Whirlwind Missions

Monday, November 17, 2008


Tim A. Cummins @ 11:19 pm  

Jesse and I went to visit Pastor Bobby Atkins today.  His church is Truth Tabernacle of Praise.  They’ve partnered with me on a number of Outreach Events.

His church is on Memorial Drive. 
J and I did a recon of the area around his church and noticed Highland Chase–which is a Miles Property. I work with three of their other properties.

Pastor Bobby and I discussed having a Christmas Party over at that location on December 13th.  He was for the idea so we went over to talked with the manager of Highland Chase. 
La Cheryl was all for the idea!  That’s great!  The property is the next door neighbor to Truth Tab.

J and I went to check on Cathy Palmer and her sewing class.  It was wonderful to see those ladies all working together.  I think it’s a great idea.
Also got to visit with John Okelly who is the director of the Clarkston Community Center.  He’s doing a terrific job in a very difficult area.
We ate lunch with Bennett Ekandem. Always fun!
Went to the office to pick up the mail.  Pile of bills.

Donations are down this month.  People are scared of all the economy woes.

Makes it tight for ministries.  Pray for us.

We went to the mission to check on the kids.  Had to go to Office Depot to pick up some supplies the kids needed.

Came back home to Stone Mountain.  Ran 4 miles.  Needed the stress relief.