Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Tim A. Cummins @ 3:34 pm  

Woke up this morning feeling really achy. My throat and head also hurt. Pray for healing!

Kathy and I finished folding and stuffing the envelopes for the newsletter. J and K went to eat and put them in the mail for me.

Worked on the directory for the Apartment Manager group.

Also typed up the minutes from the meeting and sent them to the attendees from yesterday.

J and I just rewired his ceiling fan. We installed a new off/on switch for the four lights. Worked out great!

Went through all my email and calls.

Still have a killer headache. I’m glad that J and Kathy will help the kids today. If I hadn’t had them, I would’ve gone and been miserable.

I knew something was up yesterday. Had a hard time dealing with extreme noise and rambunction.