Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

Took my car into the shop this morning. The check engine light came on. Looks like an oxygen sensor has gone bad. PLUS my timing belt is due for replacement. Between the two the estimate is about $900. Not like I can walk the 50 plus miles a day! And is it just me, but is gas outrageous or what?

I took flyers by Huntington Creek and Huntington Station this morning. Picked up keys for HC for my team from First Baptist Atlanta that will be hosting an Outreach Event at those two locations plus Azalea this Sunday afternoon.

Dropped of DVDs at Briarcliff Baptist Church and at Briarlake Village. They show the team we had from Agricola BC last week. Hopefully, we’ll get more interest from the local church and from corporate because of that effort.

Had lunch with Jason Lemming. He’s a long term partner who is starting a new ministry in the area. He’s particularly interested in helping people by furnishing them micro loans to get them started in business. I think there are multiple applications of what he wants to do in our ministry area.

Went by Azalea to help the kids with their CRCT test prep. Most are doing pretty well. I’m not sure how well they’ll do on the actual test.

Spent most of the afternoon at Northside Hospital with Pat and Michelle Barrington. Carl got through his prostate surgery well. Looks like no cancer in the lymph system! Praise the Lord! Pray that all the nerves will be undamaged so he’ll have normal functioning!

Jesse and I spent a long time this evening talking about programming. It’s amazing to me how smart this kid is. It seems really complicated to me. He’s now installed three different programming languages on his little pocket PC. He goes from one platform to the other showing me how it works in Ruby then Python then Scheme. I just nod my head and try not and look too stupid.

He recently programmed the Team Assignment page so it automatically updates as I change things. Pretty slick.

Did you notice how he put in search functions on the web site and on the Photo Gallery site? Cool.

Ashley’s having some trouble at Kensington Station with some of the older 7th grade girls. We’re going to limit the After School program to Elementary only. I think that’ll solve a lot of the problems. Pray that we’ll have more volunteers there soon. Especially men.
