Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

J’s Guitar!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:24 pm  

This afternoon I had a meeting with one of my partners from the Atlanta Vineyard Church, Sonia Adams.  She is helping mobilize the young adults at the church get involved with missions.  Amen to that!  We met up with Matt Johns, who is the director of the Corners Mission.  Vineyard will be helping out Matt in the future.  On October the 4th they’ll host a block party at Azalea Place apartments.  I took her over there to show her the mission and introduce her to one of our leaders, Joe Jones.

After leaving the mission with Matt and Sonia, we went to the Guitar Center to pick out a new guitar for Jesse. 
Mark checked up on the new guitar and made an adjustment to the neck.

He’s been playing a lot and really enjoying it.  He picked out a black Fender Stratocaster.  It’s a beautiful guitar.  We also got a Vox amplifier, cords, stand and a case.

Music has meant SO much to me.  If you’ve never learned to play an instrument, check out the guitar. 
They’re easy to play and sound great just strumming the open strings!

Jesse and I went back over to Azalea to help the kids with their homework and play chess.
Can you tell which ones want their picture taken?

Jouvens had challenged me to a game and had stated that he’d “beaten you twice.” 
I told him that was impossible.  There’s no way he could ever beat me in chess.  So we played a couple of games and I thrashed him.   He’d been talking a lot of smack, so he needed a dose of humility.

Jesse got so good I could hardly ever beat him.  He was the #2 chess player for Parkview High School as a Sophomore.

I’ve been so tired the last couple of days I haven’t exercised.  Then I feel guilty.  Tomorrow for sure!