Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Tim A. Cummins @ 6:31 pm  

I had a fun day yesterday and even better today!

Yesterday Neal Reddy and I went to the Central Precinct Apartment Managers meeting at the Dekalb County Police HQ.
There was some interesting info presented by the heads of Burglary, Homicide, the CIP unit.  Bottom line, be careful!  Lots of crime out there and getting worse because of the soft economy.

So make sure you don’t leave stuff in plain sight, in particular when you park at the malls.

Also had a meeting with two of the Bhutanese/Nepali pastors.
I’m going to help them find where the other Bhutanese live and train some leaders.  I’ll also help Santi get through the process of becoming a missionary with the North American Mission Board.

Interesting clouds yesterday.  Note the rainbow colors in the tiny ice crystals that make up this cloud formation.
Jesse helped me finish up the newsletters.  I still have some gifts I’m making that we’ll put in the envelopes and I’ll mail out tomorrow.

Today we had four of Kathy’s brothers and sisters come over to our house for lunch.
Bill brought his girlfriend Deborah with him. I always enjoy hanging out with the family.
They are always a lively group.  I’m glad we could spend the time together.  They hadn’t seen our house since it had been redone after the fire.  Hard to believe we’ve already been back four months!

I ran 4 miles yesterday.  Kathy just left for a bike ride.  Resting today.