Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Tim A. Cummins @ 2:03 pm  

I got email from my partner Cathy Palmer today.
They recently moved to a new apartment much closer to their ministry area and see to really like it!  I’m so glad they’re doing better.  I’m a big believer in our team and I feel personally responsible for the folks I get involved with ministry.  In a real sense they are family to me, just like the missionaries I grew up with in Africa.  We called the adults, “Uncle Harold” or “Aunt Betty.”

I guess I knew intellectually that we weren’t really related, but I’m MUCH closer to my missionary family than I am to my real flesh and blood relatives.  It’s an MK thing, I reckon.

Got my financial report finished up and delivered to Jon, so I’m caught up on all my assignments.  PTL.

I big part of my strategy is training people and helping them be independent.  I’m very sensitive to “choke points,” those areas where if I’m taken out of the game the whole system stops.  I’ve tried to almost completely eliminate that.

My team are all Special Forces operatives.  They’re  ALL leaders.  I get the most fun out of catching up with partners after a few months and seeing all the fantastic things that are happening.  Independent ministries thriving.  It’s a beautiful thing.  We just need to accelerate that strategy!

I ran 4 miles right before lunch.  Although K and I averaged about 10 miles a day on the bikes, it’s not like running.  Especially when it’s hot.

I guess if you know anything about me it’s that I’m passionate about the things I do.  One of my interests is ornithology.  I love feeding the birds and watching them in my garden.  This year I was introduced to the concept of “clustering” feeders, in particular of hummingbirds which are very territorial.  So I went from one to three to five . . . now I’m up to eleven hummingbird feeders.
This one is just inches from where I sit. They constantly buzz right by me, or suddenly hover to check me out.
I’ve stretched out thin metal wire between trees and I hang the feeders from them.  The wire is very thin and it looks like the feeders are just hanging there.  Now, I have at least 5 permanent hummingbirds that constantly dash around chasing each other.  It’s super cool.
