigration or left in fear of potential arrest.

Jesse worked on a search feature on our web site. It’s cool!
