Whirlwind Missions

Friday, October 1, 2010

Drew! J!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:57 pm  

Did the shopping this morning and picked up some antibiotics for Jesse.

He’s feeling a lot better since yesterday. He may not even need to take the meds now. PTL for that!

Had a nice rest day. Went to the book store. I came out of the store and heard, “Hey, Tim!” Turned out to be my buddy Drew Grubbs! He’d just come in from Florida last night. It was really great to see him. We talked for at least an hour. He’s doing terrific in his ministry in Florida with my good friend Pastor Sam Letson. Sam used to the be the pastor at FBC Doraville where my office is. Great team!

I often tell people that I have a schedule for my day, but many times the most important thing that happens isn’t planned. It certainly was the case today. I’ve really missed seeing Drew. He’s been a great partner over the years and a real kindred spirit.

Came home and ran about 2 1/4 miles. Took it easy. I’ve been having some knee issues, doesn’t hurt just feels “loose” if that makes any sense. So I listen to my body and take it easy. Good run. No pain. It’s a beautiful thing!

While running I pray for my buddy Ian North. Saturday he’ll be running an Ultra Marathon, over 30 miles! Yow! I’m sure he’ll do great! Pray for him as he runs!

I’ll be busy working with my partner 12 Stone Church in Lawrenceville on Saturday. They’re covering two locations tomorrow with block parties. They are one of my favorite churches. Norwood Davis is a real hero of mine.

Jesse was feeling better tonight. I took him out for Thai food. Kathy was riding her bike.


Can you see my beard growing?

Love that coconut soup!

Finishing up my admin duties now. Also need to do my financial report. Always something!

I saw some unusual bumper stickers today. What’s your take on them?



And on a different wave length: