Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Early Christmas!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:53 pm  

 Man, was it cold last night!  My digital thermometer read 27 degrees.

This is what the water in my bird bath looked like!  I filled it up with water later.
Jesse was with me today.  He’s always fun to have around.

We met with several other managers from Chamblee and Doraville this week.  It was a very interesting time when the owner of the Do It Yourself Pest Control company came over. 
There’s a bad bed bug problem in Chamblee right now.

We had a meeting with my partner from Dunwoody Baptist Church today, Barb Newman.  She’s a no nonsense go getter and is one of my favorites.  Also met with Eduardo and Sheila from Venezuela.  We talked about possibly serving in Huntington Ridge.   It can be kind of a scary place, so I have to be really honest with people about the challenges.  Barb brought her friends Barry and Tom who are interested in helping this pastor get involved with our Latino community.

Yesterday, when I was in Lithonia, Toni Branyon gave me some fun stuff that had been donated to her.

I enjoyed giving the balls and cameras out to the kids.
I love taking pictures.  I’m not sure if the kids will ever get theirs developed.