Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

NAMB! and Ruthie!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:37 pm  

Had a fun day today with Ruthie North and my wingman, Jesse!
We picked up Ruthie North at the mission at Huntington Creek where she lives and shot over to Alpharetta so I could do my seminar with the candidates for the North American Mission Board. 
I was four minutes early for my presentation.  They were getting uptight!

They were a great group.  I always enjoy encouraging them to “Get with the program, baby!” 

I speak to them about the Five Levels of Engagement:  Prayer, Collection, Distribution, Weekly and Full Time workers.

We went to Walmart and KMart to track down supplies Ruthie needed for the craft fair she’s working at this weekend.  Pray that that goes well for her so she can help support her family and the refugees that she’s working with.

Checked on the kids at Azalea.  MAN, they needed a lot of help today!  I was glad that Ruthie was along to shoulder part of the load.  Jesse was his usual patient self.  I dig my son!

We picked up Ian and all four of us went out for BBQ. i

Came home and went grocery shopping.  K and I are headed out of town for a few days.  I have really been pushing it to the extreme and I’m just pooped.

Granted, pooped for me is still far more energy than most people!

But still pooped.  Pray for a relaxing weekend with my wife.  It’s supposed to rain the next four days.  Bahd luck.